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Everything posted by Painer

  1. A lone island off the Russian coast, the Chernarus Free Zone has been established by those immune to the super-flu like plague that has swept the planet. Although they themselves have not been turned, they battle every day to survive against their former neighbors, who themselves are no longer human. Currently their mission is simple - have some sort of community order, develop an efficient system of combating the current threat of zombies, and eventually re-establish a working society. Some members of the zone work together, some stay to themselves. Some never use violence, some will kill on sight, whether human or zombie. However, all have one common goal - make it to the next day alive. Hi all, some friends and I just started up a new password protected private hive server. We are hoping to find a few more like minded individuals to join in on the fun. It's an unusual setup, and I'll say off the bat this server will not be for everyone. We have some pretty strict but fair rules, and anyone with a mindset to play on this type server will definitely have a blast. There are certain zones where PvP is allowed, others it is not. Property rights essentially exist, with respect to player camps. There are modifications to the map, such as extra barracks in military areas. There are plenty of vehicles, and they spawn with every server restart. We never change anything big on the server without an input from all the players. Also, the server is constantly evolving. With that being said I will lay out the server rules. *No you aren't required to RP, most people don't* 1. No mic spamming side chat - casual talk is ok but you don't need to narrate your dayz life 2. PvP - attached is a map. This map is a visual way to determine PvP areas. There are red zones, which are for PvP. ANYTHING NOT IN A RED ZONE IS A GREEN ZONE. PvP is not allowed in the green zone. The following are red zones - Northwest Air Field - Bilota Airstrip - Northeast Airfield - Stary Sabor (tents and town) - Devil's Castle (for PvP events) - Helicopter crashes These red zone areas all have additional Barracks buildings added to them to increase high quality military loot and make the risk of PvP even more worth it. 3. ABSOLUTELY no scripting/hacking. Instant permaban. 4. No over the top harassment of other players. PvP is one thing, but keep chat classy. 5. No invading the camps of other players without their permission. If you are invited, it's one thing. But if you stumble across an obvious camp, stay away and do not steal from your fellow players. If caught, you will be banned. 6. No more than 2 helicopters for each squad camp - only 1 chopper per lone wolf camp (a Lone wolf is someone who only plays solo). 7. Admins can provide excess sandbags/barbed wire for camps. Just let them know if you need some to decorate your camp. 8. Any issues that affect your gameplay should be brought to an admin. 9. Under no circumstances can you give out the password to this server. Doing so will result in a ban. Each player must go through the application process unless an admin clears them first. 10. No camps within 400m of a red zone. This is to prevent people from sitting in their camps and sniping enemies, etc. 11. All playstyles are allowed. As this is a role play based server there may be bandits, who use dirty tricks. As long as it doesn't violate any of the rules, it is allowed. Misc. info - IP - Search keyphrase for Dayz Commander - "Chernarus Free Zone" Server location - US Difficulty - Regular 24/7 Daylight Two ways to apply - copy and paste the following into an email and send to "uabdrover@gmail.com" or visit our forums http://hive.dayz.st/viewforum.php?f=22 In game name - A little about yourself (nothing personal) - Have you read to the rules of the server and agree to all of them, knowing any violation will be an instant permanent ban?
  2. Still looking for more PvP based teams. 50 slot server has plenty of space. Ventrilo coming this weekend and each squad is welcome to have their own room. Also plenty of space on the map for bases and admins supply base supplies to trick out your base (custom buildings available too)
  3. Do the dayz extended vehicles work on non-rmod servers? Chernarus map specifically. Thanks!
  4. Update: Looking to recruit a few PvP based squads of 3+ people. Plenty of vehicles, choice of camp areas, etc. Also building a new military themed PvP zone with custom buildings and loot spots this week!
  5. Got the forums up although still finessing them and the ventrilo server is coming this week.
  6. RP is definitely not required. There are zero hackers as the current player base has all been looked through and knows each other and the server is password protected. Also, the server has 6 hour restarts on the hour.
  7. I've been messing with custom buildings and boy do I have my work cut out for me. Time to modify the existing military bases on Chernarus and make them shall we say....a bit more fun
  8. Ersan, did you ever get this done or still have plans? This would be AMAZING on my current server.
  9. Painer

    Decent Private Hive Server Supplier?

    I just got a server with Dayz.St and for $30 you can't get a better server. Anything you can't do yourself with the database and custom CP just email the support and they will hook it up.
  10. How long does it usually take the servers to register with dayz commanders server list? BTW, the instant access was amazing.
  11. Hi, one last question - do you have a working map tool for chernarus map? Is it capable of showing player inventories? I use this as a security device against hackers to check for illegal weapons and teleporting. Or maybe any other tool you may have to protect against hackers. Thanks! Possibly ordering a server today
  12. Maxx I can understand your frustration man, you have a great website with a lot of good info. I just try and not get bent out of shape over it. And yes, you make good points, I just don't think that SS purposefully does any of this. And no, the customer shouldn't accept sub par service. I just get the feeling that they are trying hard to please us and if we give them a break, in the end we will be compensated. And also I feel your pain with dayz tools, I use it as an antihacker to check coords and inventories of questionable players and right now with a full server I am having issues left and right - the tools couldn't get here quick enough. p.s. My server was down for about 3 days with the bliss update - I lost several of my regular players and that really sucks. They had a lot of energy and time invested in their bases and now it's all new. I still just get the feeling they (SS) are trying to make things better and given the chance they will. I am willing to give them a shot.
  13. I rent a private hive, 40 slot from Survival Servers. You are welcome to come on right now we are having massive PvP in Cherno and Elektro and are hovering between 35-40 people on with no lag. My main issue now is deciding whether to get more slots, not whether the quality is bad. Most people who have server problems honestly don't have any business administrating one. If you have never even used ANY type of database and can't tell me what a table is....you really should study a bit before buying a server. Now with regards to the bliss update, yeah SS had some issues that weren't even on their end. The people all asked for Rmod and SS made it happen and did their best. People will always complain. You however sir show a seriously biased complaint with zero professionalism. It's hard to take that serious. It's all just personal bias and that doesn't garner respect. And just FYI, I don't know ersan or rent from his company but his product looks really good. He's also very attentive to his customers needs, and is obviously a skilled programmer. I would have no issues renting from him if anything happened to SS. - my 2 cents
  14. Guys, they are still a great server company. Being the first to dive into new waters is never easy, and even though it's been rough they are still doing great. Bear with them, and I trust they will take care of us. Also, has anyone actually studied up on the new database? It seems with the right knowledge of tables this will be much easier to customize. tl;dr - The past few days have sucked just hold out and it will be worth it
  15. So the new migration created a new database in the phpadmin I noticed. However the maptool for private servers that shows in game vehicles is connected to the old database - anyway to change this to the new one?
  16. Is the $30 price for all types of servers? I'm looking for a private hive with all the mod options and just price checking - looks like a great product so far
  17. I think I may be able to help some of you guys who's servers aren't running. No promises but try this. Go to your updates file while server is stopped of course - install version 96061 - then go to config editor (the main config editor, NOT text editor) and change the version your server is running down at the bottom - dont forget to save. Then start the server back up. I don't know what it is but sometimes they need to be rebooted with the earliest version and they run smoother. After a while of smooth running you can go back up to a newer version. Currently I get the best performance with 97239,
  18. Can anyone confirm a list of the exact vehicles and weapons from http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/index.php that work? Also, does anyone know if there are any new clothing packet available to spawn now? (like the ghillie suits)
  19. I havent' had any issues getting into my database, info hasn't changed - i can confirm i have successfully spawned a HMMVW with the 50 cal
  20. Ok it's all good now - make sure in your DB PASS and DB USER all that is is your name and pw for your phpadmin database MINUS the "dayz" part under your login name. For example if your database login name is "dayzbobsmith" your DB login is just "bobsmith" and its the same password
  21. Edit - see below, make sure you have the right DB user and pass
  22. Well, I'm getting in but can't get past the loading screen
  23. Anyone who has installed the new hive and rmod managed to get past the loading screen?