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Everything posted by Painer

  1. Guys - let's be fair - if you've been keeping up with the news they said they are implementing the new updates today, so we were warned. Yes, it sucks to have a server down, but the updates will be great and worth it.
  2. Just wondering guys @ Survival Servers what time zone are you using when you say "tonight" lol. Whatever timezone these forums are on throws me off. I am US Central (gmt -6) and I'm chomping at the bit to install the rmod on my private hive lol. Thanks :)
  3. I would like to add I have personally received financial compensation from Survival Servers and they are a financially responsible company. When they say they will refund money they do it. It might not be right that second but they take care of their customers. Edit: That sounded weird but basically I had to cancel the wrong server type I bought and they refunded me within 24 hours.
  4. Does a zombie love brains? And yes, Survival Servers is an amazing company - great servers, great customer service, I am using them and absolutely loving it
  5. I've also been getting the bad gateway a lot. Anyone having issues with their private hive today? Restarted mine and it says running but the servers not answering - got a ticket in just didn't know if a forum user would have the same issue
  6. try and give them at least 24 hours on the tickets lol - i know im a new subscriber and ive been bugging them a lot and they still manage to get to me - overall I couldn't be happier as a customer though we love our private hive server
  7. I have access to my servers phpadmin database. The last time I hosted a server was Day of Defeat Source several yearsago but I am comfortable with navigation around tables and text files. The situation I'm currently working with is we have an abundance of certain vehicles and I was wondering if I could edit the tables to put another vehicle in it's place. Example, replace a UAZ spawn with a URAL, etc. I briefly navigated through the database but couldn't identify where exactly this info was kept but I am told it can be done. Thanks in advance.
  8. Just got our server up and running. Can't say enough about this server company - their tools are great, the server runs incredibly smooth, and customer service is spot on. Definitely a thumbs up and recommending them to the DayZ community.
  9. It's ok, the email said it would be ready today around 1pm PST, but I know it's the weekend and you are very busy. I don't mind waiting a little longer for good quality!
  10. Yeah my server was supposed to be up 3 hours ago...no response yet
  11. I just purchased a server from these fine folks. I accidentally bought the $30 server when I meant to get the $40 private hive with database access and DayZ tools panel. Can't wait to get this baby up and rolling! UPDATE: Within 30 minutes of purchasing the server I realized I purchased the wrong one. However they are currently refunding my money and I am purchasing a different server. Very fast and courteous customer service and a trouble-free server selection.