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Posts posted by SubSt8

  1. A won round convert is the best kind, you will become a sort of bard for our legend and be welcomed openly by us on "the hill".

    I do have a couple of 660GTX in SLI which is not cutting edge by far but it still shifts a fair bit (though SLI leverage in Dayz is a non-event me thinks).


    Your warm words bring a feeling of outright justification and complete knowledge of the true worthyness of my important and vital position within the community, 

    Truly most of this community simply cannot comprehend the deeds of the elite and choose to see them as lies. Shadowplay is an amazing feature that Nvidia has developed for the cause of the elite so that when these plebeians come crying for proof we may direct them to our glorious youtube channels. You must consider using this in your future exploits.

  2. 000000000000000000.1% is the same as 0.1%

    Since 0000000000000 is not less than 0.

    If you type 0.000000001% that is less than 000000000000000000000000000000.1%

    You with me mister elite pro master?


    Anyway, i think this story is 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% true.

    What is hard to understand about this? He was talking to the .1% he just felt it necessary to include the 6 zeros to show the correct amount of holders because there are about 800,000+ players in the game. This logic is flawless and clearly you are too dimwitted to see his brilliance, plebeian.

  3. Please read the history of the posts friends. There were 2 additional players on top of the 5 I originally spotted, that were out of sight and made an unwelcome appearance. I fired a total of 5 shots and attained 6 kills, Itchy cleared the last guy up.

    So your lesson for today is simple, read the words of wisdom with care and next time you will be rewarded by a warmer welcome. Still go in peace.

    If you cannot clearly state the situation the first time then I still have my doubts of this situation. I will allow a pass for this grievance this time, but know you have a warning. There will be no more leniency in future cases.

  4. Hmmm I have questions and concerns and don't wish to read through all the replies to see if this has been addressed.

    At the start you say there are 5 victims. You kill 2 with 1 bullet, leaving only 3 left. You met one in the alley, which you headshot, leaving 2 left. Now this is where it gets strange. An elite caliber player wouldn't need to use 3 bullets for a single players headshot and the way you describe the situation is that you got three headshots, implying that you got three kills, and yet you still say there is another player left.

    So what is it, did you waste two bullets into a corpse, dismissing your elite player status, or did you miscount the amount of players you were engaging against. Either way I must say that was QUITE sloppy and dismiss your elite player status. You may try to renew this status next year but for the remaining year of 2014 you will no longer be allowed this status. Thank you for your time.

  5. now all you need to do is start hacking so you can get awesome footage(that and get personality he has that ill give him that if far to cocky lol as for his tactic to prove his innocence(or lack there of) if hacking was classed as a criminal offence and he was rolled into court this subjective evidence you say ( which in a court would be classed as expert testimony ) circumstantial maybe but you better believe he would need to be pulling out his archives of footage(they would have been required anyway ) he would most likely be convicted ....


    Doesnt change the fact what he does is for entertainment and he does entertain and thats what he is there to do so good on him but make no mistakes he got caught with his hand in cookie jar and seems to avoid Dayz now like the plague as there are to many knoledgeable experts who can see what he is actually doing......

    The video just shows a person taking the edited (not raw) footage and making claims and using the claims as fact and making conclusions. Their claims are based on lies, the footage is edited and not raw. If it were raw footage then they might be able to make a case. The "expert testimony" is nothing more than random people on reddit, far from experts and they didn't provide any real proof to their claims.

    The video showing the cheater using cheats and then activating the blinking light doesn't prove the only way to activate the blinking light is through cheats. It just proves that using cheats activates the blinking light.

    Frankie should never upload his raw footage, because uploading one set of raw footage will make them claim the next set of edited footage proves he cheats, then he will need to upload THAT raw footage, and so on. He should never feed the trolls, it is their job to have the preponderance of evidence and if that is indeed the case, which it isn't as of right now, he could then defend himself.



    the video is pretty much solid SubSt8


    Which video? The one from a year ago quoting random people from reddit? Unless we knew exactly what version of the game, the mod, the launcher, his launch settings, his background programs, his drivers, his hardware and who knows what else might have a slight effect on the game, we can never truly reproduce his experience to prove that he was cheating.

    I am not going to go step by step talking about why this video is just conjecture, but remember frankie may edit his videos to satisfy his story telling, so in one part he may have X but in the actual game footage he had Y and just chose to re-shoot the scene to make the video look better. This isn't cheating in game, this is just cheating the video.

  7. I like him because he knows how to make a plot and add suspense. He also gives away some nice tips on the way for us bambies.

    Like him or not, who really cares except maybe himself.

    Honestly speaking, the only people who care are the ones who are secretly jealous. 


    Oh and I guess if I am perfectly honest, I am jealous also. I would love to be able to make money for playing a video game because people enjoy watching my content.



    But then again it never hurts to try!

    • Like 1

  8. The guy's a hacker. The problem is that he's hypocritical in his treatment of hackers. That's why people don't like him.

    He's a talented videographer and has charisma to boot, but the way he plays (mostly with godmode) compromises the game for non-cheating players.


    There's hours upon hours of video of him hacking, plus his incredible "luck", plus his weird denials and aggressive takedowns of videos explaining how he's hacking.


    The easiest thing would either have been for him to admit it, apologise and explain that it makes his videos that much more entertaining, and then move on and not hack. Or, he could have just provided a couple of uncut videos - a videographer like him (with such a calibre of professionalism) would have hard drives upon hard drives of footage. Simply providing the uncut version of the most questionable of his encounters would have ended all accusations. He didn't do that.

    Except then they would find some OTHER reason to call him a cheater and demand the footage from THAT video. And so on and so on and so on. It would be a never ending cycle, it's better he didn't feed the trolls and just keeps doing what he is doing. The lack of proof for his innocence doesn't make him guilty. The evidence is all conjecture, especially in a video game as buggy as DayZ.



    I just hate how sometimes he sees peoples heads from 600 meters away yet he cant tell that he has ammo in his bag or just him being plain bad at the game


    Oh lord don't ever make mistakes! That is purely impossible!

    Nobody is perfect all the time.

  9. There is literally no way to prove 100% he cheated. The mod was extremely buggy, any "evidence" people have is all purely conjecture. Just as people are claiming cheats right now in the alpha when killed by invisible players or through walls or god mode, it all comes down to desync. The same could happen in DayZ mod.

    You can call me a blind fanboy but to me you seem like some blind hater. He produces quality entertainment. I hate cheaters as much as the next guy but everyones claims about cheats could just be editing or some other bugs just as easily as it could be cheats. The only way we can know is if Frankie ever admitted to it, which he isn't going to so I choose to believe he doesn't cheat. Until someone has some perfect evidence of him cheating. Which no one does.

  10. Bodies don't stick around nearly long enough now, maybe 5 minutes. Unless you are suicidal there is next to no way to retrieve gear from a dead body now. Could dead bodies stick around forever again, at least until someone does hide body or the server resets?

    • Like 1

  11. Sorry, nobody is going to wait 15 minutes to rejoin their favorite server especially playing with friends.

    Actually what I meant when I said that was that if they try to join a NEW server they incur the 15 minute wait time. This also stops users from engaging in a fight, switching servers and then getting into a better position and rejoining the first server so they can get an easy kill.

    Here is an edit to show EXACTLY what I meant:

    How to solve server hoppers:

    More private hive servers.

    Logout time. You can leave the server instantly but your body stays behind for 30 seconds.

    Relog cooldown. You cannot join a new server without getting a 15 minute wait time but can rejoin the same server without a cooldown.

    Loot spawns. Make them more random, stop respawning instantly after server reset, and have them spawn after a certain amount of time

    More loot locations.

    So in reality to stop server hoppers we just need to wait for the game to get more features.

  12. I'm not sure how they're going to curb this. Solve one problem, create ten more. However I must admit I'm guilty of it. I try not to, but when I get throw off a ladder because of a glitch. I dont want to play by the rules :)

    How to solve server hoppers:

    More private hive servers.

    Logout time. You can leave the server instantly but your body stays behind for 30 seconds.

    Relog cooldown. You cannot join a new server after being in another server for 15 minutes.

    Loot spawns. Make them more random, stop respawning instantly after server reset, and have them spawn after a certain amount of time

    More loot locations.

    So in reality to stop server hoppers we just need to wait for the game to get more features.

  13. Yup and as long as a player is a threat to me I will never hesitate to kill them. Rocket needs to allow players to put themselves in hand cuffs and also have a submissive pose, something like prone but they can't have a weapon in their hands, including their hands, it takes 10 seconds to get up from and they are fully lootable while in that position. Also they need to fix the lag desync so that I can be assured that what I am seeing the player do is what they are actually doing. Also they need to stop all forms of combat logging, you log out while bleeding, in the submissive pose, restrained, after pressing the attack button(within a minute), or within 10 meters of another player(without waiting 30 seconds to logout properly), then you are dead.Then and only then will I stop killing on sight.

    So maybe once SA is out of alpha. Until then I will KoS and have a good old time doing it.

  14. Watch that Dyslexci video... the actual FOV (horizontal) changes very little going from 1st to 3rd person. 


    And I don't care who you are, there is no way you can see around a corner or over walls with a 180 degree view.

    I know the difference in FOV, I've played the game plenty. The point that I was making is that if we are simply talking about realism, not gameplay, third person is closer to real than first. There is no way to see around corner or walls...unless you actually look around corners and walls, which you can do with a simple hop and peak over. Which you can't do in game, so until they add a way for a player to scale a small wall to peak over in first person, I feel third person is a better option


    Of course but there are tradeoffs, first person is more immersive and makes combat more fair. It also allow players to use sneaky maneuvers that are simply not possible against a player who has eyes behind his head. It gives a real tradeof to going prone. I think the restricted view angle adds more interesting elements that it removes.


    3rd person is a crutch that doesn't really solve what it's supposed to and adds more problems.

    Again, you are talking gameplay and I am talking realism. Gameplay I prefer first person but Rocket seems to be more focused on realism in his game. Until a game can perfectly represent a humans abilities (scaling walls to look over them, crawling silently to look around corners, ect) third person is as close to realistic as we can get.


    Tl;dr I prefer first person but third person is more realistic.

  15. Let me preface with that I prefer first person.

    That said third person does have some legit reasons for being more realistic. A persons field of view is close to 180, yet in most games we have a field of view around 60-90. Third person is a closer representation of the FOV that a normal human would have, plus when you take into account that there are many movements we can't do in game, such as peak our head above a fence, or hear noises that we would normally hear, the third person option does a better job of giving us the players more information.

    I still feel that first person offers a better challenge but if we are talking about realism, I honestly feel that third person is closer to realistic.

    • Like 1

  16. I created this tool because DayzDB Map is not fully updated yet, but i probably won't improve this loot map because there are enough other maps out there.


    Also i stopped working on a DayzMap App, because there are enough others out there too.



    maybe it's because of vista, idk sorry.

    I'm downloading right now to give it a shot, but if it works like I think it will then I would love for you to continue to update it. I have always felt that DayZ DB maps were clunky and slow, would love a fast reacting map with powerful options.
