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Posts posted by SubSt8

  1. I don't think you were cheating but a video doesn't really absolutely prove that you weren't.  Most game hacks are known to be drawn on independent graphic layers that don't appear when recording video.  That's not just something I'm pulling out of my ass either.  It's a well known feature in many game hacks, especially paid/subscription ones.


    Many streamers/youtubers have been later caught and banned despite many "proof" videos they've posted proclaiming their innocence.

    Not saying your lying, just never heard of a game cheat that does this.

    Either way, the point I was proving was that you could clearly see the fellow on the hill. It's not like he was so well hidden that it was impossible for him to be spotted, like he was claiming.

  2. Haha what a funny little man, he accuses you of cheating and then goes to a glitched spot so he has the god-like power to speak to the entire world?

    It is he, not you, who has abused the game and therefore is guilty of cheating. 


  3. Called you a cheater on the internet? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BLASPHEMY?!



    You are a cheater.

    Like I said, it bothered me. It's not the end of my world, but just out right dismissing evidence when supplied to you? I mean how desperate was he to keep his ego in check that he had to ignore facts presented to him.

    I know I know, how much of an ego do I need to make a forum post to prove the guy wrong?

    It irked me, that's all.

  4. when you kill streamer prepare for some accuse :D


    they having ego too much big


    but is also very fragile like balloon too much air inside ;)


    and you bursting this IN FRONT OF FANBOYS :thumbsup:  :lol:


    oh....  :|


    is you who was streamer and this topic is simple advertise > :(

    Wut? I didn't even post my http://www.twitch.tv/subst8 link.... just some highlights. You are crazy.

    Edit: Also unlike most streamers I don't automatically assume all my deaths are from cheaters or stream snipers.

  5. Why? Because I care.

    This guy (steam name Zanobi) is trying to say I or someone on my team uses cheats to spot him on the hill. You be the judge:


    Oh and here is the whole session, to prove I didn't edit the video:
    Jump to 1:10:15

     We heard a mosin shot, so naturally I checked the sniper small hill first. Spotted him laying in a bush, called it out to my team. Took shots at him, my teammate spotted where I was hitting and started taking shots also. Either I hit him or my teammate did, not sure.

    He then comes back and goes into the glitched spot on the roof of the school to call bullshit on the kills. Took me 10 minutes to convince him to add me on steam so I could send him that EXACT video and he still believes I am cheating. Claiming there is a way to hide the cheats from the stream. I stream all the time, anyone can check any of my stream recordings to prove my innocence, or check my live stream.

    So what do you guys think?

    • Like 3

  6. It probably isn't someone cheating, more likely just server desync. Have had it happen to me numerous times, I know it's desync cause I run with friends. I will run into a building, make sure it's clear of enemies, then suddenly I am dead. I heard no gun shots, just suddenly broken legs and dead. My friends tell me though that they heard gun shots and they clear the building to find the guy that killed me. So it's probably unlikely someone is cheating, and more than likely just desync.

  7. I am very against combat loggers but the only excuse a person has for EVER combat logging is if someone is server hopping or as people like to say now, ghosting. And that is the only excuse because the other person combat logged first. 


    Then we will always fundamentally disagree on the role of server administrators for DayZ. Administrators pay to host the game; they are not members of the development team or game designers. The only powers they should have to decide how the game gets played are the ones directly granted by the developers themselves - 1st/3rd person, number of slots, etc.
    They should not be permitted to "set the rules." That's the job of the designers of the game. As soon as you allow administrators to do it, then you get rules like "No PvP" or "Only Clan Members Allowed" or "No Snipers!" and these fundamentally undermine the spirit of the game and corrupt the designer's intent which could easily, over time, weaken the franchise.
    If you want to decide how the game gets played, put an application in at Bohemia or start your own company.
    I actually didn't say that, nor do I think you should have those powers. It's not your game to modify as you see fit.
    If you're "not interested" in hosting unless you can tinker with the game until it's not even really the same game anymore, then just don't do it. But don't act like it's your inalienable right to do so, or that it's somehow evil or corrupt for Bohemia or Dean to want people to run DayZ servers in a certain way.
    It's their franchise, and they should get to decide how it is experienced by customers.


    If you wont allow server owners to run the server the way they wish to, how do you propose they incentivize people to buy servers? Game developers should decide MANY of the games major factors. But in a sandbox type game like this, the server owners need to set a great amount of the rules also. Other sandbox games that do this right? Minecraft, Garrys Mod, Terraria, Starbound, GTA. GTA does the servers just about perfect, from what I remember of GTA 4, making a game consisted of either choosing several game types, choosing the guns, cars, weather, ect. This was a structured way to give server admins (you didn't own a GTA server, you run ran one really) power to decide how their game would be played. And then there was the sandbox game type that just allowed you to do what ever you wish.

    Oh and DayZ mod also. How silly of me to miss that game, being able to run a server there you could have the server settings however you wished, and do what ever you wanted, AND had stupidly powerful admin tools that LITERALLY allowed admins to cheat, if they wanted.

    What you want and are asking for are servers to be run as if this game was an MMO. It isn't. If this WAS an MMO then they would host all their servers, people couldn't spend money to setup their own servers. They would have 100% control of the game and how it is played. This isn't how they want to run their game and asking for them to suddenly enforce global rules on all servers is just ridiculous. People wouldn't choose to spend money on the servers, that support their game, if they couldn't run them the way they see fit.|

    We wont ever see eye to eye, but I don't want you to think this is just a cop out. We have to agree to disagree on this and see how rocket and bohemia choose to handle the situation. My money is that they will side with what they have been doing, allowing server admins and owners to decide how to run those servers.

  9. When it comes right down to it I feel that if someone pays to host a service for others to use, they should be allowed to set the rules. I host my own teamspeak server and if someone came in and told me I am not allowed to use a certain codec, or name a channel a certain way then I would probably just stop hosting the teamspeak server. It's not worth the hassle or money to have no control over a service I am providing other players for free.

    You say admins still will have a lot of power, even if we force them into a certain set of guidelines. I doubt that, when I look at past games and see how server owners are treated by the game developers as nothing more then their way of hosting servers without having to pay for them themselves. This is becoming an industry STANDARD now, when you wish to have your own game server you are allowed very little freedom for that server. Take Battlefield 3 and 4, a server owner is allowed to choose the name, the MoTD and the map cycle. That is it. But Counter strike servers that I have hosted in the past I could control every aspect of the game, from serious concerns like maps and guns to silly things like gravity and friction. 

    The point is that I see game developers going down this dark path and I am hopeful that this game doesn't follow suit. I have no interest in owning a server or admining for a server that I am given very little control over except that I am forced into the responsibility of paying for the server and making sure there are no cheaters.

    I have no issue with owning those responsibilities but if I want to kick an ass-hat for being an ass-hat or make it so every other week we only use pistols on the server, I want the power to be able to do that. You say we will still be able to, but history proves you wrong.

  10. I had a similar situation happending to me, if you`re out of ammo, i tried this simple approach:


    I had a FNX out just like you, but instead of doing the business close up, getting my clothes bloody, i caught the bullet the player shot at me in my pistol barrel and promptly sent his own bullet through his head. 

    Oh don't be silly, this is just simply unfair to the other player. I could not have him thinking I am some cheater, it's much more entertaining to give myself handicaps, at least allowing the enemy player to THINK they stand a chance.

    Plus we all know that bullets need gunpowder to work, unless you had a modified FNX, which admittedly I did have, this situation wouldn't work.

  11. No, it's not the end of the goddamn story. Just because you pay for something does not make you immune to the rules. I pay to rent my apartment, that doesn't mean I get to turn it into a Meth distribution center. Just because I pay for a cab doen't mean I get to shit in the backseat.


    Rules are rules, and if administrators aren't willing to follow them then they shouldn't rent servers. "End of story."




    And how exactly do you expect me to tell if a server's administrators are cheating, abusive assholes before I play there?


    You're basically asking me to wait and see if I get subjected to abuse, and then take note of the servers I'm on so I know not to go back there?


    No. How about administrators just obey the rules? Why is that such a difficult thing to ask?




    I'm 34 and I've been gaming since 1986. I've also been working in the industry since 2003. So no, I'm not exactly a "new gamer."


    Your argument that because things have happened in the past they should be allowed to happen in the future is just goofy. What does it matter how other games were run? This is DayZ. Let's talk about DayZ, not Quake 2. Especially because games in the past did not run on the same principal. There was no "central hive" in Quake or Counterstrike or Unreal Tournament, and no character persistence over time. Those are major differences, and very relevant.



    Also, there's a big difference between "deciding how your server is run" and breaking the rules. Administrators get to decide on plenty of options, but cheating like a pack of assholes should not be one of those options.


    Abusive administrators hurt the game, period. I should not have to keep a list of servers run by corrupt, abusive people so I know to avoid them. Why should that burden be on the players? The administrators agree to follow the rules when they rent a server. It is their responsibility and the responsibility of the development team to see that those rules are followed and, when they are broken, that punishments are enforced. Otherwise, what's the point of having any rules at all?

    I will grant you that it is annoying joining a server with abusive admins, but if you have the history you have then you know that no server with an abusive admin ever survives long. I am always for more freedom in my games and that means my admins also. I hate when game developers start trying to tell me how to play my game. It's annoying and cumbersome especially when I pay for the service. 

    We can strike an easy balance here. If the server admin chooses to run their servers differently from the main guidelines set by the game developers then their server must be on a private hive. But if you wish to have your server run on the main hive then you must follow their guidelines. Simple and elegant solution that allows admins to admin their servers their way, while not endangering players characters on potential abusive admin's servers.

    • Like 1

  12. I once killed 50 people in electro with only my fireaxe.....True story. What don't trust me? What you think people.....lie....on the internet?!

    Recounting past adventures is an ability gained once one has attained an elite status. Do not fret my friend, keep trying and you too may some day achieve the glory that is elite.
    An example of one simple situation that transpired just yesterday!
    I had just arrived in Berizino and was in need of some sustenance. So I made my way first to the large concrete structure that stands near the crane just on the border. I began to scout the building when by chance I spotted a silly player who thought it would be a good idea to use the crane as a roost to snipe from. His intentions unclear, I presumed he must be some lowly player trying to kill fresh spawns.
    At this point I was entirely out of ammo for my FNX-45 pistol and had long ago abandoned my mosin simply because I had felt the need to even the playing field a bit with these plebeians in the server. So I made my way into the concrete structure to search for a few spare bullets so that I may down this dastardly creature sitting on the crane.
    Upon reaching the final floor of the concrete structure I happen to see another player on this same floor! He had a magnum in his hands so the playing field was quite fair when I charged him with nothing but my fists. He shot all six bullets on my approach towards him and he missed each shot as I dodged left and right. My first punch knocked him out, I then pulled out my axe and finished him off. 
    Finally the sniper on the crane had taken notice of the situation and began to open fire at me. I was still quite unable to return fire so I quickly dashed back to the safety of the stairwell. He took three shots and missed. I redied myself and made another dash back to the body of the fellow I had just slain on the roof. Another three shots rang out and he was now unable to continue his barrage. I quickly collected up the dead fellow's magnum and made my way back into the staircase with plenty of time to spare before the sniper had a chance to begin his barrage anew.
    I reloaded the weapon and formed my plan to assault the sniper. I chose to go to a lower level and peek out to make sure this fellow hadn't tried to flee the world. He was still there so I took aim and headshot him.
    All in all, it was good fun for a small situation that happened on the border of Berizino.

  13. Ugh, that's bullshit. Admins shouldn't be paying for the right to abuse the rules. Allowing it is just going to encourage it; the more people see admins getting away with whatever they want, the more they're going to want to rent a server so they and their friends can turn around and be abusers. It will be a vicious cycle and have long-term implications for the health and integrity of the title.


    Admin abuse is easily managed; there's no reason we should let admins just run rampant across the game as a "trade off" for their hosting. There are plenty of honest, rule-abiding hosts willing to put servers up without the intent to use their position for an advantage.


    First of all, loot should not be tied to server restart. Servers should restart completely empty as I suggest in my thread "Loot: Mysterious and Unpredictable." There should be no advantage gained by a restart. In fact, it should be disadvantageous (i.e., loot should take longer to spawn at first than it does on subsequent cycles).


    Second, all kicks, bans and restarts should be tracked by the hive and audits should be conducted occasionally on servers which come in high above average for any one of these categories. Some servers probably have 5-10 times the number of restarts as "normal" servers, so they would be easily identified and isolated and if abuse is found, hive access should be suspended and eventually revoked. Same with kicking. Most servers should kick a few players each day, maybe a dozen tops. Servers that come in with 100+ kicks are obvious abusers.


    All the team has to do is show a little balls and stand up to Admins.

    If someone pays money to host a server, they should be allowed to admin their server their way. End of story. If you don't like that server's admins, don't play there. This is how video games have worked in the past and how they should continue to work going into the future. Let the players decide what they do and don't like from their admins, if an admin is abusing their power then the players don't play on that server. You may not have experienced this if you are a new gamer, past 5 years really. PC gaming in the past has been controlled by the admins of each server and you could always tell when servers had good admins because those were the popular servers. Not to say ALL dead servers had bad admins, but servers DON'T survive with bad admins.

    Let me be clear, I am not trying to attack you as a gamer either, I don't know your history, I am just telling you my experience from my 18 years of gaming history.

    • Like 1

  14. I have a Tech Labs KRAKEN Custom GeForce GTX TITAN EVGA Superclock Watercooled Graphics Card – does the job, not interested in boasting through videos on utube…maybe as a training manual I might for the less able...

    As a fellow son of the Titan I must insist that you rethink the possibilities! Recording gameplay as glorious as what we experience MUST be shared with the plebeians for they are an untrustworthy lot. We elite players have nothing to prove to each other or even to the plebeians but it still pains me so to find our kind assaulted by the weak cries of the masses. To each their own though.

  15. No a valued follower not a fan! As for counting , my value was entered for comic effect. I also have no problem calculating my ammo situation. I look at the number of dead bodies after an engagement and in normal circumstances it will be a bullet per victim. Easy maths. I had to start working in fractions after I did the double bubble on the supermarket workers.  Go in peace my son.

    Do not misunderstand my situation. I am a follower of all elite players in the sense that all elite players are followers of each other, for I am also an elite player. 


    While it would be awe inspiring to say the least to witness such greatness in action, but i fear technology sufficient enough to capture such skill does not yet exist :(

    FEAR NOT MY FRIEND. Shadowplay was developed JUST for elite players to record their gameplay. It is simple to use, it has little to no effect on the gameplay either.

  16. here is my 7 sin for standalone IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER ;)


    #1 combat logging


    #2 server hopping


    #3 gamma cheating


    #4 ghosting


    #5 hacking


    #6 gear duping


    #7 admin loot cycle restart player kick abuse



    all this is unacceptable for me and if you doing any of this i hope you feel maximum shame :blush:


    so what you think about when you seeing this list?


    is possible for devs to make fix every one? :)


    is some we need to accept is here for ever never stop? :|


    do i miss some? :huh:


    what is worse thing for you guys?

    Combat logging is the worst offense. Cheaters (you called them hackers, they don't hack they cheat) are annoying but will be caught soon enough and be banned. But combat loggers are the worst, they wont be punished at all and are literally breaking the only point of the game. Ghosting is just as bad but at least you get another chance to own the bitches.

    Gamma "cheating" isn't really cheating. It's a setting in your game. You can edit it at any time. If we are going to consider this cheating then we need to also accept FOV changers and anyone who re-keybinds. Darkness is something the game developer can lock, I have seen TRUE darkness in servers that no matter your settings you cannot see anything without a flashlight. They could easily lock the darkness to that.

    Just my 2 cents.

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