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Posts posted by SubSt8

  1. My buddy called for backup on the hill in between electro and kamyshovo, this is what follows:

    Notice the MANY shots that go into invisible walls or the ground even while standing up and shooting down the hill. And people always ask why I shoot fresh spawns, fresh spawns are dangerous especially when they can grab guns off the ground.

  2. You could try to PM a forum moderator and they could possibly pass it along to the devs if you don't want anyone exploiting them.


    Try Orlok maybe?

    I just read your server is the Pinky and the brain lol. My group plays on that server quite a lot. Chances are we have killed each other a few times by now.

  3. Yeah I would like to report a couple of serious game breaking issues I have found but I am not sure how to go about it. I've used the bug forums in the past for minor things but the FAQ there says I should leave reports as Public. I want to make sure these reports are seen by those who need to see it and not by those who browse the bug forums for exploits. If I set my report to private will it still be seen eventually? These are some serious bugs/exploits that need to be fixed.

  4. Can't be bothered reading past this ignorance.

    Exactly. You can't be bothered to read anything that might weaken your claims. You are allowed to make examples and insults but we can't.


    Hello there


    Stop the insults please.


    You can disagree but you cannot insult.





    He can call groups of people cheaters though? If you read the post at all you would see I wasn't calling him that but rather making a point. Calling someone a cheater is the same as calling them garbage. 



    Think of it this way.  If a group of people using Teamspeak stopped you and held you up.  Consider their Teamspeak chatter what their body language and eye / body / hand / head nod signals would be if we had the option for those in game.  They are at no advantage over someone not using Teamspeak.  You would just know you're about to be executed if they voiced it over directional as well as their Teamspeak.



    This is the VALID reason why third party software is needed. Until the game offers this level of realism, third party voip is the next best option for realism.

    The same way until they get the darkness correct, gamma correction is the correct way to address realism.

    The same way until they allow players to scale walls, peak over walls, third person is the correct way to address realism. (I personally only play on first person servers but I can still see what makes the game more realistic.)

  6. I know it's crazy, some people embrace a difference of opinion, but still feel strongly about something. When people say "stop calling it cheating" that to me, is trying to censor my opinion that it is indeed cheating. Disagree all you want, but don't tell me to stop calling it cheating, when I clearly believe it is.


    I fail to see how this game doesn't provide you the tools needed to communicate. Direct chat is available to everyone, walkie talkies are available to those who look for them. The game doesn't issue you a map on spawn either, that doesn't mean they expect you to go online and use that map. The devs aren't going to call loot maps or 3rd party voice software cheating because what's the point? They build this world for us to inhabit and we as a community have to decide what is cheating and what isn't. People have decided server hopping and combat logging is cheating, I'm just voicing my opinion on 3rd party voice software, if it changes even one persons views on the subject, it was worth the effort.


    I'm sorry my opinion is insulting to you. I can't help but feel this way.

    Shall I take this to the next level? Sure why not. You are a piece of garbage human being because you think voip is cheating. Now before mods come in and close this thread or ban me, understand that is what YOU are calling ME when you claim I am cheating. You have no evidence to back up your claims, you are just making claims. If the developers said "X is cheating in our game" then you would have evidence to make your claims.

    You are free to think that using third party voip goes against the nature of the game but when you use a specific insult, like cheating, then we can and will take offense when we don't believe it is cheating. Also if you want to still believe it is cheating, you can state it so without calling it cheating.

    Cheating implies that the person is going out of their way to find an advantage over another player in the game by finding some third party system. (If were honest about this point, most people simply use third party voip for the convenience not because they are seeking an advantage.) People who use voip might honestly be using the program because the game is lacking. Proximity chat is FAR from realistic and last I checked the radios in game don't work. Proximity chat assumes that you are yelling at all times, trust me I can have a conversation in my house and know that my neighbors cannot hear me, or for that matter that people within the house cannot really make out what I am saying unless they are in the room. Also where are the hand signs that people could use to signal each other in high intensity situations. Where is the option to scale a wall, or simply look over the wall.

    This game is trying to be realistic but still lacks a lot of realism.

    • Like 1

  7. Why do you guys want everyone to just accept your "meta-gaming" because it's not(or can't be) actively stopped? We can't stop people from excessively speeding, that doesn't mean it's good and should be encouraged and justified.


    Am I not free to discourage the practice, the same way you guys are free to encourage it?


    Stop taking offense to us calling you cheaters. If you really thought your actions were valid, I doubt you'd be getting so defensive about it.




    I do think it's funny how i mention a part of a fictional show to give context to my point, and promptly get a lecture about realizm in dayz. No shane didn't respawn, and no rick didn't sprint from city to city. Because... like dayz, the walking dead is fictional. It's entertainment. It's not life and death. You don't have to be so paranoid about putting your virtual life at risk. You can be vulnerable in the hopes of being entertained. At least that's how I feel about dayz.

    In one sentence you call for everyone to voice their opinion and in the next you insult anyone who has a different opinion then you. You also failed to respond to anyone who responded to you, which makes me think you don't have an answer for those who bring up valid points. Oh I will stop being vague, you clearly dodged the points I was trying to make.

    One more time: If the game doesn't provide the tools for realistic game play, you cannot expect players to not find those tools else where. And if the developers don't come out and clearly state "External Voip is cheating." then you calling players cheating is just your opinion and only matters to you. To which we are more than in our rights to be defensive about.

    Discourage all you want but when you start insulting then you have an issue. Does external voip go against the games realism? Yes but it is a far stretch from cheating.

    • Like 1

  8. Nobody is here trying to take your freedoms away. Just because we think you're cheating, doesn't mean we're actively trying to stop you from doing so.



    That's the whole point of this thread. To express how some of us think that it's cheating. We think it's bad for the game, and you guys shouldn't do it. You can call it meta-gaming instead, but it doesn't change the fact that we don't like it and think you should stop.


    I don't accept this idea that dayz should be accessible to groups of friends. There is a valid way to find someone, you look for them. Think, Rick in the first season of the walking dead. He didn't jump on teamspeak and ask his wife and son where they were.


    You're free to cheat all you want. I just don't think it's justified in this games atmosphere. When you don't have your friends to lean on constantly & consistently, the game is a different beast, loneliness comes into play. After not seeing anyone for a long time you crave human contact, you set out on a journey to find another player to converse with. Except if you pull up teamspeak or steam chat, you never let yourself feel any of that.

    Your trying to inject realism in game where you can be shot multiple times then eat some food and heal the wounds away in an hour. In a game where there are LITERALLY walking dead. This game is still QUITE far from realistic and until the developers bring it to a state of realism using teamspeak is just making up for the lack of realism provided in the game.

    I do take offense to you saying that using voip is cheating, I abhor cheating. But the simple fact that you are not your character you are playing IS cheating. As a "fresh spawn" you shouldn't have an extensive knowledge of the map. Heck most people probably couldn't figure out how to USE a gun, let alone zero the gun, reload it, load ammo into magazines or attach various attachments.

    The point I am getting at is that 100% realism will never be accomplished in the game. They can provide actual radio's in game and the developers can state that using any third party voip is cheating, THEN it will be cheating. Until then though for you to say I am cheating because the game is lacking? Unfair.

    • Like 2

  9. To call any extra Voip a cheat is just ridiculous if the game doesn't provide the correct tools. For one there are no hand signals that teams COULD use, let alone a radio system that people could use. Even then games are STILL so limited (or broken) that teams wouldn't be able to communicate the same way we do IRL. 

    There are movements that even my fatass can do IRL that we can't do in game, like peak OVER a wall or ledge, or scale a wall. Until they give us 100% realistic gameplay, teamspeak can and will never be a cheat. I get that we all want realistic game play but if the game doesn't deliver a system that allows us to do these things, we have to provide a system for ourselves.

    Oh and a side note, someone said that turning up the gamma is cheating. Wut. Have you been outside at night before? It's not true darkness, I've been in true darkness. Stars and moonlight provide a great deal of light and once your eyes adjust you can see pretty well. Now if they introduce storms and those clouds block the sky, they could make it MUCH MUCH darker but until they MAKE the game more realistic, turning gamma up IS more realistic.

    Edit: Also another note on the teamspeak thing. You have to have some way to be able to identify one player from the next easily. IRL we all look different, act different and these are clues that we use to identify people. Either introduce a more robust character creation or give teams an easy way to mark each other.

    Tl;dr Game doesn't provide enough realistic tools to be able to call teamspeak/gamma cheating.

  10. Even worse are ghosters. My team of 3, me included, engaged a fight against a team of 5 earlier tonight. Killed three of them in the firehouse at electro when suddenly an M4 is being unloaded into me. I ALWAYS watch my surroundings, I was on the third story and had eyes on both entrances to the building. There was no way for him to sneak up on me, he showed up after I started shooting suppressing shots on the last remaining member of his team.

    People that ghost or combat log honestly should be banned, it is literally just as bad as using cheats.

    • Like 6

  11. So before the newest patch finding a mosin was hard but do-able, look in the office or the second story of the pub. But since the patch I can't seem to find a mosin anywhere, heck even with the lowered spawn rate of M4's I still find more M4's. So I come to the forums, where do you all find your mosins?

  12. During that whole day I got 14 kills, two of them on fresh spawns that rushed me because I probably just killed them and they respawned but the other 12 were all geared players. I don't consider myself a bandit but I am not a hero either.

  13. Some nice clips from my stream the other day. If you like what you see, come check out my stream at: twitch.tv/subst8  
    Going to be streaming regularly from 1pm pst to 10pm pst most days.


    This first clip here was after my friend found a guy in electro camping the firestation tower:

    This clip was just following the last one and shows the bug where loot stays on a body after you take it off, with some bad shooting on my part:

    Later on we went to go loot balota after a server restart and ended up tracking down a guy:

    This was a nice firefight we got into after arriving in cherno. Some frustrating moments also when a few of my team mates didn't know the main buildings in cherno so I was having a hard time directing them. Overall a successful little engagement though:

    Part 2:

    Thanks for watching, hope you were entertained!

  14. In game right now: Buddy dies. Make a perimeter and guard the gear until they return. Maybe grab the important scope off their body.

    In next patch: Buddy dies. Make a perimeter, take gear off body, and guard gear until they return. Maybe grab the important scope off their body.

    Oh yeah this patch is REALLY game changing. All this hurts is squad vs squad play, you wont have enough time to loot bodies before they start disappearing, or risk showing your location. For Rocket being a guy who wants extreme realism in the game, this is a step in the wrong direction.

  15. It all depends.

    If they are armed? KOS.
    If they have melee and are in my area? KOS.

    If they are fresh spawns but there are armed dead bodies nearby? KOS

    The only time I don't KOS is if they are a fresh spawn with no dead bodies nearby or if they are melee and keeping their distance. Everything depends on if there are armed dead bodies nearby though.

  16. So here is some really strange info:

    We would get desync like crazy when we would join the same server...if the server was under 10 players. As soon as we joined a 35+ person server we stopped getting desync. We tried this on several different servers and experienced this same issue. Also if we didn't join the same server, it could be under 10 players and we wouldn't get desync.

    Just some random testing we tried.
