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Everything posted by arkaeldren

  1. arkaeldren

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    What he said..... next
  2. If your on a low pop server, and looking to do looting in heavy Zed areas, then this is a great weapon. Head shots are easy, with the sights on this weapon combat sighted, its easy to keep the targets head in clear view. With 64 rounds per clip, set it on semi and you have one of the best guns in fore mentioned supply runs. But I would never take it along with out a backup, in case of PvP hungry bandits.
  3. arkaeldren

    Admin behaving badly??

    Not 100% on the time, but I think it was in the last patch. Had my Dayz.St server with it, and I have a couple public's I play on allowing it. Its only helpfull if the 12 year old maturity challenged kids are absent tho
  4. arkaeldren

    Admin behaving badly??

    Nah, they made it to where public servers can have side chat again... As for people making threads in regards to any type of suspected abuse, go look into the official location for these threads, where you will find hundreds of complaints just like yours. The Mod is in its final stages, NONE of the complaints you have will be addresses no matter how well they are formatted. Honesty, tough shit, I find cars and vehicles every night, as I fly around hunting tents/Vehicles. Don't get attached to anything you have.... Damn why am I even typing this shit
  5. Its clear, and most have agreed, the rudeness is a little excessive. So unless people are finding the need to insert their noses into the ass locker, then its been said.... in quantity. I have enjoyed so many of the comments in regards to the latest adaptations of the Mod, but some of you seem to have backed off the cause, or reasoning behind the frustrations. My stand on this has not changed, I do not appreciate nerfing the Lone Wolf play style with out some kind of balance toward the group play. How long will it be, before a patch comes out, that balances this issue? As much as I understand, and appreciate the teams volunteering their time, this should not have been implemented with out the counter balance. Ben has stated his opinion, that this will in no way circumvent of reverse the KoS mentality. If anything, it will make that pause one might have, to be overlooked due to the chance of being wounded in a quick battle. One of the most critical mistakes, that game developers do, is to frustrate a player. Immersion/Difficulty is not the same as "Wow, this is bullshit". Player 1: Gets wounded, heads to any hospital, gets blood bag... I mean 5-10 blood bags. Player 2: Ok lets give you a health pack... Ding, done. Good thing we have unlimited health packs, now we can heal instantly another "X" number of times with bag space being the limiting factor. Player 3: Gets wounded, finds an animal, has to shoot animal(Loud) has to build a fire(really loud) cooks steak, then attempts to heal. Matches go bad, has to look for more matches, then start another fire...... exc Guys im sorry, but this is bullshit, and yes it pisses in the winds of equality and balance. To all the guys that are lucky enough to have a friend medic, or even good people to play with, I envy you now.
  6. arkaeldren

    1.7.5 - Cows will now run for their lives

    Damn Dankine, you know I like your general approach to humanity, but you make such a better impact when your a little less blunt..... ah never mind, keep being blunt :D
  7. arkaeldren

    1.7.5 - Cows will now run for their lives

    Their were so many things that the latest patch was bringing to the camp fire, but unlike a lot of you, this might be a game breaker for me. I am truly lone wolf, and this will make my constant need to survive worse. I am seeing a lot of people "opting out" as Daryl would say, instead of trying to restore 100% of your blood. I am not going to spend an entire game session working on getting my blood back to peak. What strikes me as a bit strange, is that the current Dev team would not query the forums and player base on this change? Bad move, and don't file this under the "you cant please all the people, all the time". Bad move indeed........ >:( Easy fix, solo player should be allowed to give themselves a transfusion. Have to sit down for 5 minutes, or 10. Its a health pack mentality, but it is in the game even with out the realism needing coolant to maintain.
  8. arkaeldren

    What is a "Bambi" in DayZ?

    I don't completely understanding why this had to turn into a discussion about Frankie. Maybe a simple answer from 2-3 people could have been a bit more productive. 1) As for Frankie he is doing something right, being his vids have a HUGE approval rating vs the disapproval. 2) I'm no expert, but it appears to me he has the right combination of humor/conversation/theatrical entertainment that has made him one of the top watched gaming vid makers on the tube. 3) Love him or hate him, convict him of being a hacker/script man or honest player, he is doing it well, and making a bit of money on the side. I'm afraid the bottom line is this, most of the people that dislike him are just jealous of his success(imho). As for his condescending attitude toward the "general public", unless you have some limit of understanding of fame, and that does include 33 million views, you might not understand the utter lack of intellect that one must endure while interacting with this "general public". Just kidding.... <_< Either way, tons of people enjoy his vids. They are well played, fun to watch, and the guy has a good heart. Personally, I am not much of a fan, but to not give some one credit, when they are clearly doing something right, is just being that "general public" that most claim they hate. One of his videos was with a gent that was taunting him yelling, "Frankie.... Frankie you mad???" during which he was shooting at Frankie. The same bandit moments before, had killed Jack and his GF from Germany. Funny shit indeed.... But Frankie still managed to kill the guy, and I am very sure it was not staged, nor was Frankie "hacking".
  9. arkaeldren

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    Don't give up hope, their might be a grand reopening soon. B)
  10. As a few have stated, it tends to go out of its comfort zone, thus sending my view into a spazmatic orgasm intended on making me crash my Heli... >:( I really do love this hardware, and if I could get it to perform in a way that was intended, I would "never" take it off. But it is just to random for me.
  11. I am only posting in this topic to avoid starting a new one. For some reason I am getting a "public variable #68" when trying to move gear or play on this server. It is US 3066 run by the ineedmoreinternet guys. Little background, I am in my early 50's and have zero reason to cheat, I only keep and use legit items/weapons in game. I do have 2 satchel charges, and 2 bear traps, but as far as I know they are still in use correct? I really don't know what items I have that could be causing this issue. Could the admins of these servers please contact me, or post, so I can figure out the issue. I don't want to get into any trouble for something that I might be unaware of. Thx Dren
  12. Google a feature thats included in the Dayz.St editor??? Its the starting load out you nub. They had not added the ability to place satchel charges into the starting load out yet. Thus it had nothing to do with Bliss. Before you post your opinions, maybe you should validate them with "true" fact... You are very quick to call some one "dumb", please explain what you do for a living that qualifies you to judge ones intellect? Look in a mirror slick, you will find most of your problems.
  13. As I have stated a few times, Ersan has been receiving a lot of praise for the way they do business, but all you have to do is dig a bit deeper, and offend him in the slightest, and he will stop replying to you completely. I had sent several emails to them while we were having problems, only to see no reply for weeks. But that very day, I logged onto an old email account to ask them the very same questions that I was getting no replies with regards to, and with in 10 minutes they responded. (It was a simple question concerning the satchel charges in the editor) But as soon as they saw it was me again, the lines went dark, like an apocalyptic town. Good luck man, I recommend asking for a refund and going back to the company's that can handle customers with out being immature about business...
  14. To the Dayz.St company members... It seems as though, one of your other official servers is stuck in a time loop, identical to the situation we had with our old server US 4165. In which we tried to get the Dayz Dev team to reset. As much as we appreciated the refund, making an attempt to fix the problem, along with maintaining us as customers, would have gone along way toward future server rentals from all of us. Instead, we got no replies to our emails and were left in the dark for almost 2 weeks. Ersan the only replies we received were, "you had never heard of an issue quite like what we had described to you before". You went on to say, "it could be a hacker that damaged our server". That was the last we heard from you guys for the next 2 weeks. Anywho, It seems this elusive hacker bandit has struck again with "Another" of your Dayz.St servers. Server US 3224 is having this mystery problem. Maybe you could take a look now, and actually log into the server, as we had requested 2 weeks prior to stopping service. Its to bad this issue seems to be effecting Dayz.St servers exclusively. We loved your control panel, and the simplicity of your whole set up was refreshing, but found the customer service to be non existent once we had this issue. Maybe contacting the renter of server US 3224, to inform them of the problem, would go along way in showing your concerns regarding this problem.
  15. Your implying that private hives are the safe alternative to the public hives. You have stated that in several of your reply's, in many OP's. I didn't misinterpret anything you said. Its not "obvious" that he is playing on a private hive at all. If your reasoning behind this deduction, is due to the hacking involved, then that is a poor assumption. Again you state your opinion, that if one wishes to avoid hacking, a private hive is his best choice.I think you have made it clear you believe the private hives are the "rule" now. I'm going to restate what my original intentions were... Not everyone wants to play on private hives, nor is this the only safe way to avoid hackers. Not to mention the time it takes to re gear on several private hives. I have been on many of these private hives and have seen no evidence that they are any more safe from hacking unless their admins are on every minute of the time, which can be the same with public hives. But the idea of arguing about Private/Public and which of these are more safe, is not worth discussing. With a Mods response, a lot of people tend to listen to what is said, as if it has a more knowledgeable informative base of direction and decision. Simply saying, "obviously your not playing on a private hive" does not help the OP, but just frustrates people that continue to have these issues, while still enjoying this mod. Your last sentence before the edit says, "If you want to avoid hackers, private hives are your best choice" Then you edit saying "Private hives aren't the only way to be safe and have a good time. I never stated nor implied that." Your post "Obviously your not playing on a private server" was thrown out as an "end all be all" to this problem.... you DID imply that. Have a good evening Inception
  16. Just because you enjoy Private hives, does not mean everyone else needs to. When did it become the "rule" as opposed to the exception, that playing on private hives was the only way to be safe and have a good time? But, by all means as you are a moderator, your post was very helpful to the OP.Onto the complainers, that are complaining about a complainer.... can you see where that was heading? To the OP, yeah it is still bad, and I feel ya. But like the few that have anything constructive to say, the SA is right around the corner. Happy Dayz to you sir. :D
  17. I know this has been talked about a few times, but lets get this worked out, as the vehicles have major issues that can still be changed for the standalone. 1) Since we have no "auto" fix, can we please get a bit of durability increase? 2) For the love of GOD, do the vehicles need to have a complete resistance to the wheels in full lock. Come on, turn the wheel and you can not move. 3) The sound files for certain vehicles is like torcher. The BAF and the UAZ might have that type of serious "whine" in RL, but please tone them down. 4) The idea of an "off road" vehicle, is that it can handle off road travel more efficiently than a non off road vehicle. Please do not reduce the speed of such vehicles due to gravel roads, and any of the grassy type areas. Should be, On all asphalt or Gravel roads, NO SPEED restriction. Any other surface, and that means "ANY", maybe a 10-15% reduction would be adequate. Come on people, throw in your ideas on this as it is still something that can be easily addressed in the standalone.
  18. Beans to the OP, really if this is the way you deal with loss, then you have nothing to worry about. I have lost TONS of gear in the same manner. Although, I came on here and complained like a bitch. It was a sad day for me, hangs head in shame.... Good work mate
  19. arkaeldren

    Worst way for your squad to go down

    Combat logging is something that encourages AS50 use. When this issue gets resolved, I know a lot of players that are very interested in using many different weapons to play the sniper class. Good luck to the OP, but this is something that should improve you as a player, not discourage you.
  20. Anyone know how to access the Pipe bomb satchel charges in the load out editor? Cant seem to get any of my questions answered from Ersan for the last few days. Thx guys
  21. Ersan, I know you personaly have decided to stop emailing me back, after my official server went tango, but thought you might want to know that the response I got back from one of the dayz Mods today, was that the dayz team seems to be trying to phase out the Official Instance ID's at this point. This could be why your not getting your request for new public instance ID's. I am attempting to try and get the US 4165 server that I had, wiped. Will be requesting you change my server back to this Instance ID as it is still showing active within the dayzcommander, just not turned on. Thx Dren
  22. arkaeldren

    Dayz.St servers

    So I didn't really know where to place this. The server company Dayz.St, as we all know, is one of the best places to rent servers period. But they are having issues getting Official hive instances to rent out to their customers. I have been needing an official Instance for a couple weeks now, because the last one I had went tango uni. If any one of the mods could lead me in the right direction as to where I can inquire on a Reset for my current Instance ID of US 4165, or helping the Dayz.St guys get the servers they have been asking for? Need to mention, they cant seem to get the dayz team to fill the request for more server ID's, and this seems a bit like Bullshit to be honest. They are the best place to rent from, yet the dayz team cant find the time to get them more ID's. Come on, that is no way to treat people that are attempting to support this great Mod/Game. Don't just dump this into the locked grave yard, I really could not figure out the best location for this topic.
  23. arkaeldren

    Dayz.St servers

    Thx for moving the Topic, I didn't know if it was best suited in any specific general category. What your saying is Public hives are being phased out completely? If so why has their been no specific announcement saying, "look guys, we are doing this...." That way server companies could make that very clear to their customers. Thx again Smash
  24. arkaeldren

    Combat loggers now get replaced with bots!

    The Only time an icon should blink red, or have any change in color, is when it is blinking and critical. I love the new icons, and the slow change in their perspective "levels". But did I read it correctly that they intend on having the temp icon change in color due to the temp values? If so this should remain green until critical. As is, I still check when I see the combat icon as it flashes red... Do not like this at all.
  25. arkaeldren

    I did it again!

    I have found this issue once myself, but in a slightly different way. I "always" set a satchel below my chopper while I am out about crash site looting.... So yeah, you all know whats on the scroll wheel next to a BUNCH of other scroll utilities. That was a very quick death, as I attempted to drop gear in the ole chopper. :huh: