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Everything posted by arkaeldren

  1. arkaeldren

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    Hey Sword, looking to fill an order for myself. PM me when you get the chance, I think I have a couple more items that might interest you.
  2. arkaeldren

    how old is your survivor?

    It is amazing that people can claim to have 200+ days old char's. If you play this Mod for at least a couple hours a day, on the public hive, then you "WILL" die long before that unless you simply, "Don't play". Hackers, glitch, stupidity, DC's with bad consequence. I'm not saying people are full of shit, but then again, leaving your char alive just to log in every 3-4 days and check gear, then log back out, is not playing DayZ.
  3. Interesting read going on here, to bad its going to be wasted on 90% of this community. I have read some great opinions about the gaming industry from just a few people. I think a few of you are old enough to drink your self stupid, even have a few kids by now. This community should never be judged on should/shouldn't receive a damn thing, cause its a shit ass little community filled with some of the most mindless little fuckers I have had the pleasure of wasting my time reading. But if B.I. wants this game to succeed, then they should maintain a good business model and promote their product. As for this thread, the only thing it has done, is given me a decent read from a few mature perspectives. So thx for the interesting thoughts and opinions.... that is all, you may continue btw: As for moderating, I would fail in one day, but to many mods end up thinking they are special, due to that false sense that what they are involved in is anything more than a small moment in time, that most will not remember next year. But I do respect someone that is willing to give their time for free, towards a cause they believe in and or enjoy.....so thx
  4. Then we must eliminate the ability to adjust the view degrees. Everyone must have the exact same view angles in order to keep the honest man honest. But they need to make the mirrors in the vehicles functional, cause backing up a Ural is quite the bitch from first person.
  5. arkaeldren

    Offline hydration and starvation?

    ^^^ this guys sig... nice :P
  6. arkaeldren

    Loadout of choice thread?

    Ok here ya go. Primary: M4SD 3 mags M9SD 4 mags 4 bandages Morphine Pain meds Water Bottle Steak Backpack: MK48 mod 2 mags satchel Tent Back up meds Back up food and drink Tool belt: Complete Currently on a random public that I play on often. I have 2 char's with almost identical load outs or kits. What is it with having a .45 cal revolver, is it just me or isnt this the most odd ass ammo cal for a revolver in the world?
  7. arkaeldren

    Tired of KoS? Do something about it!

    Part of the problem with in this thread, is the person that created it. I truly hope this does not offend you at all XOt, but your coming from a generation/genre of COD/BF players, with the intent of explaining what it is to PvP from the generation/genre handbook, to a community that started out as a mature player base, that was not looking for another FPS "Spawn, KD ratio, rinse and repeat"... I know this might not seem plausible to some, but this was not the conceptualization of the player base from the beginning(imho). It was only when this Mod became mainstream, that brought forth the influx of COD/BF gaming mentality. They flocked to this new bread of open world, out of the box, oozing creation that is DayZ. In due course, threads like these were inevitable. Thinking that the DayZ community needed a solution, due to a resulting action that was evident in its conception. To think we lacked in understanding, in what could be simply explained away, with the extrapolation of the KOS reasoning. In other words... what you seem to have forgotten, " is most of us have been there and done that " With absolutely no desire to make this great game, another Call of Dootie, or BattleFarce3. In closure, PvP has its place, but it should never have become the final succession in which no part or other portions, distinct or distinguishable, would inhibit the primary concept of DayZ being a survival themed zombie apocalypse game. Not another COD/BF3 clone. Please do not encourage players to devirginize this cherry of the gaming world. If your main attraction is PvP, then go out and find that slut, cause their are tons of them all over the Genre waiting to be plundered over and over. Not to mention its the perfect place for Over hormonal-ized teenagers to get there cyber plundering on. Keep the faith Rocket, were here to support your social experiment to the end of DayssssZ. No Grammar, writing or intellectual Nazis please.... everyone knows I build exp and LSA aircraft, I am uneducated, but my elevator almost makes it to the top floor. :| Dren
  8. arkaeldren

    Im Tired-Less Running Please

    More durability vehicles.....More durability, More durability, More durability, More durability, More durability..... way sorry for this spam, but this is seriously a pet peeve of mine. Please for the love of all that is Holy/Evil, make the vehicles allot tougher, and more maneuverable. I mean dirt and gravel roads slowing an off road truck down. One word, assholes. Love ya guys. :D As to the OP.... Are you kidding? Awe comon man, your just trolling right? Yeah, you must be just doing some sport trolling cause no one would be that upset about the 2012 jogging sim of the year. This thread needs a high jack into the "Ways to get around in Dayz recommendations" thread.
  9. arkaeldren

    Standalone - private hives?

    I have read way to many QQ's, as this new generation has put it, and this is far from that. You sir put the points in that matter! You said so in a decent understanding way, with out sounding like you were just here to complain. If I could give you all my beans for the day I would. Im an old man, but I could not have put that better myself. I dont know why you dont have more cookies for this post, other than its been attempted, but never perfected. Simple, straight to the point, with out it being a little kid bitch fest....good workDren
  10. arkaeldren

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 Swordsworn indeed one to be trusted. Will allways consider as my first option. Also, not at all Lazy. B)
  11. arkaeldren

    Ghost in the machine

    Last I had heard, this salty ass dude was operating trains until he was killed due to a large Helo, being flown by some long haired ginger(Hetstaine) crashed into him near the station in Cherno. He swore revenge against the Lundun Merchant Train society. Some say he was the guy that released the genetically altered strain of cuntam virus upon himself, which in turn brought on the apocolypse we all know today within DayZ.
  12. arkaeldren

    Zombies Hearing And Vision

    What you mean no little brat ass kids yelling "this is bullshit", and "Why cant you morons get this right".... All of this coming from kids that drop out of high school, and thus will live in mommy's and daddy's basement till they are 40. Razor, just keep fine tuning it. I am sure your learning to take the valuble feedback and implement. We must rememeber that these are infected humans, so they have the same senses that are a specific strength. If you guys can keep this as the main baseline, then the adjustments should come from that base. No human can hear some one gutting an animal from 30 meters, nor hear a gas can, or filling a water bottle.It should take at least 3-4 shots, from a semi loud weapon, for an infected zombie to locate, with aggroooo. The investigate that noise scenario should be primary. When your crawling, in the dark, you should have no issue with being unseen in a ghillie from 20 meters and up. This would be a book if I kept placing my input, but the main thing I would stress is, do NOT let this slightly immature demographic(Dayzmod.com forums) disturb you guys, or your cause.Thanks for all the work, and if they disagree, just offer them a refund as Orlok suggested. Dren
  13. arkaeldren

    Weapon Customisation

    Only problem I see with the custom options for weapons is, the high percentage of people that have no real clue what realistic is.
  14. arkaeldren

    Dumb ways that you have died?

    I always place a satchel close to my heli when I am off looting. I also set my scroll wheel to primary execute. Seems as though when you pick up the satchel, you can accidently, prematurely detonate.... in game I mean
  15. arkaeldren

    Once again ...

    Hahahah.... for some reason this blasted me off my chair. But yeah, listen to this guy.
  16. arkaeldren

    'Trust no-one' - is that really good advice?

    I have said this for years. In this type of forum, their is no consequence. People feel no need to say "goodbye" even after playing with a team for a few hours. For some reason, the online gaming population has started to develope this idea that online friends are not really friends, nor do they deserve the same courtesy as RL friends. This is a generational issue and I think its kinda bullshit. With this type of mentality in game, you will find it harder and harder to locate good, loyal people to become online friends with.
  17. If the owner or Admin for the "ineedmoreinternet" server's could shoot me a PM, it would be appriciated. Do not use fraps, allthough I need to look into it. Computer challenged old man here. Server: US3244 Time: 6:45 am Pacific Name of the hacker: Traitor Hunter Hack: World on fire BS myself: SlaveDriver
  18. arkaeldren

    A leap of faith

    Just wanted to point this out. Sorry it just stuck with me. Glad to hear your liking Dayz though.
  19. arkaeldren

    Too hard since

    Sorry to all that support this theory that Zed's can locate a solo gun shot "anywhere". Everyone that claims they want realism, I agree to an extent. But I have been around guns all my life, been hunting all over the US and Canada. Im not bragging, im saying I have a bit of exp with alot of firearms. I could be in almost any location on this map, and with only one shot, "NO ONE" could locate me this way. In a mountain area that has multiple ridges, you couldnt find me if I shot 3 times. But Groover and many more have made the correct assesment. Zombies should investigate those sounds, not agroooo right on top of them.
  20. Something not mentioned is the need for an altimeter. The topo's in this game vary a bit from the ones I am used to, and the need for a more clear representation of altitude would a add alot for me. I woud have no need for a GPS as long as we had map/compass/altimeter. Maybe a combo Compass/Altimeter would be cool.
  21. Jeez, you have been camping up their already... I used to be the Mountain Man, and everyone knows me as such, but due to a very serious injury, I cant phathom sleeping in the mountains this early. Yet alone where you are.
  22. arkaeldren

    Guys, Battleye isn't perfect.

    I dont suppose you could get me a physical address if I gave you an IP I wanted to track down??? All I want it for is to say hello to a long lost friend...."replaces mag for the sig 226 .40 with favorite hollow points".As for the OP, I think any idea of attempting to moralize people today is a complete waist of time. With the direction of getting people to see BE in a more realistic light, this to would be a waist of time unless you were in a forum with a bit more mature base. I agree with you, but dont see much of a point with this thread. Again, I look at this the same way you do. Peace Cole.
  23. arkaeldren

    I found a can of mountain dew ...

    We used to poor a bag of M&M's into a bottle and call it toxic sludge. But we were frying on acid at the time, and the Dew has grown stronger since. I look back now and cant belive I drank that moose piss with M&M's, but when your on another great acid trip, nothing seems to be a bad idea. Disclaimer: Warning, while on acid kids reality is not the same. Do not try this at home. :D
  24. arkaeldren

    DayZ in Supernatural

    Depends on what your idea of a "pet" is.....
  25. arkaeldren

    Lag hack?

    I have been watching this closely to. Your 100% correct man, it is very easy to see with a monitor watching performance. I have noticed that even smaller scripts make things change. Its how I know to leave a server. Nice eye bud