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Everything posted by innovaptor

  1. innovaptor

    IZurvive issue: Can't join my group?

    Yes, please! :)
  2. innovaptor

    IZurvive issue: Can't join my group?

    Hi Ohanzee. I’m an iZurvive developer. This usually occurs if our servers are under heavy load and timeouts occur as a result. Sorry about that! We’re aware of that issue and working very hard to resolve it. As you seem to have noticed, trying a bit later usually helps to avoid those problems for the time being.
  3. Hi, We're now supporting Chernarus+ in iZurvive for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.innovaptor.izurvive&hl=eniOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/izurvive-dayz-lootmap-groups/id585632597?mt=8Browser: http://www.izurvive.comIf you don't know iZurvive yet: It provides DayZ maps, on which you can place markers (players, tents,..) that are automatically shared with the friends in your group. We'd like to thank all of you for your great support! Your feedback, ideas and bug reports are the main reason why iZurvive got better, and will be getting better! We're looking forward to what you have to say for this version! Cheers, iZurvive Team
  4. innovaptor

    iZurvive - DayZ Standalone Map

    UPDATE: iOS-Update has been released!
  5. innovaptor

    iZurvive - DayZ Standalone Map

    Thanks a lot. We appreciate that!
  6. innovaptor

    iZurvive - DayZ Standalone Map

    To be honest I am not sure (it was already embedded). But we may implement some kind of distance-measure feature in the future
  7. innovaptor

    iZurvive - DayZ Standalone Map

    Thanks for the honest feedback. We've put a lot of man-power into iZurvive and also need a server for the markers. All of this is mainly supported by the ads. We tried to make the ad-removal a better deal by adding a premium marker to show our appreciation for your support. What do you think would be a fair price?
  8. Hi! We finally released iZurvive for Android: https://play.google....vaptor.izurvive It's completely rewritten from scratch, provides you with a lootmap of Chernarus, lets you place tactical markers (player positions, tents, meeting points,..) on it and automatically shares those markers with the friends in your group. If you've missed it, the iOS version got the lootmap with version 1.3., and you can find it at: http://appstore.com/izurvivefordayz You can of course create groups with Android & iOS users! If you have questions, encounter problems, want to request features or anything please let us know!
  9. innovaptor

    iZurvive released for Android

    Is this very important to you? Would you sacrifice the space of the top toolbar to this purpose?
  10. Hi! We've just released iZurvive - a free iOS app for DayZ: http://itunes.apple....=585632597&mt=8 It provides you with a map of Chernarus, lets you place tactical markers (player positions, tents, meeting points,..) on it and automatically shares those markers with the friends in your group. We're here if you have questions or want to request future features! :) (You can also find information about iZurvive at: http://www.innovaptor.com/izurvive)
  11. innovaptor

    iZurvive released for iPhone & iPad

    The android version is close to completion, too. It will be released within the next weeks and iOS & Android users will be able to join the same groups.
  12. innovaptor

    iZurvive released for iPhone & iPad

    We've just released a huge update featuring the following features: * LOOTMAP * a filter for groups and loot types * all new higher quality map without the red markers * bugfixes We would also like to thank all of you who provided us with feedback! You're awesome! :)
  13. innovaptor

    iZurvive released for iPhone & iPad

    Alright, thanks for your feedback! :)We'll try to remove the red markers with the version that will bring the lootmap.
  14. innovaptor

    iZurvive released for iPhone & iPad

    They're taken from the ARMA map and indicate hospitals, ruins or other locations. Sadly, not all of them are useful in DayZ. Do you feel that they are annoying?
  15. innovaptor

    iZurvive released for iPhone & iPad

    In our experience, and from the feedback we have gotten so far, having the phone or tablet next to the monitor is more convenient/safe than tabbing out of the game (for people that don't have a second monitor). Thanks! We're already working on the loot map. :)Regarding the other maps - we're looking into that after the android version and the loot map.
  16. innovaptor

    iZurvive released for iPhone & iPad

    Good news everyone! We've started working on the android version! Here's a screenshot:
  17. innovaptor

    iZurvive released for iPhone & iPad

    We're looking forward to the standalone and are waiting for more information from rocket just as we all do! :)
  18. innovaptor

    iZurvive released for iPhone & iPad

    None of these offer team coordination with markers, though. :) What features would you like to see in iZurvive?
  19. innovaptor

    iZurvive released for iPhone & iPad

    We have received a lot of requests about Android so far and are actively discussing it already.