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About orrzxz

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. orrzxz

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158935-really-guys/ read. please. read. KoS is a part of the game. dont like it? i have nothing to say but sorry.
  2. orrzxz

    Why does everyone I run into kill me?

    i keep seeing guys at the forum complaining about: KoS (which is actually just bandits being bandits. dont run like a huge freaking target with a pistol in the streets of cherno. and just add a spawn timer. like 5 min after spawning you cannot get shot. problem solved. TADAH.) Too much guns (there is a spawn chart that was copied from the original mod to the game (for now). there are only 3 guns atm and they filled the guns that dont exist yet with those 3 guns. think. Optimization issues ( i dont know if its normal. but im running this game better then BF4. and also i encounter like 2 bugs in DayZ. while in BF4 i keep getting jammed into jeeps, buildings. people faces etc.) lack of guns and ammo (really. are you.... im just.... really? find a way to go to Balota Airfield. thank me later.) server hopping and combat logging (this is a problem. but dont get butthurt from it . death when leaving the game? REALLY?! btw, a timer before leaving wont reduce server hopping in any way what so ever.. forget it. people will just wait 30 seconds and hop again.) hackers (dont be fooled. there are hackers. but for real, do you want the game to work and then to take care of hackers, or do you want just a 5GB anti hack system?) BUGS. (READ. THE. DEVELOPER. NOTES. BEFORE. BUYING. It's on the steam page. before the buy button. dont ignore a HUGE BLUE SQUARE.) just... just had to get this out. so people will stop whining about stuff. sorry for the rant.. but it was just annoying as hell. Thanks, -Orr
  3. orrzxz

    Is it just going to be these 4 guns?

    true dat.... but when there no shotgun and ALOT of shotgun ammo?... this kinda sucks :P
  4. orrzxz

    1st Christmas Kill

    Am i the oy one around here that likes to kill dramaticly?.. If someones attacking me, ill just knock them with a bat (some people in this game need to aim.) tie them up, and when they wake up ill just put a round in there stomach. They will just die of blood lost. But they will die slowely. Did it twice this christmas.
  5. Chanuka was 4 weeks ago. Sincerely, -An Israeli Player
  6. that. i dont know about you, but i found like 2 M4 mags in about 2 days. still dont have ammo for my Mosin. (airfields, stary sobor, elektro, cherno etc.) unleas your spawning in a city made out of bullets, i dont think they should decrease ammo spawn
  7. orrzxz

    safe zone

    Safezone. please tell me your shitting me. its a zombie apocalypse. for the love of god, i cant imagine why would someone create a safezone... THIS. IS. (not) WARZ! and only in this zone all weapons get jammed. including melee weapons. for an unknown reason you cant use them. (praise the lawd!)
  8. orrzxz

    What are books for?

    May the mighty squid wipe the undead from the face of earth!
  9. orrzxz

    What are books for?

    Gave me a nice idea what to do with my friends when we join a night time server :PGotta get dem books now.
  10. orrzxz

    This is a really really bad ducking game

    THAT.The general feings of this game is unique. I cant feel safe anywhere. After i loot the place i just think to myself its time to GTFO And run to a place i can hide in. There might be a guy aiming at me right now with hes mosin. ^^^^^^ This is DayZ.
  11. orrzxz

    Rare TANK in the game

    You are in the airfield. Looting shit. After couple of min THERES A F*CKING TANK.Your reaction: OH SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT Drivers reaction: Ypikayey m*therf*cker. Yea. I guess it would be OP :P
  12. orrzxz

    Enough is enough

    I dont do that noise when i finish drinking a can of Cola... Guess its just me.
  13. That.Its like a bet, i was preparing myself to ever situation when i started walking towards there. And it saved me. If you want to find good gear, fast, you need to have a risk doing so.
  14. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO.Its a zombie apocalypse simulator. Not skyrim with guns.
  15. orrzxz

    WarZ all over again

    Thats called hackers. Welcome to video games.