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Posts posted by Switchfoot221

  1. Turn postprocessing, shadows and anti alishing off, they eat so much fps, it's unbeliveble but even ur pc can't hande them.

    My specs are:

    gtx 560

    i7 2600k @ 4.7 ghz

    16 gb ram

    arma2 on ssd hardisk

    I turn all those off, 3d resos on 125% and everything else on very high, i get around 40-70 fps which is pretty decent.

    Didn't you realize what I said? I said that even on the very lowest of the lowest in 800x600 it STILL runs like utter shit

  2. That is unusual.. Your system should be absolutely fine.

    A few things to try; Firstly the obvious, make sure that your graphics drivers are up to date (latest Catalyst Control Centre in your case), likewise with Direct X. Also, if you are running DayZ without the most recent beta patch for ARMA 2:OA then I strongly recommend running the latest Beta Patch. This can significantly improve performance.

    If those suggestions don't help, then you might want to consider trying Game Booster. It closes any unnecessary background processes while the game is running, freeing up system resources to provide better gaming performance. It could be that you have a rogue process that's griefing your system in the background, so if that is the case then this could help.

    Best of luck. :)

    Thank you for your reply, although I must say, those things that you mentioned didn't help either... I think it's just Bohemia Interactive hating my specific PC specs....

    I am able to play on lowest graphics possible with just over 30 fps the whole time, now for playing this is completely fine.. But I want to record gameplay too you know? If you record it automatically eats about 5-10 fps

  3. Hi guys I'm having some really bad issues with DayZ and just Arma 2 in general.

    I get horrible fps on ALL graphics settings, it can go into the 20s on lowest graphics and maxed! It doesn't matter...

    FPS is about 20-50 but usually around 28-40. When it drops it feels like a lag spike.

    My specs:

    AMD Phenom II X6 1075T 3.0 GHz


    8GB DDR3 memory

    Windows 7 64 bit.

    1 TB Sata @ 7200rpm

    I tried so much to fix it, but nothing helps. I want to record gameplay for commentaries but if I record it has moments where it's just unplayable.

    This PC is capable of playing BF3 maxed with 35+ fps on 1080p so I don't get it...

    If I change my graphics settings from max to lowest I only get about 10 fps more... But it's still crap.

    I have tried:

    -Editing the ARMA2OA.cfg file and changing GPU_MaxFramesAhead and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead both to 1, hardly/didn't help.

    -Lowest and maxed graphics, even on 800x600, no help.

    -Adding -CpuCount=6 in the launch options (making it use all of my 6 cores of my CPU)

    -Many different servers with good and bad ping, low and high player count.

    -Overclocking my ram, graphics card AND CPU

    -Running into a wall

    Please, I need help.
