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About Neonspyder

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    On the Coast
  1. ^ His friend. I am also massively confused as to what happened, the admin was very kind/informative on teamspeak, then proceeded to call us liars in a very rood manner, with the use of foul language, before banning us a second time. This is absolutely unacceptable, if we have or are doing something wrong we should have at least been provided a reason when we went on teamspeak, not instantly banned, we showed respect, I didn't barge in raging and yelling at people or anything... We are NOT cheating, I don't even know how, we had just been on the server for HOURS with people spawning vehicles, mass killing people, abusing everything possible, and they finally leave without punishment and this happens to US. Really disappointing to see a great game infested with cheaters, even worse to see innocent people punished for it, please try and do better in the future. Thanks and good luck.