"Super Active Admin" My friend and I were just banned from the Fallujah server. What happened, is someone shot at us as we drove by a supermarket, we got hit, drove down road, healed up, decided it wasnt worth the risk and left. Drove around a bit, then boom, banned. Confused, we joined the teamspeak server, a friendly admin helped us get unbanned, explained that they are aggressive on banning as they have a lot of cheaters(understandable). We were banned as a player reported to the admins that he shot us and we didn't die(obviously a noob who doesn't know that DayZ can be buggy/laggy and sometimes bullets don't register). We jump back on the server and continue gaming. We began hiking back to our bodies, as we had recently both died. We get back to our bodies, get our gear back and start heading towards the airfield. Then.... we get banned again. This time we did nothing, killed no one, we were literally in the middle of nowhere. All because people suspected we were cheating/hacking/whatever. Naturally, I attempt to join the teamspeak server to once again sort the issue out. The moment I connect, I'm banned. It's really sad, had a vehicle and was enjoying the server, nice and lag-free. I really hope we can get unbanned, as its the only populated server we can play on from New Zealand without getting kicked for high ping. Cheers. (Sorry if this is the wrong area)