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About CX316

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. CX316

    Standalone empty clips

    This gives the Revolver an edge over the M1911 since you can road it right out of the box without a mag
  2. CX316

    kevlar- bullet proof vest

    Riot Armor from the Walking Dead prison story arc would be interesting. Have to be a super-rare spawn though, since that stuff was basically Walker-proof.
  3. CX316


    You, sir, know exactly where I'm coming from!
  4. CX316

    Zombies: Faster and Headshot Only

    rather than bite = kill, more like bite = bleed, then if the bleeding is patched up, infection sets in within 24 hours and when you eventually die you turn. Meaning you can patch yourself up and be a threat to your group if they don't know you were bitten. EDIT: Oh, and move the hatchet to being a sidearm so you can have a rifle on you and go in melee to take them down quietly
  5. What about single-shot disposable LAW launchers? They're more compact, give you one chance to use it, and usually something like an RPG would be used in ambush situations against vehicle convoys if things ever progress that far (find a bottleneck, take out the lead vehicle with the launcher then pepper the other cars with assault rifle rounds)
  6. CX316

    Zombies: Faster and Headshot Only

    I say go the other way. Shamblers. PROPER zombies. Just more of them and more deadly. Got bitten? You're screwed.
  7. CX316


    I was going to suggest this one because I've been thinking about it occasionally in-game. Basically, you just give the option to use the combat knife on a dead survivor as you would on an animal, but you attribute some serious humanity penalty to it or something like that as a drawback. Not only does it simulate what some people might actually do in a post apocalyptic setting when food is scarce, but it also adds options. Say you've got two guys lost in the woods out of food, no animals around, and one falls and breaks their leg and bleeds out. Now the surviving member of the pair has the option to go "Sorry man... meat is meat..." and get himself a ice hot plate of Steve to keep himself going until he can find his way to safety. The game's meant to be about survival, and is meant to be hardcore. Why not give people ALL the options? (draw straws to see who gets to die to feed the rest of the party, for example)