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About cimex

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  1. cimex

    Flashlight: The symbol of peace.

    Symbols of peace: the sign of shoot me.
  2. cimex

    Filming Server - Crew Only

    I saw that earlier this morning, and for some time it was only one person in there, until another person joined him. That sounds really suspicious to me, but either way, no private servers should mean no private servers. Also saw another passworded server labeled as DayZ Premium Server, with a bit of Cyrillic at the end. Can anyone back me up on this?
  3. cimex

    Business as usual

    It's not like he could have done much else, and maybe the slim chance of finding a helpful person was better, in his eyes, than crawling to a city and hoping to find morphine.
  4. cimex

    Passwords on servers????

    I'm pretty sure that's against the rules, since it allows server admins and their friends to farm loot without any danger. Report it to the relevant part of the team.
  5. On one hand, server hopping assholes, the huge amount of ground to cover, and the popularity of the place would make it really tough to defend. On the other hand, Cherno/Elektro, aside from medical supplies, doesn't really have loot worth hoarding AFAIK, and any assaulting parties would have a good chance of having a relatively close respawn point. Issues on both sides could be solved (only sectioning off a small part of NWA, sending runners long-distance to get loot for Cherno, etc)...seems like it's a choice between fighting geared-out northerners, or being zerg rushed by bean farmers.
  6. This sounds stupid, insane, and glorious. I'm interested, due for a death, and looking to be part of a group for the first time.
  7. cimex

    Website dedicated to DayZ stories

    IMO, a different format would better suit it, so you could have things like anonymous submissions, ratings, better organization, etc. Would it be so difficult as to not be worth the effort at the start of the site's life? In fact, this has inspired me to attempt it, if only to see how it'd go. Best of luck, either way
  8. cimex

    Day Z...WAS.....fun

    I think most of the people here are complaining about that exact issue, minus the arbitrary narrowness. They feel the game's getting too damn predictable, because the majority of their encounters are with hostile people. It gets boring. Not that I'm arguing that a 90% hostile community is the reality, just that it's dishonest to say full carebear community is predictable, but a deathmatch community isn't.
  9. Who's going to shoot an unarmed man walking through the wilderness? People with good gear, tons of paranoia, and no wits. Obvious trap, come on people.