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Everything posted by Deathlyrage

  1. Thanks for giving me the exception information. It's to do with the updater reading version.dat in your @Alderon/Addons/ Directory. It may be corrupt while it has attempted to download it, try removing version.dat and Updating/Installing again. About the mod, If other servers contacted me, wanting to host it, I'd be fine with helping them set it up and giving them then needed files, which what someone did and we started concidering hive intergration with Panthera version of this. However currently the mod has alot to go before I'd like to deploy it on other servers. Since I'd also do a server selection screen inside the Updater instead of just My Server. If you wanted to host a mod on your server, you'd have to give me time to finish my Todo and Bug list. @Alderon 1.8 has been released. I had to remove CBA intergration due to script lagg which I will look at shortly. Bad FPS, loot not working and Zeds not aggroing correctly is fixed. Updater has been released. Changes: -Error messages are now more user friendly instead of getting a .Net 4.0 Unhandled Exception. -Ability to report a issue inside the updater instead and I will get it directly. -When the updater is outdated, It will give you a download link instead of telling you to "go away and get the link from the forums", I plan to have the updater auto-update itself soon. Screenshot: I will write up a new changelog for @Alderon so TGJ can merge the main thread. PS: Like the new crossbow ammo not taking up heaps of space in my inventory. :)
  2. Could you describe the bug your having with the launcher so I can get it fixed. Also until this server is full, I don't think we need the mod on another server unless it's another map like Panthera, which is in the works.
  3. Yup, make sure everyone trying to connect has @Alderon 1.7, due to the new files we have added, this is installed using the new launcher. Sorry about having heaps of updates, however we have alot of things planned. If anyone still has issues, you can PM me or post here, or join teamspeak.
  4. Alderon 1.6 has been released. Please note that all older versions wont beable to connect to prevent people from using bug exploits.
  5. We have released a new updater The Updater is alot faster and more stable. It also includes TS3 Gametracker Intergration. @Alderon 1.6 is comming out soon. One important feature is removing radars from the new heli vehicles as it ends up, whoever has the heli picks up every vehicle on the map and puts it into their base.
  6. I'm quite happy with the progess of our server. The new update will be released later today. Most of Possum's and Demon's suggestions will be implemented. Teamspeak is sometimes down so we run an alternate backup server at rotda.dyndns.org
  7. Updated Beta Patch to 98220. Server is online and all is well.
  8. Just letting you know that the updater is completly portable and doesn't monitor any key events or registery keys. No one here has yet to discover any problems with the updater. We always test new versions of the updater before releasing them.
  9. Thanks for the suggestions. We will look into them in the next update. I really like the crossbow idea.
  10. Quite alot of things are done server side, so you will be missing alot of things. If you are using the mod on your own server. @Possum you need to be launching Combined Operations which is why your getting a error with the server. Anyone having Issues, try the latest updater, I just released a new version because of a bug I found with Update Server #1.
  11. The latest beta version is 98089. If you have the latest version of the updater the game should work. James our standard team speak is back up at rotda.com Can you update the main thread.
  12. Try Connect Now Possum and Longbow, we found the signature issue and fixed it server side.
  13. Deathlyrage

    Looking for hardcore private hive/server.

    Sorry double post internet lagg.
  14. Deathlyrage

    Looking for hardcore private hive/server.

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93913-new-dayz-mod-alderonmercenaryfast-us-server-is-now-hostingdeliberate-denial-of-survival/ Custom private im workig on. Checkout the changes we have madw in that thread. Third person and everything off.
  15. Hi Yeah by changing the heli crash model then its not recconised to spawn zombies so that will be fixed. Animal count can be lowered. Currently it is at a higher value. The ban for invalid signatues was automatic and ill reverse it when i get home later tonight. Weight and tired system is being tweaked but james would have something to say about that. Having zombies react to a flashlight can be resource intensive and difficult to do but I will look into it.
  16. See if u can get on teamspeak sometime tommrow and ill try get it working. One of the teamspeak servers should be working, rotda.com or rotda.dyndns.org ~Matthew
  17. Here is the new updater. Currently it will load balance and use 3 different update servers, to ensure maximum uptime. As always put it in your arrowhead directory and replace the old one. @thatguyjames: Update the main thread. ~Matthew
  18. The Game server is back online. Teamspeak is online. Update Server #1 Offline Update Server #2 Offline I'm online at teamspeak if you have any issues connecting etc. For some reason eariler we lost 4 servers that were hosted in different data centers at around the same time, so I'm gussing a major US ISP had issues. I will improve the updater again and make it load balance multible update servers so we don't have too much of an issue again. We try to keep the servers up and stable for as long as possible to the best of our ability.
  19. Our server provider is having issues with hardware failure which we are currently working on. You can still launch the arma 2 beta shortcut from your arrowhead directory and connect manually. Since the server is up but not the updater. The weight and tiredness system is still being tweaked and configured which it has always been enabled, you may notice it more because you have more gear. Try connecting to the direct ip instead of the domain name which is
  20. You need to install the new updater in the main thread. By downloading it and replacing your old one in operation arrowhead directory. Also if you have trouble remote connecting try search for the name in multiplayer list. Server status is in james signature. Bad version is outdated beta patch. Battleye unknown game version means your beta patch is too new. Ill check everything is working later tonight.
  21. Get the new updater, it's 10X Faster. (And actually works using an alternate update server.) http://alderongames.info/dayz/DayZ.exe
  22. Using Install -> @Alderon will reinstall the updated version. Beta Patches are updated auto however @Alderon version changes you will need to select this option. ~Matthew
  23. We had our update server down, a storage array failed. All seems to be online and working now. I think I'll be a bandit now since we changed the bandit skin to the older more epic one. @08nichb3O: You need to connect with @DayZ Disabled and @Alderon enabled, try the launcher.
  24. Yeah, there wasn't much I could do about that, many over protective anti virus's killed it on my friends pc because it was 'too new'.
  25. Well most people just use the updater that I wrote in C#, which downloads/installs @Alderon and updates beta patch + auto connects to the server and works for most people. The link is in the main thread. Here is a Zip of the files at version 1.1 http://update.rotda.com/dayz/alderon1.1.zip About DayZ Commander: I really don't bother with it anymore,Vilayer is evil imo. Plus it will always launch with @DayZ enabled which makes things difficult for this server.