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Everything posted by CerbUn313

  1. CerbUn313

    DayZ singleplayer

    How can it not happen when it's going to be in the standalone?
  2. CerbUn313


    That's funny, whenever I'm in shock from anything I take some painkillers and everything is back to normal. Besides, you really think you'd stand strong after getting shot or attacked by a corpse? You'd freak out to, as would I and everybody else on this forum. It's realistic and it's a nice mechanic, that's why your post is invalid.
  3. CerbUn313


    Man up and take some Painkillers.
  4. CerbUn313

    is a 1.4 ghz quad core enough?

    I don't see why everyone has such a rage-boner for laptops. I run on a dual core i3 M330 2.13ghz with a ATI Radeon HD 4350, 4gb RAM I run it very smoothly on low to low-medium graphics. To mustardtiger56 - I think your problem is the inability for a single one of your cores to work effectively by themselves, don't boost or overclock on a laptop, you'll melt it. As for your video card, i don't know enough about it to provide help there. If you really want to play on a laptop, shell out $600-$1000 for a decent one, or custom build a good desktop for ~$1200.
  5. CerbUn313

    Might be making a RPG TvT DayZ server.

    This sounds really cool, reminds of a Minecraft experiment mentioned on the forums a while back where a few guys were dropped into a contained and limited world. It should be interesting to see what this experiment brings and I'd love to be a part of it.
  6. CerbUn313

    Noob need help!

    Happened to me as well, make sure to check the 'Replace ArmA:OA files with beta' below the open with steam box on dayz commander.
  7. CerbUn313

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I had a fail at sneaking and zed got me pretty bad. I'd appreciate a transfusion when a medic can provide it. Respond back and tell you where i am. +1 to HerrJon, terrific service
  8. CerbUn313

    GPS/NVGs for car tires

    Are you really making this deal? To me it seems like NVGs and GPSs are time consuming items while tires can be found in most factories and gas stations.
  9. CerbUn313

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Does anyone know whether or not Bohemia is going to release on steam? I seems like the best place to do so.