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Everything posted by angusis2fast4u

  1. angusis2fast4u

    NZ 19 - Hacker

    Server: NZ 19 Time: around 12 am GMT+10 (Brisbane, Aus) Details: After a week away skiing i hop onto Dayz with a friend to continue where we had left off a week ago, we started walking, we were walking for about 2 minutes before a hacker spawned in front of us killing me, my friend was lucky enough to disconnect before he got killed too. (since name tags were off i am going to assume the rest of this) the hacker than disconnected and did not reconnect (a player called Braydon did this) OR (he kept playing [there was another player in the lobby but he has since typing this has disconnected and did not write down the spelling of his name, it was along the lines of "siccoro" it was "sic" and some other letters]). My friend reconnected about 5-10 minutes after and has not been killed and only siccoro was in the lobby from who's name we recognised. also there has been no looting done to my body (checked by my friend) which gives me more reason to believe it was a hacker I have been killed before by hackers many times before and have never posted, I am only posting this because I was very keen to play after being away for a week.