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Everything posted by not_today_son.

  1. not_today_son.


    Sorry? Chernarus is a former soviet communist satellite state. It is not surprising that a lot of old russian tech is there. Since it was produced until 1972, when it was replaced by the UAZ-469, it wouldn't be too unrealistic that some of those vehicles made it into civilian hands. Heck, they even sell russian T-72s and BRDM-2s over the internet for a couple of 10k bucks.
  2. not_today_son.


    I'd rather like to see those 2 vehicles: GAZ-69 (produced from 1953-1972) and the ZIS-5 Truck (produced from 1394-1955 in different variants, ca. 1 million produced). GAZ-69 Specs: 8 Seats (including Driver) Top Speed: 90kph (56mph) Length: 3.85m Width: 1.85m Height: 2.03m ZIS-5 Specs: 12 Seats (guesstimation) Top Speed: 60 or 70kph (37-43mph) Length: 6.06m Width: 2.24m Height: 2.16m Those 2 are more likely to appear in Chernarus than british trucks.
  3. not_today_son.

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    In my opinion the M107 / AS50 really does not fit into the "Post-Apocalypse" DayZ. Not to mention it's oneshot capability. I don't agree with simply deleting those one-shot sniper rifles, but instead replace them with something more "balanced", especially on the range / zeroing aspect. It's not like there is only the M107 / AS50 anti-material sniper rifles in the game, I tried the KVSK sniper rifle a few times in the Armory, and came to the solution this would fit more into DayZ rather than the Semi-Auto M107 / AS50. First, a few facts on the KVSK: - it's a russian sniper rifle that uses a 12.7mm x 107mm cartridge, the only gun so far i know that uses this ammunition. - it's a bolt-action, 5 round-magazine rifle - it has no zeroing but the same scope the SVD uses Differences between the M107 / AS50 and the KVSK: - the KVSK is limited to a scope-effective range of 800m, everything beyond that range is estimation - due to the fact it has no zeroing, it aquires knowledge of how the scope behaves for different ranges, making it practically useless for less-experienced snipers - it's ammo is really rare, since, other than the AS50 or the M107, it's ammunition cannot be found in any other places than heli-crashes and maybe a very small chance of finding it's ammunition in Barracks - it's hearing-range should be between the AS50's and the M107's. it would be a reasonable compromise between the current situation and the "no one-shot sniper rifles at all" point of view. i am curious of what other people think of it.
  4. not_today_son.

    Minus 323000 Humanity

    on public hive ur humanity gains +150 (for heros and bandits) every 10-20 minutes. currently mines at -15k, tho it used to be +15k before my aim in ArmA2 got a serious improvement.
  5. not_today_son.

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    and without a proper scope it's impossible to see ANYTHING beyond 1000m. currently it's already rarely the case you can see further than 1km, the fog will limit ur view range to mostly around 700-800m (in case of bad weather 400-500m) if u get hit by a sniper rifle, you either ran over the open field or ran straight towards him OR just met a good shooter. 2 out of 3 you can prevent, and if you are smart you can also mostly prevent no.3 - because a good shooter will wait for a clean shot.
  6. not_today_son.

    Dayz servers not loading up...

    same problem. doesn't help at all. i suggest playing unofficial maps until they come up with a fix. you know, the basic changes like change of Czech BP, Czech Vestpouch, new models for different mags, barrel roll etc. are also included on some mod servers.
  7. not_today_son.

    Light Armored Tank

    Apart from the fact that a tank has tracks instead of wheels.. where d'you wanna get tank-tracks from? the only for a civilian repairable "tanks" are APCs like the LAV-25. But i think putting a DShKM or PK-Machine Gun on a Ural would be close to OP already. Ural takes a lot of hits before it's going down (in fact, it takes around 12-13 bullets out of a KSVK, which uses 12.7x108 cartridges, therefore even more powerful than the .50 BMG or the 12.7x99 NATO, to destroy a Ural only hitting it's engine block)
  8. Threw a smoke grenade in a sheet-warehouse (the one with the blue doors, industrial med value building i believe), building collapsed, killing the guy inside. Remember: Smoke Grenades, while dealing no actual damage to players, tend to seriously damage buildings, and randomly, cause buildings to collapse.
  9. not_today_son.

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    I'm not the kind of guy that thinks everyone's friendly in DayZ, in fact, i am most of the time doing KoS-style, whenever i play "friendly" for once, i end up getting shot in the back so yeah .. apart from that .. i always get my basic loot (Enfield, AKs, M16A2, M4A1 etc.) from low value military or residential / industrial / farm buildings in smaller towns (exception Balota Airstrip, where most of the time nobody's near, and Chernogorsk, where you can avoid being sniped by some douche before you get a weapon that makes u competitive against his) believe it or not, i've been killed only twice by M107s / AS50s during my play time and got my hands on those weapons often enough, and none of those deaths were on Chernarus (1x Taviana and 1x Isladuala) i don't really mind if they keep the M107 / AS50 in the game, as long as they add the KSVK (zeroing is for people who can't aim)
  10. not_today_son.

    More ways to gather food and water

    No only a cannibal as their flesh is most likely not infected. While you would turn into a zombie if you eat zombie flesh. you could add kinda "Book of Eli"-Cannibal-Syndrome. As you eat more and more human flesh, your body tends to overreact on anything - starts freezing / sweating earlier, gets hungry a lot earlier and "normal" food like beans or pasta will not restore all of your "hunger-level", only human flesh is able to do it, needs to drink more often etc. also, to identify wether someone is a Cannibal or not as random player, you could enforce others to lower their gun and stand still - they would be shivering all over the place http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUitOC6I3gw 1:47-1:50 and 2:39-2:46
  11. Since we are thinking in outside-ArmA2 limitations, why not add a new 7.62mm sniper rifle? I'm talking about the "HK G3 DMR", sniper version of the G3. Able to hit targets up to 1100 meters, featuring a x3 and a x12 scope-option and a 20 round mag. it's semi auto. it has probably a higher recoil than the DMR. it's firing a 7.62x51mm cartridge (same as the FN FAL, the M14 AIM and the DMR). therefore it should deal around 8,000 blood damage. the "normal" G3 weights 4.38kg unloaded, due to the rather big scope the G3 DMR should be around 5kg weight unloaded, making it slightly heavier than the M14 AIM / DMR. also, since the G3 has been developed in 1950, and produced since 1958 up until today, it makes more sense being found in-game than the modern G36 versions. not to mention the fact that countries like Iran produce the G3 in unknown numbers and export them, it is actually quite possible (as background story) the G3 has been delivered to the rebels in Chernarus aswell. Also i was thinking about adding the GOL Sniper Magnum. Also features a 7.62x51mm Cartridge, weights 6kg and features a 5-round-magazine. It's a bolt-action rifle and the producer (German Gol-Matic GmbH) claims that the gun is incredibly accurate up to 1500m. it is also able to fire .300 Winchester Magnum Ammunition (Lee Enfield ammo) and .338 Lapua Magnum Ammo (L115A2 / A3 ammo). Therefore i suggest the weapon itself is very, very rare, as you can find ammunition for it anywhere (Lee Enfield ammo compatible ftw!)
  12. not_today_son.

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    I don't think the russians gave / give the CDF in Harvest Red their KVSKs. Only SVDs. But let's revise the Harvest Red Campaign a bit (anyone who played it knows about this little story): 1. US troops "invade" Chernarus due to a UN-resolution. Makes it possible some M107s, the US Army designation of the Barrett .50 cal, have been active in Chernarus. 2. After a terror attack on the Red Square in Moscow, at first the US/CDF-forces-friendly NAPA (some militia force hanging around near Novy Sobor / Gorka) are blamed. 3. UN removes the peace-keeping resolution from the US, and hands it over to Russia. "No US Soldier will be within 50 miles of Chernarus after 5:00pm the next day". Russia moves into Chernarus, holding NW Airfield and the territory north and west of it. Makes it possible that some KVSKs have been active in Chernarus, also makes it possible that some M107s have been "lost" / "forgotten" in the 2 Resupply Trucks at the FOB Manhattan, after it gets raided by Chedaki Forces (the evil guys in Harvest Red). 4 [...] So both, the M107 and the KVSK, have some reason to be found in Chernarus. Not the AS50 tho, no british soldiers were in charge in Chernarus, afterall. And i have to correct myself, the scope of the KSVK is able to take out targets up to 1100m accurately (the last "mildot" is for 1100m).
  13. So i was asking myself what are the most popular guns in DayZ so i could try them out some time. My favourite basic-stuff loadout is: AKM Revolver CZ550 More advanced guns loadout: M107 (at least that one sounds like an actual gun, unlike the peashooter-sound AS50) PDW / G17 FN FAL / M14 AIM (prefer the M14 AIM cuz of the reddot and the more common ammo) or DMR / M24 PDW / G17 M4A1 CCO SD / Mk48 Mod 0 (prefer the low recoil of the M4A1 CCO SD, but it's ammo's a real rarity (was lucky to find a guy with 8 SD-mags stored in his backpack ..)
  14. not_today_son.

    Tell us about your most recent kills!

    DayZ Taviana: Random VW drives past my Ural. I follow him (wasn't actually thinking I would get him), he tries to "ambush" me in the next village. I drive past him, stop. He tries to block me. I put the pedal to the medal, push him thru an open field, accidentally manage to drive on his roof. Reverse a bit, push him into a forest into the first massive oak. Well, the tree didn't survive. push him into the next tree, that one didn't survive aswell. Push him into a house at the edge of Sabina, his car starts burning (he got out shortly before that), starts shooting my Right Front Wheel with his Winchester. Shot it 5-6 times, wheel damaged (not destroyed tho). I get out, shoot him with my FAL 2 times, he's dead. Never mess with a Ural driver that knows what his tank on wheels is capable of. And more important: Never stand in the way of a Ural. If necessary, i'm gonna push u 3km far until I find the next massive tree / house / wall that will resist a Ural. A few hours after that, played on a Chernarus 700+ vehicles server. Found an Ural and an Enfield with 2 Mags. Drive through Elektro and Cherno to get to the Balota Airstrip. At the outskirts of Chernogorsk a green hatchback starts following me. I slow down, ram him off the road. He still follows me, i ram him again, into a tree. somehow his car was still working. so i rammed him once again, only slightly this time (he got what im trying to do after the 3rd time), resulting in him (to be exact them) to lose 2 wheels. They ( 2 bandits) get out and start shooting my Urals wheels. Unluckily for them they had a M249 SAW and managed to destroy one of my wheels. Made a roadblock / cover turn with my Ural, got out. Shot the first of them, unconscious. The other one manages to somehow hit my leg thru the 2 rear axis, resulting in my legs broken. Rolled out behind the Ural (that idiot was sprinting towards me), took aim, shot him in the head. crawled to his buddy, said "you decided to mess with the wrong person. not today son, remember that." and executed him aswell. One of them had morphine in their inventory, luckily. Their hatchback also had a spare wheel in the trunk, so i could patch up my Ural again. decided to move off from Balota as i heard a few DMR / AS50 shots aswell as a squad of at least 3 Assault Rifle buddys (counted AKM shots, could be PKM aswell tho, G36 shots and a few STANAG rounds.) returning fire on them (luckily i watched the side chat a bit so i could see a few random notes from a random guy lying around under the collapsed watch tower behind the hangars (if u know what i mean), who said "epic squad fight going on here" etc.. Well. Ural Power!
  15. found this map in the internet when i searched for "Chernarus Plus", dunno how waterproof it is. Chernogorsk will only be a small ass village compared to Novigrad :P
  16. not_today_son.

    What's your favourite loadout?

    well, since i was killed with all high-end loot one can imagine, by a hacker, i really don't care about my loot anymore. i need like 1 trip to cherno to find my beloved medium-end gear AKM, 1 trip to NW airfield to find a M14 AIM or something (if not, i keep my AKM), 1 trip to NE airfield over devil's castle, and normally you find a helicopter crash on ur way to the NE airfield, and if it's not looted, you practically already have a found ur M107 or ur FN FAL. yesterday i found a heli crash right next to devil's castle (inside devil's castle was also a completely broken Mi-17 with 2 Cans of Mountain Dew in it :thumbsup: ), where i found 2 FALs, 1 with 1 mag, the other with 2 mags. decided to take one FAL for my AKM, shooting nearly 200 rounds of AKM ammo into the heli-crash (despite 30+ players on the server, i mean, i was right in the middle of nowhere <.<), then took one FAL and left my AKM and the other FAL without ammo there. my only problem now, far bigger problem than the amount of time i need to find such gear again, is that i got no weapon on close range vs zombies without aggroing 'em all. FAL is loud, M107 is even louder. and i'm not really in the mood to switch to my PDW every time another grandpa-zombie chases me (those are the most stubborn ones .. one chased me for like 5 km before i got annoyed and shot him in the face <.<)
  17. they should add some kind of "reliablity system" to the guns. for example: an AK-47 can be thrown into the water, sand, mud, whatever and you just take it out, shake it a bit to get most of the dirt (e.g. water should be way easier gone out of a weapon than sand, a weapon full of sand should be easier cleaned than a weapon full of mud) off, reload it, and it still works like before. on the other hand, more unreliable weapons like the M4A1 should jam much faster and need way more time to be cleaned and ready to use again. would give the russian weapons, especially the AKs, but also the G3 (which is very reliable, you can practically throw it out of the 2nd floor on the ground, pick it up again and it still works without taking any actual damage) a big advantage over high-value military weapons that tend to jam a lot faster / tend to need a new barrel much faster. also, caliber, firerate and reliability of weapons should have a big influence on the amount of barrel changes per shots. for example weapons with a high firerate, a big caliber and a below-average reliablity value, for example the MG4 or the MG42 (which is quite reliable but the insane firerate of 1200-1500 Rounds per minute, which is why it is nicknamed "Hitler's Buzzsaw", really fucks up the barrel fast), need a barrel exchange after 400-500 shots fired. other guns, like the PKM, should need a barrel change after 1000-1200 shots fired. if you don't exchange ur gun barrel on a regular basis, your barrel will most likely distort and greatly reduce accuracy on all ranges, maybe even influence recoil a bit. which makes me come to another point, where Rate of Fire should play a big role in locating gun-fire's origin. this especially goes for the fast-fire guns, like the KRISS Super Vector, the FN P90, the PPSh-41, the MG42, MG3 (which i would like to see added to the list as end-game LMG, as it is the successor of the MG42 and predecessor of the MG4), MG4. Every of those guns has a fire rate higher than 1,000 rounds per minute (only exception: P90 with "only" 900 RPM), meaning you will hear gunshots between every 0.06 seconds (P90, Vector, MG4, PPSh-41) up to every 0.04 seconds (MG3, MG42). you are not able to locate those gunshots, there is obviously a reason why the MG42 is called "buzzsaw". In WW2, allied soldiers had serious problems to locate MG42-nests only by sound. obviously not by eye-contact, but eye-contact is to be avoided vs those guns. then again, slow fire guns, like the sniper rifles, assault rifles (AK-47 for example) or single-shot rifles (Lee Enfield) should be much easier to be located by sound. i imagine a system like: the higher your RoF is, the wider is the approximate hearing angle for both zombies and players. for example, standard hearing angle is 2-3° for slower-firing guns (may it be due to the recoil or the bolt-action design), for higher RoF guns and more silent guns it is up to 10°. meaning if you fire a MG42 at 300 meters, your target has a range of 5° to each side from ur actual firing location. of course you need to implement it that way, the longer you fire, the smaller get's the "target area" around you. if you fire like 10 shots, the 10° angle will remain, meaning that zombies will spread in an area of ~26 meters both to your right and left, where they will head for to investigate. they will adjust their walking direction after each shot, so you could see zombies wandering zig-zagging over the field towards you. don't forget tho, the closer they come, the smaller gets the hearing angle. and the less they will be zig-zagging around until they stand right in front of you. also, the more shots they hear, the quicker they try to reach that area, as they get more and more sure about their ears are not failing and there is some good meal over there (i know, zombies can't think, but it would be strange to see zombies zig-zag walking around the fields, while running over the fields makes more sense.) another suggestion that came into my mind: about that attachments thing. you should be able to either rip off or de-mount scopes / silencers from weapons you find. why also the option to rip em off? if your character is unexperienced, like spawned 5 minutes ago, he will try to simply rip the silencer of that M9 SD. if you have been alive for 3-4 days, your character will try to mount the silencer of carefully, leaving it in a better state. same for scopes. disadvantage of ripped-off scopes: - you need a toolbox, maybe even a blow-torch and a few tin-cans / scrap metal to fix it on a gun again. there is a high chance that your barrel is going to lose "time until exchange needed" due to the extreme heat near it. - it might be crooked in the end, practically making ur reddot u just found useless advantages of de-mounted scopes: - can be mounted on any weapon with a scope-rail on it - will not affect the gun's reliability - will not influence the accuracy of your sight. for example if you've been alive for 3 days in-game, and have that M16A1. now you find a let's say M4A1 Holo. but you really have neither the space nor interest in taking the M4A1 Holo (whatever reason it might be), but the Holographic sight. you de-mount the Holo-sight and mount it on your M16 instead. now you got a M16A1 Holo. would create the chance of creating or looting some unique combined weapons off of dead bodies. i can already imagine my M16A1 with Silencer, Holo sight, flashlight and grenade launcher. and then get killed, and some dude's like "Oh my god, this gun's insane." edit: also, on a random note: people using high-caliber guns desperately need ear plugs, or they will risk (1% for 5.56 guns, 5% for 7.62 guns, 15% for 12.7 LMGs, 25% for 12.7 sniper rifles) losing their hearing ability for a certain amount of time, also depending on the guns noise. (for example: deafness due to M107 shots: 1 hour, deafness due to 5.56 shots: 5 minutes, not able to "heal" it, only able to prevent it.)
  18. how i became a bandit .. went north to stary sobor with a friend, he had a Lee Enfield and a M9SD (which he found in the AT Tower at Balota), i got an AKM. we were about 2km from Stary away, when he said "chances are high that we'll encounter players from here on" about 5 secs later, a guy peeked around a tree, looking straight at us. "Playaa!" i shouted thru TS, taking cover behind a tree in the same second (by that time i played ArmA2 / DayZ for about 2 days so i wasn't expecting too much bullet-resistance from a tree, but better than nothing). that guy just kept starring at us, even as i moved toward him from tree to tree. i got to about 50m next to him, when he said "hey enfield guy there, drop all ur gear, and fuck off, and then maybe we're cool." - told my friend to do as he said, as he obviously had no clue i was there (can't believe he didn't saw me until today). So when he was going for the loot of my mate, i walked up behind him, saying "I don't think this belongs to you. Any last words?", he didn't say anything for like 5 seconds, so i said "obviously not. well then, good night." and shot him in the head. as if this wasn't enough already, in the same second my mate was coming back over the edge to collect his stuff again, he said "behind you, player." almost instantly i turned around spraying a whole clip of AKM bullets into the air. it was, lucky as i was, my last full mag aswell, only had 2 bullets in the other one left. shot both at the random guy, he felt unconscious. walked up to him as i pulled out my Revolver, saying "not today, son. once you wake up, feel free to leave. don't turn around, don't shoot at me, just walk 1km straight north. if you don't, you're dead." well, he didn't walk northwards, he rather preferred to attack me with his hatchet (i don't know how he got to stary alive with only a hatchet, but he obviously made it). was a big mistake to him, Revolver vs. Hatchet still Revolver wins. from that point on, and some more shooting on all kind of people (no matter wether survivor, bandit or hero) with all sorts of weapons (starting with AKM, M4A1, M16A2, to M4A3 CCO, eventually ending up with a L85A2 AWS and an AS50. that character survived for like 30-40 days before i was killed by hacker using godmode, his PDW and a hatchet .. - he survived 2 AS50 hits with NATO ammo, not to mention the 50+ bullets out of my friends M249 SAW) i got the irremovable bandit skin and that rapid heartbeat people get when aiming at some bandits, like i was carrying the whole sky on my back.
  19. not_today_son.

    what do you guy think a bandit is?

    me personally, as a bandit with a big amount of negative humanity, i kill for the loot, but also for my safety. 2 stories to differentiate between my playstyle, and the average "bandit" (more of a douchebag) player. First story: Me and my mate were at the NE airfield, searching for a weapon (better than my AKM, which I really love tho, and I always ended up the one surviving a gun-encounter, even against 2 (gotta admit, those 2 were practically both real smartasses, looking at a bandit you can really, really hear that heartbeat thingy from and not shoot him instantly) enemies at once. anyways, so i found this M240 in a helicrash a few metres behind the runway, my mate got an Mk48 from a guy in Cherno before already, and was done checking the AT tower when 2 cars, a betty van and a tractor, drove right over the open field towards the AT tower. we set up a perimeter, waiting for them to drive into the ambush. our main objective was the S1203, so we opened fire on the tractor first (i shot the S1203 first, hoping to shoot the driver unconscious), leading to it's destruction, the guy inside got out tho, the S1203 had rammed the AT tower straight away (it was not missing any wheels tho). We did not know how many people were against us now. I had collected 1 frag nade and 1 smoke nade, so we were doing the following: i threw the smoke grenade in front of the AT tower entrance (we had spotted one of the enemy players next to the stairs), while my mate was hiding behind the S1203. then i threw the frag grenade in the top floor of the AT tower, climbing the ladder, coming down the stairs now standing right above the guy at the stairs. I called my mate to look around the corner and open fire once i've fired a few shots into a wall. Like expected, the guy turned around to see what those gun shots were, my mate killed him with 3 clean shots into the back. i was moving down the stairs as i saw a female char rolling out behind the stairs. well 3 shots killed her, 2 of those hit her head. they didn't have any interesting loot, just the car. -- another story: guy in cherno with obviously high-end gear (constant DMR / M14 AIM fire in the town), was killing anything that moved into cherno. As my mate was gone afk, and i had no option to find out the distance between me and him (had an M107), i waited almost 10 minutes until my mate came back. (unlike me he had the rangefinder). calling me the distance, i ended that douche's killing spree, with a clean shot in his heart (ironic, isn't it?). didn't have much interest in his loot, had a FN FAL (+ 3 mags) and a M107 by that time (mate got DMR and M4A3 CCO). what i was interested in tho was us getting to our PBX safely again (parked on the very edge of the harbor, behind the farest pier.), and by accident, obviously made Chernogorsk a safe place for a few bambis again, at least until the next douche would show up. or until bambis shoot themselves again .. caught a few survivors with their pants down, and man are people friendly if you catch them with a FAL pointing at their back. just to show you guys i do NOT kill anything that crosses my path (well, at least not in cherno as for every guy u kill, 3 new appear). Story 1: Bandit Story 2: Douchebag Note to self: Now that i've got a M107 again, maybe i should start sniping douchebags in cherno again.
  20. not_today_son.

    Lf a buddie to start with

    How to navigate without compass / GPS on a veteran server: If you spawn, remember what it said (for example: "Three Valleys"). That way u'll know where to head once you got the map of chernarus in ur head. If you have a map but no clue where you are: 1. Open your map 2. Press Shift + Left Mouse Button to place a waypoint. 3. Close your map, take a look around until you see the marker. Notice the distance and the rough direction. 4. Open your map again, try to place the marker closer to you again (read: move the marker horizontally on a imaginary horizontal line) . 5. If the distance increases, you need to set the marker in the opposite direction (for example: more to the east rather than to the west). 6. Once you're within 2,000 meters, the direction of your waypoint might change a bit (for example: it's now more to the NW than to the West) - this means you need to adjust your marker both vertically and horizontally. 7. Repeat step 2 - 6 until you're marker is closer than 400m. you should then have a good estimation of where you are. 8. Profit. Takes some time to get used to that process, but the more in-game experience you gain, the faster you'll find out where you are using this method. Edit: Roadsigns can also give you a hint where you are. They might be in russian, but with a bit of thinking you should find out what it's trying to say, me personally, i can "translate" 90% of the roadsigns in chernarus, without knowing a single word of russian or whatever that language is.)
  21. not_today_son.

    What do you feel like when you kill someone?

    When I spot them: You are a possible threat, wether or not you have a gun right now, you will have one sooner or later. Therefore, I kill you. After he's dead: Nervous wether anyone noticed the gunshots. Collect their gear (if they have something) and quickly move off towards the location i wanted to go to before.
  22. not_today_son.

    The Bandit Coalition

    hehe i don't care wether some coalition is hunting down all bandits or not. i've got enough first person- and tac-shooter experience to (prove it more than once in DayZ) take on 3 enemies at once, on my own. if i got my buddy as sniper support with me .. then bring it on! hopefully i got enough ammunition for all of 'em. (if not .. they shall bring some AKM-mags with them. i only use the AKM, unless i find a M4A1 CCO SD)
  23. not_today_son.

    Bandit Forum

    happened to me and a friend too .. we were at our base in the factory of Polana, had a tractor and a S1203 (we took from 2 players we ambushed at the NE airfield), when suddendly within 2 seconds the building (construction site) collapsed, both cars blew-up, and we both died. all you heard was the sound of a GAU-8 Avenger (30mm Gatling Gun mounted on an A-10 Thunderbolt). anyways, where to check your humanity? as far as i know Debug monitor doesn't work anymore .. i'm rather curious how many murders i got aswell, must be somewhere around 10 right now (not to mention the tons of people i've hurt and then my friend killed them), not adding the 3-5 players in Chernogorsk yesterday (after i've picked up another friend and we collected some gear for him). the only way to somehow indicate the value of my negative humanity (and i'm constantly trying to "improve" it, means i'm trying to push it even lower) is how fast my friends are hearing my heartbeat and the fact that my bandit skin will not disappear even after respawning. would be great if somebody could tell me how to find out the exact humanity value. (the funny thing is - i used to have +15000 humanity, i guess now it's at least -15000.)
  24. not_today_son.

    Warehouse Clearance

    Offering a MP5A5 (if needed I could also give you a M1911) in exchange for 1-2 NVGs. we could negotiate about this offer via PM tho.
  25. What I'm looking for: - 2 x Nightvision-Googles - DMR (No Ammo needed, I have already some with me) What I'm offering: - AS-50 + 2x5-round, 1x10-round mag - FN FAL AN/PVS-4 + 2 Mags, 1 with 20 / 20 rounds, 1 with 18 / 20 rounds (if i remember right, it's been a while ago since i checked - friend lagged into a rock and died in the middle of the night and I couldn't find him, so the FAL is gone. write to me via PM if you're interested, we will make out time and location of the meeting then. Edit: Seems like AS-50 is still offered, so if you want it and have nightvision-googles, here's your chance.