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Everything posted by devilzwithin

  1. I think it'd be pretty cool if you could feign death or injury- could provide some good lures for ambushing >:)
  2. Here's a list of a couple of ideas... Constructing weapons, weapon mods, bullets, explosives, traps, barriers, clothing, poisons, antidotes. Firearms (and bullets) should be a lot rarer, so there's more of an intimidation feature- in the dayzmod, if someone has a rifle drawn, you never really question whether or not they have ammo, seeing as it is so easily accessible (in most cases). I think it'd be cool if you had to outsmart players and zombies, rather than either avoid or shoot them. As in, set traps of falling debris, possibly a car alarm (which would attract zombies and other players). A trading interface is a must-have in my opinion. Customisable outfits- so your friends can distinguish you from enemies. Possibly apply attributes to some clothes, such as; sunglasses remove sun glare, kevlar vests resisting some weaker bullets. Generators- they could provide light, heat (portable heaters) and also generate a lot of sound which would attract players and zombies. Handheld and placeable (and re-usable) candles. The ability to extinguish and destroy light sources. Locks for doors (good for bases, hiding out in an abandoned house maybe?) Lockpicking ability (and the ability to just destroy them) Subways- imagine the possibilities (building an underground city, for one) Jails- players could take up the role of being vigilantes, or just lock up players for the lulz Wooden planks to barricade windows and block doors. The ability to move bodies (possibly string up corpses as warnings) Radios, which could be used to communicate over distances, however they run on batteries (which will expire) Both clothes and weapons degrade- shoes will deteriorate over time, which could possibly decrease speed ever so slightly. Scratches and sores- these could increase the chance of being infected with some sort of flu or infection. Blood attracts zombies The ability to tie people up- this could provide other opportunities such as tying someone up, stealing their stuff and cutting them- zombies would detect the blood and attack the victim where all you have to do is sneak out a window... The ability to enter windows! Using melee weapons to create entrances- breaking locked doors, breaking walls and flanking hiding enemies. More objects to distract others (rc cars, bells, car alarms) Vehicles overhaul ideas; you should be able to walk around in larger vehicles such as buses (camp for enemies to enter then eliminate them). Handling should be fixed- there seems to be a little delay, More animations- at the current state- no one can tell whether you are eating, drinking, or picking up a pistol. I mean, even if you just have a reaching animation for loot on the ground, that'd be fine. Possibly even have injection animations, eating animations. Animated Storage Items- such as (possibly placeable) crates, chests. The ability to create medication- if done improperly could have some negative effects. Maybe create injectable poisons or gases that create hallucinations(turn a group of players on each other), maybe slow their reflexes, distort their vision... And the ability to create custom signs, time capsules (like warz) and maybe use spraypaint We should also be able to customise cars, rather than just repairing them- as in welding metal plates on the windows to provide bullet resistance, offroad tires for better handling offroad etc etc As vehicles get damaged they should show it on the body, rather than just having an icon on the top left indicating damage Oh, and of course much more vehicle diversity- we need a badass muscle car :P It'd be pretty cool if the environments you go through impact your appearance- say you roll around in dirt and mud, it could provide a sort of temporary camo Loot should also spawn on shelves, tables, and storage items( such as chests, wardrobes)- rather than just on the floor...