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Friday N

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Everything posted by Friday N

  1. Friday N

    Noob need help!

    May be server side prob, or you may have updated but not the server
  2. Friday N

    Can I ?

  3. boooooooooooooooooooooooo spoil sport
  4. Friday N

    WOW. Lucky escape

    Frankieonpcin1080p owning players in a thunderdome is good entertainment on youtube
  5. *tent disappears* fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  6. Hi all, appreciate any help on this. I seem to have the opposite problem to many (who lose fps massively in cities) – on medium settings (plus no vsync, aa etc) and on a decent server I get 35 – 50 fps in cities and towns but 15 – 22 in forests, or even looking at bushes. I know my notebook is not a gaming computer (see below) but is there anyway to improve this? Why would it be that I’m fine in cities but not forests? FYI – Intel® Core i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz 4GB RAM Radeon HD 6490M 64 bit 300+ GB left on my HD Thanks in advance :hattip:
  7. Hi all, appreciate any help on this. I seem to have the opposite problem to many (who lose fps massively in cities) – on medium settings (plus no vsync, aa etc) and on a decent server I get 35 – 50 fps in cities and towns but 15 – 22 in forests, or even looking at bushes. I know my notebook is not a gaming computer (see below) but is there anyway to improve this? Why would it be that I’m fine in cities but not forests? FYI – Intel® Core™ i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz 4GB RAM Radeon ™ HD 6490M 64 bit 300+ GB left on my HD Thanks in advance :hattip:
  8. Couldnt change in game... realised when I logged off it was because I'd f*cked with the .cfg , going to reset it tonight and try again
  9. Thanks man, appreciated. I'll try in a bit when I log on... will it basically be shifting work to the gpu through high settings?
  10. It's a common prob - dayzcommander/ six launch can screw old routers. google it, theres plenty of info out there. I cant use either because of this. best option, uncheck refresh all servers, reduce max number of , if that doesnt work, you'll have to use the in game server list
  11. Friday N

    whats next for dayz soon ?

    Thanks! I'm sure I did that the first time and it didn't work... hmmmmm. Worked now though
  12. Cheers bro ATOC disabled at the moment ....
  13. Friday N

    whats next for dayz soon ?

    http://dayzmod.com/f...-teaser-please/ :) edit: Stupid quote button - maybe in return you can teach me to quote !
  14. Friday N

    whats next for dayz soon ?

    Read the thread around yesterday about 1.7.3 - rocket answers this question
  15. Friday N

    "No pvp" server

    Seriously, why can people not play as they want? And isn't that the point of testing the alpha?? Isn't it interesting that a game can produce many play styles and why shouldn't that be celebrated? It's a very small world view by some here: my way or the highway
  16. Friday N

    Average Day in Chernogorsk

    OP - can't believe this didn't get more attention, you are a BOSS