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About Dissent21

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    On the Coast
  1. Dissent21

    Zombie Swarms

    I really don't think it'd be THAT hard from a programming standpoint. Shit, most of the "zombie horde goes to this city" is just setting up a waypoint to go off with a specific trigger.
  2. Dissent21

    Zombie Swarms

    How long do you really think it takes for a few hundred player deaths?
  3. Dissent21

    Zombie Swarms

    Okay, so, this started as a pretty simple idea and then turned into something potentially amazing and beautiful, and probably pretty complicated, but here goes. It started off with the idea of "What if players became zombies". I thought, instead of the body disappearing after a few minutes, it got a zombie skin, hopped up, and joined the server zombie count. A friend of mine in return comes back with, "What if those zombies were permanent, staying in place near where they died until someone killed them, instead of just spawning randomly". I liked the idea, but I saw the inevitable server overload as hundreds of dead players added up. Until I thought of something else... As the permanent zombie number increases, they take the place of the randomly spawned zombies in the server count. Random zombies still spawn, but in fewer and fewer numbers, leaving the server gradually and slowly growing eerily empty. After a certain number of permanent zombies exist in the server, (I thought it could be a randomly generated number for each event, within a certain range), the Event begins. Every permanent zombie on the server is given an increased aggro range, and is set to move on cherno or electro. Thanks to the randomly generated trigger number, and the fact that random zombies still spawn, it would be almost impossible to predict exactly when the event would happen, and even which city they would move to, forcing players to balance their need for supplies against the possibility of being caught a midst a swarm of angry zombies, and it would also ensure that most of the "permanent" zombies were killed off, as they would be much more aggressive towards players after the event initiated. Now, I can definitely see how this could be complicated from a programming standpoint, and nightmarish from a testing standpoint, but it seems like a great idea to me. Anybody else have any thoughts, improvements, or additions?