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Everything posted by Hockeyguy

  1. Hockeyguy

    Serious FPS problems.

    Your best bet would be to upgrade your computer, your CPU is lacking pretty bad. A good rule of thumb when buying a CPU for DayZ is to have one that has 3.0GHz or more, with this you should play the game just fine. I hope this helps. :)
  2. Hockeyguy

    GB 69

    If its an admin ban then just join another server but if you got global banned then you probably did something wrong.
  3. Hockeyguy

    Make food spawn more often

    Go to the super market, you will find more food than you will ever need. Sometimes backpacks can make food not spawn in Super Markets though
  4. Hockeyguy

    TMW are (not) bandits

    Arnt you getting bored of trying to make TMW look bad but then just making yourself look like an idiot? I am sure the Moderators on this forum are getting tired of closing your shit posts.
  5. Hockeyguy

    Help Seeing People in DayZ

    Look for them?
  6. Hockeyguy

    No-KoS Servers?

    Look around the forums and see if you can find any servers that are advertising those kinds of rules.
  7. Hockeyguy

    Dayz Crashing computer

    Is his computer over heating? Thats the only thing I can think of.
  8. I like the idea of base building and think it will add a lot if to the game if it takes a while to be able to make a base and not just take 2 hours. :)
  9. Hockeyguy

    The better video card for Dayz?

    Its goos to have a goos graphics card but is is more important to have a good processor because arma 2 uses the CPU more
  10. If the game goes too long without something being brought in, people would start to get bored and loose intrest because DayZ had been out for a while.
  11. Hockeyguy

    Extremely high ping

    Try playing on a server that is hosted closer to you.
  12. I think it has something to do with Battleye. Go to the Download tab on the battleye website and it will show you instructions on what to do. Battleye: http://battleye.com/download.html
  13. Hockeyguy

    Night Fog and lighting effects

    It would be nice if night time started to look better because right now its kind of dull. Good idea.
  14. Hockeyguy

    Remove Starter Flashlight; Bring Back Flares

    Really good idea, the flashlight is a bit of a pain to have to take out anyway. :)
  15. Hockeyguy

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Some of the DayZ Dev blogs talk about how the different skins will work.
  16. Hockeyguy


    Would cause to much lag, and you can round up zombies by shooting a weapon near a city. ;)
  17. Hockeyguy

    Game crashes upon connect of server.

    Maybe it has something to do with the server if you can connect to other servers with no problem.
  18. Hockeyguy

    The Reddit Rescue Force

    I dont lift, but I also dont try and fight other peoples battles and then loose shortly after. My offer is still open, send me a PM if you feel the need. I will not be posting in this thread anymore.
  19. Hockeyguy

    The Reddit Rescue Force

    I am sorry but if you were not around for most of what happened then there is no point of you even posting on this thread, you are just de-railing the thread as I type this. The last thing I want to do is stir this stuff up more, but there is really no need for you to post in this thread if you are just trying to bad mouth TMW. If you want to do that, send me a PM and keep it off the forums if you don't mind. :)
  20. Hockeyguy

    Oh I wish I was a...

    When I grow up I want to become a Ural.
  21. I dont think there is a way to make DayZ ONLY run off the GPU because ARMA mainly runs off on the CPU. Try Googling it and see what you can come up with but I really dont think there is a way. Sorry
  22. Hockeyguy

    Covered Offroad

    DayZDB.com says that there is 50 item slots in the offroad.
  23. Connect to out Team Speak at ts.dayzmedics.com and we will get you fixed up. :)
  24. Hockeyguy

    need medic near nw airfeilds

    Come to TMW's Team Speak at ts.dayzmedics.com. We have lots of medics ready to help you. :)