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Everything posted by Hockeyguy

  1. Hockeyguy

    Joining server error

    Download DayZ through DayZ Commander and try connecting to a server through that. If it doesnt work let me know and I will look into it more. :)
  2. Hockeyguy

    is a pdw sd logical to have

    You would be better off getting a G17 or M1911, the ammo is more common and with the M1911 you can get ACP ammo and turn it into the M1911 ammo which doubles the chances of you getting more ammo for the gun. :)
  3. Hockeyguy

    Should they disable spawning in kamenka?

    I don't see why people get angry and run to the nearest town when they spawn in Kamenka, there is a ton of stuff you can loot from deer stands and a load of vehicle spawns and if you spawn there you have an almost direct route to the NorthWest Airfield with little trouble getting there. :)
  4. Hockeyguy

    Zombie "profing" cars

    Good idea, I hope this gets added to the game soon. :)
  5. Hockeyguy

    is a 1.4 ghz quad core enough?

    Your laptop will crap itself when you go into cities and zombies start to spawn.
  6. Hockeyguy

    stealing camp with many cars

    Wow, nice job. :)
  7. Hockeyguy

    Im a newbie who needs help.

    Watch Youtube videos to understand the game a little bit more like what guns are good and bad and what things you need to survive. :)
  8. Hockeyguy


    I found one yesterday along with 5 mags in the barn and on zombies I killed to get to the barn. :)
  9. Hockeyguy


    Are you joining different Hive servers?
  10. Hockeyguy

    Trading Legit Mountain Dew

    What do you mean by coolio?
  11. Hockeyguy

    Please help.

    Use DayZ Commander and download DayZ through that. If that doesnt work post and I will look into it more. :)
  12. Hockeyguy

    Uncle Sam goes to Cherno

    That is awesome, great job and beans. :D
  13. Hockeyguy

    More weapon models

    Good idea's but why would we need to have more pistols in the game, there is already a ton of sidearms/pistols.
  14. Hockeyguy

    Bandit outfit

    Good idea, it would help to know who is a bandit before they get to close to shot you like before. :P
  15. I have a coin wedged in between keys for my auto-run. :)
  16. Hockeyguy

    DayZ Takistan: First game / First Kill

    Great video, I should really try this map. :)
  17. Hockeyguy

    Can't pick up my packed tent

    This has happened to me before and I lost alot of good stuff but I am still not sure how to fix this problem as I just carried on like I didn't lose the great stuff I had. :P
  18. You can look at bandits two ways: 1) They are an annoyance 2) They add a new more survival aspect when going to very high traffic areas on the map I like bandits because I makes me look at what I do and where I am at all times. Zombies are very easy to avoid and run away from because they do not have guns but bandits will come after you and they are alot harder to run away from than a group of zombies that get confused from the hitbox of a tree. :P
  19. Hockeyguy

    Becoming a bandit

    Being a bandit as to do with how much humanity you have, the lower it gets the closer you get to being a bandit the higher you get the closer you become to being a hero. :)
  20. Hockeyguy

    Cannot load servers

    When I go in game a can't load DayZ servers and when I try to do it through the Play With Six launcher I will join a game but it will just stay at wait for host... Please help. :)
  21. Hockeyguy

    Why Do Zombies Serpentine?

    I think is is because of: 1) The game is a bit buggy and the zombies lag 2) I think they do it because it makes it harder to shoot them in the body or the head
  22. Hockeyguy

    Found Mtn Dew, what do with it?

    Keep it, its good luck. I have had mine for a long time and have survived many things I didnt think I would get out of. :)
  23. Hockeyguy

    Acceptable AltF4 Moments

    I agree with all of these points. :)
  24. Hockeyguy

    Will this computer run it? Please help

    I don't have any suggestions, I bought my computer a couple of years ago and I built my computer to get the best parts for the lowest price so I don't know any specific parts, sorry. :(