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Everything posted by Hockeyguy

  1. Hockeyguy

    Looking For Group

    If you are looking for a group of friendly guys to to either join or to just hang around with? If so then TMW is the place for you. We are a "Hero" Organization that go around healing people that need our help. We are always looking for new members. Our website is TMWdayz.com and our Team Speak is ts,dayzmedics.com. I hope to see you there. :)
  2. Hockeyguy

    How to activate the debug monitor?

    Main Menu->Controls->Custom Controls->Scroll Down to the bottom key binding and set it to something.
  3. Hockeyguy

    Need a Friend

    If you are needing medical assistance TMW can fix you up. Our website is TMWDayz.com and our TeamSpeak is ts.dayzmedics.com. :)
  4. Hockeyguy

    blood bag im logging on at 12 central US time

    If you are needing medical assistance you can always come to TMW for the help. Our website is TMWDayz.com and our TS is ts.dayzmedics.com. We always have a medic online and ready to help you.
  5. Hockeyguy

    i GIVE UP

    To fix the bad version it could be a couple of things. You might need to update your Battleye manually or you might need to update your Beta patch. I am not sure about the other error.
  6. Hockeyguy

    i GIVE UP

    Have you downloaded DayZCommander and tried downloading the game and beta patch through that?
  7. Hockeyguy

    DayzCommander install errors

    Try deleting everything in your @Dayz Directory and go from there and post again if you are still having a problem and I will try to think of more things to fix it. :)
  8. Hockeyguy

    Having trouble joining servers

    Try joining a server through DayzCommander. Also make sure to update everthing in the Install/Update tab in the top right on the Commander.
  9. Hockeyguy

    i GIVE UP

    LAN stands for Local Area Network. Do you have any more questions? :)
  10. Hockeyguy

    any one wanna play right now

    TMW is great place to start. TMWdayz.com and our Team Speak is ts.dayzmedics.com. :)
  11. Hockeyguy

    dif server dif inv ?

    You must have joined a Private Hive and therefore your inventory will be empty. When you go back to the hive you were on you will have your loot again. :)
  12. Hockeyguy


    Someone might have just taken the items out of the tent.
  13. Hockeyguy

    Everything I do, it says error

    This sounds like you haven't ran ARMA 2 and ARMA 2:OA yet. Try running both of those then try and join a game. :)
  14. Hockeyguy

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    The thing is, there could have been so much done in the time that has been wasted over this can issue. Everyone has their own thought about it but I really do think that they should be in the game and it is a very cool way to show appreciation to the Mods. Everyone that got a can for them deserved it and you all get my beans! :D
  15. Try going on another server and see what happens, when this happens it usually means that you are either taking to long to connect to the server or you are not connecting to the server correctly.
  16. Hockeyguy

    Reduced visibility with Ghillie

    If you are running through a field this would make sense but if you are running though a very big town/city you should be more visible than ever IMO.
  17. Hockeyguy


    This is cool idea and there does need to be something to do when you are sitting down other than just looking around thinking what your next move is. Great idea. :)
  18. Hockeyguy

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Everyone that got their name on a can deserved it and it is quite sad that with all the hard work they do, people still don't want to give them some recognition.
  19. Hockeyguy

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I'm sure the people complaining about the new cans would stop complaining if their name was on a can. Everyone that got there name on a can deserved it and the people that took that away from them better be VERY proud of themselves and think that they did the DayZ world some sort of favor. News flash: You didn't. This is why we can't have nice things.
  20. Hockeyguy

    Make the shelcasings stay until restart.

    As cool as this would be, I think it would be more of a hassle than it is worth. Servers will be more laggy, people will be more laggy, and there will be stuff all over the ground anywhere you go. If you go somewhere like the NWAF on a high population server you will see nothing but bullets on the ground. I would like to see this but it would just make to much lag overall. Good idea though.
  21. Hockeyguy

    What's the point in COMBAT ROLE?

    You can do some cool things with the combat roll, you just have to try some things with it and it can look cool. I dont know how much it will be used for combat but if someone does manage to dodge something like an RPG with a combat roll they will get all my beans.
  22. Hockeyguy

    Who to pick to start a server?

    Most server hostering compaines do the same thing, I would just look for the best price and look for the companie that can host closest to you or the group you play with
  23. Hello, if you are looking for a friendly group of guys to play with, Trusted Medics of the Wasteland is a very good group to join. We are a friendly organization that go around healing people in the very dangerous world of Dayz. If you would like to join come to our website at TMWdayz.com or our Team Speak at ts.dayzmedics.com. Thanks and I hope to see you around
  24. Hockeyguy

    Looking for a group!

    Hello, if you are looking for a friendly group of guys to play with, Trusted Medics of the Wasteland is a very good group to join. We are a friendly organization that go around healing people in the very dangerous world of Dayz. If you would like to join come to our website at TMWdayz.com or our Team Speak at ts.dayzmedics.com. Thanks and I hope to see you around
  25. Hockeyguy

    Noob Looking for group/clan

    Hello, if you are looking for a friendly group of guys to play with, Trusted Medics of the Wasteland is a very good group to join. We are a friendly organization that go around healing people in the very dangerous world of Dayz. If you would like to join come to our website at TMWdayz.com or our Team Speak at ts.dayzmedics.com. Thanks and I hope to see you around.