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Everything posted by Hockeyguy

  1. Hockeyguy

    Stuttering and freezing

    Well considering it just started happening during this patch I would say it has something to do more with the game than your computer
  2. Hockeyguy

    Steam troubles

    Try running both Arma 2 and Arma 2 operation arrowhead fully to the main menu then try again. If that doesn't work let me know and I will walk you through some other options that might work
  3. I was the same way when i started playing but then I got to a certain point where I wanted to make contact with other people whether it went well or not, eventually just playing against zombies will become more and more boring and you will want to mix it up by playing of servers with more people on it.
  4. Hockeyguy

    How do you think DayZ Standalone is going?

    I think that the game is going alright but it just doesn't interest me like the mod did when I first started playing, I could go into more detail but most of my points have already been posted in this thread
  5. Hockeyguy

    What exactly is lagging this game?

    Well in city's and town there is a lot more for the game to render like more loot, building, crashes, more people usually and that is why you will lag in towns and city's more than in the wilderness
  6. You might not have wounds but you might have lost blood, or your gamma and brightness are weird
  7. Hockeyguy

    rockets disapointment

    DayZ is a fantastic game and once all the bugs get worked out it will be even better If you dont like it there is a very simple way to fix it
  8. I think that when you have broken legs you can just hit you Esc button and respawn
  9. Hockeyguy

    safe zone

    Even after the 4th time posting, Shirley is still serious
  10. Hockeyguy

    Anyone getting decent fps?

    I am getting pretty good FPS but I am also playing on the lowest settings so I get those extra couple of frames and the game runs a bit smoother :)
  11. Hockeyguy


    Well dont worry about not being able to respond to find your body, it seems as soon as you hit respawn your old body disappears
  12. Hockeyguy

    Cant play in any servers ping 0 all players

    Restart your game first of all, then if that doesnt work turn your fire wall off to test it and if that doesnt work turn it back on right away and re-install your DayZ. Hope this helps :)
  13. I think the loot being in Balota is fine, you dont see nearly as many people running around cherno killing people as they are at Balota Airfield
  14. Hockeyguy

    Got Any Tips?

    Stay away from balota airfield if there is anymore than 5 people on the server, you are pretty much guaranteed to get shot by someone
  15. Hockeyguy

    Disappearing Bodies and combined magazines

    Im not sure about the Stanag mags but I know that when people die or go unconscious they are pretty gliched, the guy was probably dead then he logged off the server making his body dissapear
  16. Hockeyguy

    Help Me

    I have had that a couple times in the mod and there seems to be a few places in the building where the wall is no collided and you can walk right through. Might have changed in the SA though EX, when you spawned in Novy Sober in the building
  17. Hockeyguy

    <<<< Inventory animations. >>>>

    I like the idea but I also like being able to run right now and check my inventory and move stuff around, making an animation would make this not possible
  18. Hockeyguy

    Standalone any better off in terms of ******

    DayZ standalone is worth a lot more than it costs, it is awesome. Yes there are some bugs but they will get fixed with time. I defiantly suggest getting it
  19. Hockeyguy

    Only 40 players ?

    Well I am guessing that there is still some testing going on with how much the servers can handle before raising the amount of people that can play on the server
  20. Hockeyguy

    my flashlight broke?

    I dont think its a glich, I think the battery in the flashlight just ran out
  21. Hockeyguy

    What opens cans?

    I know bayonets can open up cans
  22. Hockeyguy

    I saw animal on the road

    Well the hitbox is probably extremely small on something like a rabbit so you might have just missed it
  23. Hockeyguy

    Guns in Residential Areas

    I have found a couple of Moison Nagants in residential spawns, also found on in a broken down car
  24. Hockeyguy

    SA needs more story.

    I dont think having a story line or anything would be good considering its a multiplayerand there is no need for a story line. I do on ther other hand think it would be cool if you could get a voice recorder or something and make voice memos so you could leave recorded tapes lying around for other people to listen to
  25. Hockeyguy

    Hospital is now Banana retail !

    Im guessing you Split right after seeing all the bananas