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About phv11

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    On the Coast
  1. I was in the NW airfield, had a ghillie and just looted some guy's coyote backpack and FN-FAL, M9SD with tons of ammo, so I decided to leave the airfield because i didn't want to lose all this stuff. All of a sudden a hacker teleports behind me and tells me not to move. I don't at first, but then I turned around and shot him (I didn't know he was a hacker yet), but then I saw he had a hacked-in skin, and i shot him about 8 times with my FAL, and he didn't die....obviously god mode. I have had so many encounters with hackers recently and it seriously just ruins the game for me when I get killed and lose all my stuff I have spent days to pile up by a hacker. The game is so addicting but extremely frustrating when some little script-kiddie TPs behind me and toys with me and my stuff. Please fix the security for DayZ, because I'm so mad right now.