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About Wadt007

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    South Carolina
  1. New map kicks me with a script err create vehicle #1, Also in dayz commander it says my installed version of dayz and the server is 12, also half the time i try and join i get oops something went wrong please try again...
  2. No probs with my servers and if I ever need help i put a ticket in and jump on TS. Im not a fanboy nor do i get paid from these guys. Im just happy with my service so far. I understand some people have had a bad experience with SS but just IMO ive had bad experiences with alot of things in my life and i don't go ape shit on the company/people or wth ever ive had that experience with. As i see it we all have 2 choices 1, get over it and move on in our got to have it now life or 2, be patient/polite/clam and all will end well in life. The choice is yours and 1 last thing this post isnt directed towards any other post its just me and my life experience to date.
  3. So anyone have a walkthrough for a nub on how to use phpadmin to spawn in vehicles?
  4. Guys please give us an update of some sorts. It will make all of us much happier to just be in the know on whats happening.
  5. Well first i have nothing to do with the company or the people who run it but if i send a ticket in it get answered in a timely fashion. I looked all over the site for information on all the services that were offered before i made the choice to go with Survival Servers to host both my public and private hives. I understand the the support is up to 24 hours which im fine with that. Also The few problems i have had were taken care of and i have been compensated. BLAH BLAH 502 err click refresh and it fixes it. Hackers Dont get on my private hive. Maybe if people would do just a little research before they spend money they would be a bit more happy but i guess no matter what some people are going to complain about anything no matter what. But with all that said I do understand everyone has different experiences with everything in life. I wish the best to all and hope all will be well with everyone that playes the game.
  6. Ok and from what i can read to date we will be able to in as little as a few days right?
  7. So there is no way to write in the vehicles on the community servers right?
  8. Yep just the 3.5 versions are showing and in the tools page it says to update asap lol. I shall wait about another hour then bed i guess.
  9. Yea same here mate and i keep getting a msg when accessing my cfg files
  10. Somethings going on now my priv hive server has gone to unknown in the status so yay!!
  11. So around 9pm est the 3.6 bliss will be out or am i understanding you post incorrectly?
  12. The guy is working his tail off. Yes hes over loaded but meh its the growning pains of a company. I have faith that all will be well and he will come through with a service we all can enjoy.