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About bonez187

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bonez187

    Huge shopping mall with underground parking

    maybe a place where the army made a emergency evacuation centre so u might find some military loot there as well as some first aid equipment 2 go with your basic stuff like a food store clothing shops and stuff like that and in the underground car park some cars that u can fix up or get parts from if there 2 messed up
  2. bonez187

    hackers on uk 352

    the only name i see was the one thats in the picture and dat is from the video i got.....im new 2 all this don't no what guid or logs are?
  3. after a good couple hour searching for a car on uk 352 i finally found a atv and got it repaired and was driving for about 5min then a hacker teleported to where i was and tried kill me with hatchet cos i was stopped so i started driving away and i started hearing gun shots but i was lucky and none was hitting me just the atv but then i started seeing the person teleport in front of me trying 2 kill me and they teleported 2 where i was again wen i was stopped and killed me not long after the pic was taken and i got it all on video from start 2 end