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Everything posted by ImaffoI

  1. We have been playing dayz mod and standalone for over 2 years now, and still goign strong. check out our standalone recruitment thread here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154457-cqf-chernarus-quarantine-force-recruiting-for-sa/
  2. ImaffoI


    @pacific_coast Well that is not very fair is it? When these fellows are starting with calling us fascists. Dear Buscus, please keep the game clean, dont overstate your power nor your victories. Dear Mr.Rager, If we are fascists, then why did you so desperately retry to join us? Or was it a feeble attempt to infiltrate us? Anyway, next time try it with a steam account that isnt obviously yours, befriended with Buscus and with your name.
  3. If you have reached till here, you mgiht also want to check out our new Dayz Sa thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154457-cqf-chernarus-quarantine-force-recruiting-for-sa/page-7
  4. ImaffoI

    Anti-Suicide Prevention Operation

    just amazing guys, Imagine how many fuliflling lives have been lived because of your work.
  5. We are now gearing up for (of course) dayz s. A lot of stuff is goign on behind the scenes so we are ready for a lot of new blood. I f you are interested in a veteran dayz group, that knows when to be serious and when not, and you intent to get dayz sa, join us today.
  6. ImaffoI

    Community Banlist

    http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/detail?id=3708&thanks=3708&ts=1358466230 I want my guid removed. A random ban by some a-hole admin has kept me hostage for over 4 months. Get me off! No bs about "just go around server to get unbanned". I want my game back.
  7. ImaffoI


    a beans and sub for your sirs. That was amazing and most amusing.
  8. Send you a mail for whitelisting, but unless you are hanging my name on a gold plaque somewhere im not giving you my name.
  9. ImaffoI

    Community Banlist

    I know, im just angry and disappointed that im getting shafted by it.
  10. ImaffoI

    Community Banlist

    1) You know how annoying it is having to ask for that? No you do not. 2) More work for less enjoyment. 3) If i have to do that, let them pay the copy ey? They have fucked up for a lot of innocent people and you say: just buy another copy. Get me off this fing list, and server hosters dont use it, its obviously flawed at this point of time. Nice try, now shut it down properly.
  11. ImaffoI

    Community Banlist

    An answer would be nice right about now, cmon.
  12. ImaffoI

    Community Banlist

    psst cal, screw off, dont take your grudge against pdr here.
  13. ImaffoI

    Community Banlist

    2 months and still no answer of any kind, i would like one right now, or remove me from this list asap. http://code.google.c.../detail?id=1156
  14. Hope to see some more Groups joining! Owning all the heli's in the server is not as fun if you cant use them against somebody:)
  15. Hi nox, you know you where a weight on their patience, asking and asking for more stuff. It was the last drop that you where asking for your stuff back, i dont know how you did it but it was not the only thing. The forums are full of it, and then i dont know what you send to them directly. The council is to get more power in players hand and you know that, and let the admins deal with the technical stuff, banning people etc. Did you know cqf has been the primary clan in the server for a fair time now and guess what? We have not been banned. You have just pushed your luck nox, you are a nice guy and i didnt like that you where banned because we played a lot, but dont you talk smack about the admins that already had to take some hard decisions.
  16. Videofletcher made a video on this server! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pnFqCqPhSQ
  17. ImaffoI

    Build Rolling Update

    " R4Z0R49 Well that was a bit confusing then. Thanks.
  18. ImaffoI

    Build Rolling Update

    I feel kind of sad about that. The an 2 Colt and the V 22 do not lack purpose at all, or the helicopter would just as well lack purpose. Purpose is amde by the players, not by testers, who are just 10 and as such not representative. I can remember a fairly big suggestion thread asking for the an2 colt, so the interest is there. Get it in community project guys, and stay awesome.
  19. @QuartzOne You should have gotten a confrimation email, after that it should work just fine. If it doesnt, then drake will look into it asap for you. Hnag tight
  20. Yes i do events in the weekends, most of the time on saturday eve. It was the Hunger games this past weekend, but i have plenty of other thing whirling in my mind, so come and check us out. Groups especially welcome.
  21. I am fairly sure that is also the map used by our big friend devildoggamer, with all the FOB's ensuring some tight shootouts and bases.
  22. We had some troublemakers so the applications are botched atm, ill send your app through.
  23. The server that got me into dayz again. Colorful and helpful people, active admins,unique possibilities and features, like the greenzone. The server just had a wipe so now is the best time more than ever to join in.