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Black Shard

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About Black Shard

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  1. Black Shard

    Rocket is playing DayZ

  2. Same here, got letters in my playerID, too (didn't came unexpected, though as I read the BI Forums often). Will wait paitently then.
  3. Nah they say "The solution is implemented in build 94002..." - the current Beta Patch Build is 93965 :) - so it is not in the current beta build. Once you install the new beta (once they release it, that is) this will be fixed for you, because you will get a new playerId (Arma X users get a new playerId, Operation Arrowhead users won't).
  4. Hi there, it's an Arma 2 Bug which Bohemia will address in a future Beta Patch, see here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136223-PlayerId-change-for-Reinforcements-ArmA-X-users You are basically sharing your PlayerID (not your GUID, this is an unique value based on the CD Key) with another user out there. Which results in both of you playing the same DayZ char (since DayZ uses the playerId as a distinguishing factor). Edit: Well it is one of the possibilities, I bought a retail Arma X Copy and got the same problem, just as a sidenote
  5. Black Shard

    Corrupt Player Profile or rare Bug?

    Thanks for the heads up, that may explain why the my char is dead sometimes and I'm starting from the shore again. Hope everything goes well with the ARMA 2 Beta Patches regarding fixing this Bug - doesn't really matter to me if I loose progress as they mentioned as long as my copy (and everyone elses) copy still works. Looking forward to actually play without sharing characters in this case.
  6. Black Shard

    Server Hopping Exploit Possible Fix

    n4ndoz pretty much build upon a good idea. However I would only count the counter up if the player joins another server. That way, even after a DC due to whatever, you could immediately rejoin the server you where last in. Now the Problem with that is, you would have to track a server history for each player in this case. Also, simply tracking the last few servers is not enough, as someone might end up just switching to 5 different servers (if, say, we only track 4) to get into the desired server again. Now you might want to impose a total limit of "hops" before some other action is taken. Whatever that is, would have to be up to discussion. "Easiest" way would be a DayZ "Global" Ban for 15 Minutes due to Server hopping. Problem with that is, people who need to switch servers for whatever reason (performance problems like we had in the past, etc. pp). So there is a lot more to take into account than it meets the eye at first So granted rocket does state this is truly an exploit he wants to fix, there is quite a lot of thoughts to be made on this. However that's why we're here pretty much.
  7. Black Shard

    Force Global Server Updates

    +support I also agree. While Jorden does have a point with the description problem. If I would be rocket (lucky for everybody I am not) I would deny access to every server running an outdated version, unless this is specifically whitelisted (e.g. for testing purposes if really necessary). However the problem is also the explosion of players the game had. He might very well have done that beforehand (I don't know as I was swept in with "everybody" else pretty much) and it poses more of a problem now than it did before (Forum getting hammered due to people thinking they found a bug, general whine and cries why it doesn't work, you know what I mean).
  8. Black Shard

    My character playing by itself :(

    Yeah I know, but the chars had wildly different equipment, that's why it seems somewhat unlikely to me. Then again if it is like this I don't know what I'm supposed to do - cause I won't buy the game a second time to give the "Stealer" a Free CD key.
  9. Black Shard

    My character playing by itself :(

    @Limeni2x For me or for him? For me that would make no sense, unless the one having my CD key is a cheater or a very skilled player (seeing as most of the time I get characters with vastly different stuff, ranging from "normal" to "high end" gear). It also logs which gear you got in the RPT file.
  10. Black Shard

    My character playing by itself :(

    I don't know either, I updated my topic with some more information. Hopefully someone of the DEVs can chime in and take a look.
  11. Black Shard

    Corrupt Player Profile or rare Bug?

    More Info (Player ID 24386): Note there are some bugged starts (not from joining MP), I kept them in the RPT because I didn't feel like removing all invalid lines. All Numbers below bold lines are line numbers in the RPT file (as shown by Notepad++) FOR all other characters, my actual player ID never changed, i just seemed to get other character IDs at random times. See following lines for my original character (ID 607715): 582 5192 11534 13572 14800 16364 20262 21344 22398 27589 First other character ( character ID 998299 ): 28584 29376 1 Million Bug (ID is sent as 1.0047e+006): 29909 At that point I think I killed my char I (thought I was bugged) My new char Id 1062734 (after installing hotfix): 30735 31096 Second other Character (ID 1072806): 40432 41015 If I remember right I killed that char by respawn (sorry to whomever char I probably killed) My New char ID 1281939: 41990 Third other char in (id 1285922, Server hopping to see if it is server related): 47121 47995 49255 Fourth other char (ID 1375769): 50401 That's when I stopped trying.
  12. Black Shard

    My character playing by itself :(

    If you are sure it's your character, it may be related to something like this (my problem is the exact opposite of yours): http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8157 I can't play my own character but getting (seemingly) others at random...
  13. I'm having the weird bug of spawning with the Chars of other people (or that's how it seems, to be precise)- meaning I get different Items at random. I did have this problem for the last few days (if I recall correctly it started with 1.5.8) now and actually created a Bug Report for this (which was said to undergo moderation). I noted afterwards that some people had similar Problems (till I think one of the 1.5.8.x patches where released) I told a Mod he didn't need to "publish" the topic (seeing as it would be reporting the same error twice). Three hours ago I had a char with had a Czech Backpack and a Winchester, Grenade and some other stuff. But that char wasn't mine, I only had a Makarov that time and some more "food" as well as a Czech Backpack. Now (more like 21:20) I spawned with an AKS (Kobra), an Alice Backpack, Sandbags, a lot of ammunition and other stuff - high end gear pretty much. Spawning Positions as well as Stats (Blood, Kills, etc) where wildly variating, aswell. What Servers I joined didn't make any difference. So far I haven't seen much posts regarding such weird happenings, so I'm rather inclined to believe that my Profile is corrupted. Though of course there's still the chance that it is some rare bug. Is there any "official" way to reach rocked/ some other staff member, or should I simply send a PM to several Mods/ Devs? I can also provide the .rpt file or how it was called. Just drop me a note if more information is needed. Footnote: Yes, my ArmA 2 Version is legit. I bought it one week ago - ArmA X to be precise (so pretty much the all in one version) from a store. Edit: So I've taken a look at the rpt file, while my Player ID seems to be correct each login, but there's a chance that I get another Character ID as response. Weird...
  14. Black Shard

    Backpacks cannot be picked up?

    Well I first emptied my current backpack on the floor, then I emptied the czech backpack of any loot (temporary dropped that too the floor, too) and switched backpacks by using the mouse wheel to choose the action.
  15. Black Shard

    Backpacks cannot be picked up?

    Did you try emptying a backpack? Before my char current bugged out I actually emptied the czech back and could then proceed to pick it up. I remember having wondered about this several days ago. I recall reading that you have to empty the backpacks in order to pick them up.