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Duckimus Maximus

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Everything posted by Duckimus Maximus

  1. Duckimus Maximus

    How can I tell if my computer can even run this game?

    Steam can't really be arsed about whether or not you can run a game, so a refund is something you should forget about. Press the windows key and R at the same time, it opens up a small window. In that window you type Dxdiag. This will open up a new window with a lot of information about your system's hardware, Tell us what processor your pc has, and how much memory, also known as RAM. And finally what graphics card is being used. With that information we can help you further.
  2. Duckimus Maximus

    Leveling system?

    I can see merit in having hidden stats like athletics to increase endurance when sprinting, if you run a lot. Or getting quicker at reloading, or weapon switching as you get used to the weapons you use, and movements you make. Natural progressions that take days, or weeks that slightly increase your characters strength speed and endurance, With hidden I mean, players cannot track these stats, or ever get to see them. However what you suggested is for lack of a better term, mildly retarded. Surviving a direct shot from any weapon with a caliber above .22 is extremely lucky. A .50 can detach hands from arms, or rip open a man's skull. Imagine surviving that in a zombie apocalypse, or even in real life.
  3. High download speeds don't immediately mean stable connections. It's something I've dealt with often at work.. Having high package loss, and high download speed can occur on the same time it's rare but it happens. So without specs on his laptop, we can't rule out anything. And with what I've said above having high, or low download speeds is not really important. If you want to rule out his internet connection check to see how his firewall is set up, to remove firewall blocking as an option. Then do a ping test to the server. to do that find the server's IP address open up the command prompt then type, "ping [iP address] -t." Let it run and see how much packages you lose, to end the ping press ctrl C. Let it run for about 15-20 minutes. Some server providers deny icmp packets (the stuff your sending with a ping test,) if that's the case try a website like google. It is also important that lag is not the same thing as frame dropping, or low fps. Lag is defined by rubber banding, teleporting, losing connection often etc.. Low fps is generally speaking very chunky gameplay, and seeing he is playing on a laptop I doubt it's the game, even though it's poorly optimized. Laptops in general just aren't meant for gaming, and those that are usually perform sub-par to pc's. Hope this helps
  4. Duckimus Maximus

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    Personally I'm all for it and would totally be behind adding child zombies. However I do understand that the amount of people that would take offence (not on this board mind you,) severely outnumber me, and people that share this opinion. Therefore apart from commercial suicide I think it would just add more controversy where it isn't needed. People watching Fox News don't hear about the next Final Fantasy game, or Fallout. No, they hear about 6 days in Fallujah, Postal, GTA, etc.. These people eventually killed 6 days in Fallujah a game I would have loved to see. What I'm trying to say is that controversy can kill a game if enough people in power (in 6 day's case) are riled up against it. Is it fair? No, it's adding to the degradation of quality and innovation in digital entertainment. It is however there, and a very potential threat to our lovely corner of the market.
  5. Duckimus Maximus

    Time to share things about ammo :D

    I run with the ak74 with cobra sight, and the m24. Ammo is reasonably abundant for both. I prefer to use a g17 as a secondary, but usually my preferences aren't met, so I stick to what I find. In the end though every gun shoots, and every gun has the potential to kill. If you have just respawned you will take anything you find to defend yourself.
  6. Duckimus Maximus

    Why do most clans require 18+ players

    The community I'm in is comprised of mostly late/mid 20's we have some 19 year olds but that's about it. We don't have any age rules, however the things we talk about aren't really suited for youngsters. We make some pretty sick jokes and if they're taken out of context or not understood people can get very upset. I want to be a parent some day and you can be sure I wouldn't want my kids hanging out with people like me in their early-mid teens. Most of the stuff we talk about you couldn't relate to, and the few jokes you would understand will probably offend you. It's best to stay in your own peer groups.
  7. With the future additions of dogs, I would like to see plague infected dogs roam the cities as well. It's not inconcievable that a virus adapts itself to be able to infect other species, and seeing as dogs are living in very close proximity of humans the jump can be inevitable over time. A short summary of their strenghts would be, high speed, strong initial attack with a chance to stun, extremely aggressive, and teritorial. Logical spawns would be near military installations where in real life we often see german shepards being used for guard duty. And on rare occasions in cities as the dogs may have to roam the country side for food. Having them walk around military installations would make it harder to raid them, currently I feel it is way to easy to get good weapons. I understand you can lose them just as easily due to pvp, or bugs, however this will add to the challenge of the game, and longevity.
  8. Duckimus Maximus

    church bells attract zombies.

    Has anyone ever wondered who rings the bells? If anything the bells should be removed completely, as there is no one to ring them. I do like the idea of ringing bells manually, or through shooting them, could make for some great bandit trapping.
  9. Duckimus Maximus

    Zombie dogs from hell, or my neighbour's yard.

    My apologies, however I am convicned none of those mentions had my awesome topic title.
  10. Duckimus Maximus

    Standalone: Actual Mtn Dew Curse

    I fully endorse this idea, and would like to add that having an empty bottle of JD in your inventory should give you visual and movement impairment. PS: the topic reminds me of sarcastaball :P
  11. Duckimus Maximus

    Jack Of All Trades Company

    Awesome intiative, too bad I'm not playing on the official hives anymore.
  12. Love the ideas, but as the above poster said the time is too short. I'd say 72hrs with some sort of deterioration starting at 24 hours. This is a great combination with the infection as well, as people will come in closer proximity to each other, and get sicker quicker. I'd like to add a mechanic not related tot his but that itnerplays wellt hat the infection eventually turns you in to a zombie. So imagine having built your base and you turned it in to a good resting post. An infected guy walks in that wants a place to dump his stuff for the night, the next morning he is replaced by a zombie, and spreading the infection.
  13. I have been running a server for a little while, no really big issues apart from slow loot spawns, but that's it. Stability is great pings are good too I have South African players that reach 200 ping on my server (hosted in the UK) and dutch players that hit the 25-30 ping. I am running on the company hive and what I would really like is a hive forum. Where the hive members can talk to each other, set up clans, and clan matches etc.. So if anyone that owns a hive server can PM me, we can talk about setting up a free one until we feel we can buy an actual domain, or the provider sets one up for us. The future plans for the control panel look really cool, and I am especially looking forward to the inventory set up for new spawns, so I can at least give them a hatchet to defend themselves. So in short, great provider, quick set-up, and relatively cheap too! I have one question though, will dayz.st also host stand alone servers once the stand alone version is out? I know information may be scarce but I'd like to stay with this provider when the stand alone is released. Another related one is, will I be able to seamlessly switch my account over from mod, to stand alone? I