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Duckimus Maximus

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About Duckimus Maximus

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Hello, I've not been here in a bit. @ Zulcun It'd be great to have some help, I don't need an army of mods just yet but having another set of hands is very welcome. @ Ersan A friend of mine has made a new header, I can give it to you through skype.
  2. Duckimus Maximus

    Boats with ores?

    Yeah boats with oars sounds like a great idea, however you'd have to change a huge chunk of the map to implement it. These row boats wouldn't be that useful now.
  3. Duckimus Maximus

    Why do people hate free rides?

    You're not really getting the point though, if you're on a server with competing groups the one with the chopper has a definite advantage over the other. The mere act of destroying the helicopter becomes advantageous if only to slow down your group's progression, and to bring to waste the time invested in it.
  4. Duckimus Maximus

    Really Low FPS on most servers (>5FPS)

    Is that 1gb of video memory shared, or not?
  5. Duckimus Maximus

    Extreme lag recently, Day Z/Arma 2 specific

    You appear knowledgeable enough to have tried this already, but I'm suggesting it anyway, have you tried port forwarding? Do you know others with the same ISP, and do they share the same problem, or can you replicate it if you test it on their systems. The ISP where I worked at recorded a similar issue once, I can't remember what the root cause was, or how it was solved, but the error was on our network at the time. If you can replicate the error on another line connected to the same ISP you should call them. Users at the time had a lot of issues connecting to a single French provider. It took ages before complaints rolled in because the issue was so isolated. It could also be a router issue, I assume there is a reason why the router you tested with isn't in normal use, and if the assumption of it being broken is correct, you could try another router. One that's confirmed to work on your isp's network. If you can't replicate it, and after testing another router (or is it a modem with LAN) you'd need to look for something on your pc.
  6. Duckimus Maximus

    Things you shouldn't suggest? (Thread idea/game)

    The things you (the OP) listed are more or less confirmed for the stand alone already. Right I completely misunderstood the point of this topic, sorry for my ignorance!
  7. Duckimus Maximus

    Stupidly high ping on servers (some at 10,000)

    Not on my server right now, but it's in the UK and on-line now. See what your ping is on this one, South Africans can connect to this with sub 200 pings so I know the network is solid.
  8. Duckimus Maximus

    Whats wrong with sidechat?

    Yeah I notice I get a lot of newer players, and to be fair player retention is important if you run a server. I mean you want your players to like it there, and come back, don't you? Being active in side chat, and explaining game mechanics isn't much of a hassle, and it helps coordinate when you're 20 km apart. The way I also look at it is that side chat works kind of like the "OOC" notes you get in the more serious rpg settings. You use it to explain stuff, and work around some logistical issues, and then get back to the real game.
  9. Duckimus Maximus

    HELP! I get kicked out of server. READ!

    Then you should be able to join servers on that version number, if you can't we need an error message to help us find out why you can't.
  10. Duckimus Maximus

    How can I tell if my computer can even run this game?

    He has a laptop so moving over harddrives may not be an option as some manufacturers (compaq I hated you,) use non standard connectors. I'd add some extra RAM to that list too, I mean RAM is cheap and 4gb's is a bit thin by today's standards. Power supply is a bit on the thin side too, I'd go for a 650-750 watts so you can upgrade down the line too. Same goes for the motherboard. A good motherboard, and psu bought at the beginning of a CPU generation can last you until the end of it.
  11. Duckimus Maximus

    HELP! I get kicked out of server. READ!

    Server naming conventions state that a server name must contain the patch version the server is running on. I my case it reads DayZChernarus - (, etc.. the beta patch version number on my server is 97239. You can see what version you are running on when you click on install/update on the dayz commander. I have never used the sixlauncher so I wouldn't know how to pull up that menu, but if you look for something similar you shouldn't have issues finding it.
  12. Duckimus Maximus

    I've Got a Help Challenge For You!

    I think that which I quoted is exactly your problem. Unfortunately this is where I must stop as I do not know how to fix it. You refer to a missing animation further down your post and this error is about a missing animation.
  13. Duckimus Maximus

    Spawn Protection

    I don't think it's needed, fps games usually employ it to avoid spawn camping. It's something that happens in this game too, but not nearly enough to merit a new mechanic.
  14. yeah port forwarding can help indeed, but make sure his firewall is correctly configured first.
  15. Duckimus Maximus

    Why are vehicles so weak?

    More generally speaking, vehicles in real life are weaker. I mean hitting a human, or an animal at say 50km/ph can be pretty destructive for the car. (Who cares about the victim anyway :P)