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Everything posted by declan223@gmail.com

  1. declan223@gmail.com

    Possible solution to the impact 3rd Party voice programs have on the Game

    Yeah I'd just unplug my mic and use my IPad.
  2. declan223@gmail.com

    g36c not sure if its a great gun

  3. declan223@gmail.com

    Death by hackers?

    I know the feeling, I got thunder domed with gear i'd had for many months, shortly after the combat logging prevention was implemented (Grrr). But, it is a game and you'll get over it just as I have.
  4. declan223@gmail.com

    Not a new player, but almost no PvP

    The M14 is a very good PvP weapon, high damage, decent rate of fire, not too loud, not too rare, ammo is very common, nice clear sights and it's pretty accurate too. I really like the Sa58's. I had a Sa58V which I lost when I was afflicted with the teleporting Hero bug at the north west airfield after spending the whole day getting there.
  5. declan223@gmail.com

    Suggestions for where the shipwreck should be placed

    I'd like it far out with the only entrance(s) around the water. It would make boats a lot more useful.
  6. declan223@gmail.com

    BullPups...those sexy....sexy bullpups

    Well there are these things called crash sites, loaded with foreign weapons http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/106175-different-types-of-crash-sites
  7. declan223@gmail.com

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Can you also add in some more survivor skins rather than the same old recoloured one. I know it's difficult because your limited by the number of suitable, backpack compatible skins but some variety would be nice.
  8. declan223@gmail.com

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    That's not always true, you can weight the bullet so that it flips and tumbles apon impact. For example the mark 3 .303 British round
  9. declan223@gmail.com

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Glad the Hero teleporting shit is getting fixed. Between that and the bandit skin.....
  10. declan223@gmail.com

    Weapon modification

    Which then dies like my cat did a week ago. :(
  11. declan223@gmail.com

    Some people are beyond dumb.

    I had a hacker teleport me on Namalsk and waste a magazine of ER7 RFW at the range of about 10m on me.
  12. declan223@gmail.com

    error message

    Try checking integrity of game cache AND checking you have the lite version installed.
  13. declan223@gmail.com

    DayZ, buying it now?

    That's okay. Good night
  14. declan223@gmail.com

    I Formally Challenge Dean 'Rocket' Hall To A Duel

    Yeah, first time 'was' funny, now? What's the saying? Third time it's on you or something.
  15. declan223@gmail.com

    DayZ, buying it now?

    You can but Commander is an easy use program that allow you to change mod and map version at the click of a mouse and (as cliche as it is) sooo much more
  16. declan223@gmail.com

    Old bandit skin in next build

    This topic has been discussed so many times you could dedicate an entire forum to them. Next time use the search feature.
  17. declan223@gmail.com

    Just a thought

    I'm with you; Taviana just bores me shitless. I don't know why though, it just does.
  18. declan223@gmail.com

    DayZ, buying it now?

    ArmA 2 is an Amazing game on its own and with all the community made mods and mission files it's like a library of games for $30
  19. declan223@gmail.com

    I Formally Challenge Dean 'Rocket' Hall To A Duel

    I recall a certain Rocket Defence Force from somewhere. @OP quit trying to get attention; it's ridiculous and frankly rather silly.
  20. But make sure ur REALLY high tho.
  21. declan223@gmail.com

    Where to Find Good Weapons

    Look here: http://dayzdb.com/map It is a loot map so if you don't like those don't click
  22. declan223@gmail.com


    oh hai
  23. declan223@gmail.com

    Armour inbound

    This was an Rmod server right?