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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Fucking hell, why do I have to live in Perth with my lousy 1mbps download speed. (And my internet is comparatively fast to everyone else's in the neighbourhood) I will have my revenge on the rest of the world
  2. Hi, unfortunately the team speak link doesn't work and I get an error (http://ts.dayzmedics.com/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi)
  3. declan223@gmail.com

    AS50 or M107?

    Yeah some people hate SD weapons just becausethey sound like shite ArmA 3 sounds are the shit
  4. declan223@gmail.com

    AS50 or M107?

    AS-50 tbh Long range and can use both magazines BUT The M107 looks cooler and uses the Halo sniper Rifle sound
  5. Um, why are you personifying items?
  6. I thought the M16 ACOG had a laser?
  7. Hello, I am infected and need medical assistance. A: Shrimpy223 B: Infected C: Just North of Mogilevka D: Hero Skin with an M4 CCO, no backpack Also if you can bring some bloodbags or spare antibiotics that my friend and I could have/trade that would be great as we couldn't find of them before leaving Electro Thanks
  8. declan223@gmail.com


    And why would you spawn in the air with a parachute? Fuck me, if I wanted this I'd play arma
  9. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=bear%20grylls%20meme&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=3QDLUaHZDtGRkgWyioH4Aw&biw=1280&bih=699&sei=4gDLUeHeN42QlQWdgoGYBA
  10. But Urine is only a temporary fix and makes you thirstier in the long run
  11. Cool, Do you really have to create 2 topics on this?
  12. How about a spontaneous combustion option in the action menu shortly after you spawn?
  13. Or bar as Бap, damn I'm playing to much S.T.A.L.K.E.R XD
  14. AS50's M107's and Thermals were all balanced. Power for rarity. But hackers and cheaters fucked that.
  15. Why di-fib? Adrenaline Atropine Vasopressin Will all do the job.... and are realistic
  16. Delete System_32 No don't actually. Just go to your ArmA 2 tab in Steam, right click and a bunch of options should appear. One of those should be Re-install BattlEye. Click it, then let it do it's thing.
  17. Sumrak, c'mon don't give up.
  18. Stop spamming, or you'll get banned