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Everything posted by declan223@gmail.com

  1. declan223@gmail.com

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    No, Just make the spawn rarer, stop zombies from being able to go through them and make the removal less buggy (look anywhere at the wire, scroll mouse wheel, click, removed). Problem solved.
  2. Nearly every time I help someone they betray me. This happened to me once and my friend who was hiding managed to kill them back. So I advise having a friend as overwatch in the shadows so if you get killed they can extract revenge. I was playing with my friend in Cherno the other day. We were in the military tents and we saw a survivor. As we had lots of high value loot on us we were definitly not prepared to be killed and my friend pulled out his mk48 and yelled over the mic "We're friendly but stay the f#@$ where you are or we will light you up like a f****** Christmas tree." They freaked and stood still as we promptly left the camp. My friend spotted them as I was inspecting a loot drop and they could of snuck up and killed me if I had been on my own. Moral of the story: Travel with someone (the more the better)(generally)
  3. declan223@gmail.com

    Zombies should be more deadly

    Fuck Bandits. As for the lone wolf in a real zombie apocalypse you would team up. For starters the solitdarity would drive you mad and you would be significantly less likely to survive just by yourself.
  4. I'm trying to set up a base and I want some things to store items in and to fortify/barricade an area. I mainly want Tents and Sandbags as I already have several WFK's and TT's
  5. declan223@gmail.com

    Anyone trading Tents, SandBags, Wire Fencing Kits and Tank Traps

    Went on a couple of raids on different location and have a lot of tents and sandbags etc so Closed
  6. declan223@gmail.com

    looking for mk48 mod 0

    If he was a hacker he would probably hack the mk48 mod 0 in I've gotten 2 of the hacked items from tents and other players bodies Their not that hard to find
  7. declan223@gmail.com

    Wanted: DMR

    So... The three times I've gotten a DMR I lose it to a server restart or a glitch so I've decided that I would like another one. I'll swap one for an M14 + G17, Or a similar offer
  8. declan223@gmail.com

    Zombies should be more deadly

    I think that Zombies need to have a boost you can't get hit like 50 times in a row and be like 75% health when the stereotypical zombie hits (bites) you once and your screwed. I also think that it would be fun to have different types of zombie with different attributes. Edit: Zombies should have to have significant damage to their 'Brains' or spinal cords (nervous system) to die. Zombie should be scared of fire, I don't know why but I think that that would be cool have a fire pit to zombie proof an area
  9. declan223@gmail.com

    M249 SAW

    Yeah, sure P.S. I sent you a message to your account
  10. declan223@gmail.com

    M249 SAW

    I found two of these in a helicopter crash site, I took both as there was nothing else.
  11. declan223@gmail.com

    Broken Humanity?

    The debug UI is really buggy, I got the hero skin at 0 humanity according to the debug monitor, so I think the debug needs to be debugged it's self.
  12. declan223@gmail.com

    Spawn Bug

    This happened to my friend when we were setting up a camp. He logged on, died then spawned at the cost with nothing (no starting gear). So he raged and went on a killing spree on the busiest Australian (we live in australia) server and killed about 20 people and had about -25000 humanity afterwards. That happened about a month ago and hasn't happened to either of us since
  13. declan223@gmail.com

    Vehicles.. Lets be honest

    Oh, yeah? My friend and I have gone to about 65% of vehicle spawns in Chernarus in the last 2 days and we haven't found a since vehicle yet.
  14. declan223@gmail.com

    Anyone trading Tents, SandBags, Wire Fencing Kits and Tank Traps

    Unfortunately I don't have one but I'm going to the International Airfield soon
  15. declan223@gmail.com

    Anyone trading Tents, SandBags, Wire Fencing Kits and Tank Traps

    Unfortunately I don't have one
  16. declan223@gmail.com

    Anyone trading Tents, SandBags, Wire Fencing Kits and Tank Traps

    Well what do you want for them?
  17. declan223@gmail.com

    haha lets see how long i can survive! [TRADE!!] Need mountain dew

    I once had 2 Mountain Dews and then I fell down Pik Kozlova and died. 'facepalm'
  18. declan223@gmail.com

    Giving away all my stuff!

    Number: 42
  19. declan223@gmail.com

    The survivor/bandit problem or: DayZ is a lemon market

    I agree that there needs to be more of a disincentive to be a bandit and more of an incentive to be a survivor or hero. A good 50% of my deaths are from another player masquerading as a 'friendly' survivor and it pisses me off. I've only met 2 actually friendly survivors and I don't like having to shoot other players because I don't know their intent. I don't want to be a bandit. I don't want to have to shoot other players who maybe are trying to just play the game like a survivor not a bandit or murderer but a have little choice. It annoys me when I am killed, especially when I have a really good character and I'm sure most people feel the same about it as I do. I am out there to have fun and I don't like having to possibly ruin someone else's.
  20. declan223@gmail.com

    (Awesome Trade) Giving away my kit for M14 aim +mags

    I have an M14AIM with 5 DMR mags I only want the NVG's, GPS and the L85 though but I'll take the lot and I'm in the Air Traffic Control Tower at the air field but parting from it....
  21. declan223@gmail.com

    Trading out an L85 AWS

    I had all that until i was betrayed by some one acting as a friendly...... but if i find it again I'll be happy for a trade
  22. declan223@gmail.com

    How to take screenshot?

    Hit Prt Scr on your keyboard (Just above the delete key in the centre of a keyboard). It will leave you with a jpeg image on your clipboard, open up paint or word or what ever and paste to view it.
  23. declan223@gmail.com

    Hero Skin

    If you kill a Bandit it will not affect your humanity. If a survivor or hero shot first and you return fire than that does not affect your humanity (As far as I'm aware) If you shot first and killed them than that does affect your Humanity(I was once in the fire station in Electro with some friends. Some people came in and started shooting my friends. They did not shoot at me and when I shot at them I became a Bandit.) At 2000 Humanity a bandit become a survivor At 4999 Humanity a hero will become a survivor (I think but it could be lower) At 0 Humanity a survivor will become a bandit