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Everything posted by declan223@gmail.com

  1. declan223@gmail.com

    How the F*** do i install Rmod to DayZ.ST Servers?

    No, there's not an option unfortunately, I've already checked. Maybe it because it's a Namalsk Server.
  2. declan223@gmail.com

    Rmod Alternatives

    I run a Namalsk DayZ.ST Server and I would like to add in extra vehicles to the map not supported by DayZ Mod. I would use Rmod to do this, however, but because Namalsk is not one of the maps supported by it, it won't work (I'm pretty sure) I used to play on a vanilla Utes Server that had V22 Osprey's, Chinook's and UH 1Y's etc so I know that it's possible to do so. Basically I want to know if there are ways to spawn in non spawning vehicles in Namalsk
  3. declan223@gmail.com

    Rmod Alternatives

    Okay Thanks,
  4. declan223@gmail.com

    DayZ: Short vid - Little Bird troubles

    I accidentally turned of the engines of a Little Bird while flying at about 150kph once. It looked cool going down tho.
  5. declan223@gmail.com

    DayZ standalone verion release date

    I was just reading a thread like this in graveyard.
  6. declan223@gmail.com

    Help stopping kick for Script Restriction #85

    How'd you get the vehicles to spawn?
  7. declan223@gmail.com

    FPS problemas

    I've lesser specs and I run DayZ on medium/high quality settings. Check that you've got the latest drivers (http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us) and fiddle with the graphics settings.
  8. declan223@gmail.com

    Siren alerts - zombie horde running in cities

    ^Make someone activate it, then it could be genuine..... or for teh lolz^
  9. declan223@gmail.com

    Hilarious Dance Glitch on Private Taviana Server

    Had a hacker did the same thing to me and the text 'Oppa Gangnam Style' appeared on my screen.
  10. declan223@gmail.com

    SA Journal/Logbook

    Good Idea, then you can make notes with out having to spend ages typing
  11. declan223@gmail.com


    On Namalsk there are.
  12. declan223@gmail.com

    DayZ: Most Private Hives Are Not Real DayZ

    The only thing I added on my server was more vehicles, about x2 and of different types, such as MTVR's.
  13. declan223@gmail.com

    Time After Zombie Virus Started

    I lost an M9 SD and an M4 CCO SD to a ghillie sniper at green mountain who left me a revolver. Gee, thanks
  14. declan223@gmail.com

    Day Z Wallpapers

    That should became the female hero skin
  15. declan223@gmail.com

    New Combat Roll Animation

    I gotta try this.
  16. declan223@gmail.com

    Finally a lightbulb moment

    Yeah, private hives change peoples behavior in weird ways.
  17. When they knock me unconscious or break my bones
  18. declan223@gmail.com

    Some newbie questions

    DayZ Commander has a friends list but it's a bit shitty.
  19. declan223@gmail.com

    Killed by hacker twice...

    Same shit happened to me, but that's DayZ
  20. That's what you get for trying to shoot down a chopper.
  21. declan223@gmail.com

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I'm beginning to wonder wether this thread will turn into an Internet meme
  22. declan223@gmail.com

    Just saw Rocket again.

    The Creation of Rocket, And for the Pastafarians,
  23. declan223@gmail.com

    Just saw Rocket again.

    That grin is.....Disturbing
  24. declan223@gmail.com

    Just saw Rocket again.

    In a recent cave exploration this painting was found. Dated to 10,000BC here it is: EDIT: Sorry about the white bit, forgot to re-size the image over the canvass
  25. declan223@gmail.com

    Chopper crash? How does it work now?

    I'm finding them more often recently.:)