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Posts posted by mrevilbaby

  1. Hello, I have a question about my Private Hive Server. I was setting up a private hive server earlier and I have set everything up and when I join my server I'm stuck on the waiting for Host screen. In chat the only error I see is SSL error I'm not sure what that's for. If any info is need to help please ask and Help is very Appreciated


  2. Food (Beans etc.) If you kill an animal, skin it, take the meat, start a fire (you need matches and a hatchet/pile of wood if you don't have a hatchet to make a fire) then you cook your meat and eat it. It'll give you 800 health per meat.

    Thanks I actually found some fire wood on the ground and I have some matches, Now time to go cow&Rabbit hunting. Thanks very much, I just wish I shot that damn cow earlier when I saw it.

  3. Can Someone List All Of The Possible Ways To Heal Yourself/Others? I was a little unsure and I have pretty decent stuff at the moment so I wanted to know more ways to heal if there is. Not to stop bleeding to increase your blood. I know other players could give you a blood transfusion, I was not sure if there are more ways?

    Thanks~ Mrevilbaby
