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About mrevilbaby

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mrevilbaby

    Server Assistance

    Hello, I have a question about my Private Hive Server. I was setting up a private hive server earlier and I have set everything up and when I join my server I'm stuck on the waiting for Host screen. In chat the only error I see is SSL error I'm not sure what that's for. If any info is need to help please ask and Help is very Appreciated Thanks~Mrevilbaby
  2. On the DayZ stand alone game what are the PC requirements? Will it be if you can run ARMA 2 then you're fine or will it be different? I don't know if we know this information or should know it yet. I just wanted to know so if I have to upgrade my PC at all.
  3. mrevilbaby

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    So this is confirmed for 2012, I have read about 2013 release. That was out dated I assume
  4. mrevilbaby


    Yea, my plan is to Find a hunting knife, hatchet and or Firewood, matches then a cow. It shouldn't be hard because I got my laser sight & flashlight rifle & My G17 now I just need to hunt.
  5. mrevilbaby


    Thanks I actually found some fire wood on the ground and I have some matches, Now time to go cow&Rabbit hunting. Thanks very much, I just wish I shot that damn cow earlier when I saw it.
  6. mrevilbaby


    Can Someone List All Of The Possible Ways To Heal Yourself/Others? I was a little unsure and I have pretty decent stuff at the moment so I wanted to know more ways to heal if there is. Not to stop bleeding to increase your blood. I know other players could give you a blood transfusion, I was not sure if there are more ways? Thanks~ Mrevilbaby
  7. mrevilbaby

    Im a monster!

    Well you my friend are a asshole.Just kidding I would have done the same.
  8. mrevilbaby

    Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection

    Thank you, for the assistance. I was being a dunce not to do this in the first place.