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Posts posted by WookieInHeat

  1. same problem here.


    menus are very laggy in arma 2, and no servers show up in the multiplayer menu.


    i've been playing arma 2 (and 3) on this machine for a while. arma 2 ran fine until recently and nothing else is having any issues, so it is definitely a problem with the game.


    edit: also i've tried creating a new profile in the game putting all the settings back to default, so i don't think it has anything to do with video settings or game options.

  2. same...

    i was killed by a hacker earlier on a fallujah server, tried to respawn, asked me to select a gender then the screen just went black. every time since i just get an infinite loading screen, if it even makes it that far. all other dayz versions are functioning properly though.

  3. You would probably not find wheel clamps in most locations available in DayZ. But then again it is highly unlikely to have historical Enfields just lying around in residential areas...

    this is a little off topic, but the enfield rifle is actually still quite common. millions were manufactured during the 20th century and is still in target practice and service use in some countries, such as the UK and canada, and modified enfields are popular sports hunting rifles in the US. the enfield design has been a favourite of afghani/pakistani mujahideen since they were given hundreds of thousand of them by the americans in the 80s, enfield replicas are even still produced in afghanistan. basically any place where the AK is the most common weapon today, you will often still find many enfields around, they are anything but scarce. my friend has four WWII era enfields that were given to him by his father, still in perfectly serviceable condition (hence why they are still so common). he hasn't tried to sell them because the market is flooded and he wouldn't get much for them.
