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About Yojimbo2019

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    On the Coast

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    Arma 2, Tactical milsim gaming
  1. Yojimbo2019

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    Feel like the toxic zones kill you too quickly. I think the mechanic should work differently like if you were exposed the gas for only a second and get a cut, you should be able to douse yourself in water to remove the burning effects that's causing the cuts. I dont think minimal exposure should cause you to die, maybe a cough, a little nausea that after some time goes away if you leave and minimize your exposure. I also think the exposure should be cummulative. the more times you go back into the toxic zones the more severe your symptoms become. As a permanent effect on the character I think it would be great for gameplay if it was treatable, but no curable. Let say someone with toxic effects has shaky hands and nausea, blurred vision has to take the antidote to help relieve symptoms temporarily and they have to keep taking this medication.
  2. I feel like how toxic zones currently implemented in experimental are a little too deadly. Toxicity should be based on exposure, kind of like real life. The more exposure the more sick you get. Barely touching the gas cloud shouldn't result in a swift death. You should be able to kind of stay on the edge and maybe start to cough, which at that point you can leave and recover. But the more exposure you have the more symptoms you get and the severity increases. Another good idea combine this with permanent effects that disable the character. Eating human meat is a permanent effect on the player, so I think that the amount of exposure to the toxic zone should be a permanent effect that results in blurred vision or shaky hands. Increase in fatigue, and maybe nausea and vomiting. Too much exposure will eventually result in death, but this should be a process that takes longer than 2 minutes, more like 30 minutes.
  3. To clarify, we didn't log when we were actively engaged, only after we the team was defeated. My AR gunner wanted to suicide himself in blazing gunfire, I told him that was pointless, but maybe it wasn't. I thought we were done, mission over. Since I've never really played this way in Dayz before, I'm not quite sure of what sort of rules or restrictions we should hold ourselves too. I mean no more than anybody else, if you had lost a lot of stuff and wanted to safe some for later, would you do the same? I look at that criticism a little differently though and ignore the disrespectful tone, ill consider maybe I took away something from my friend, from making that call. Like the chance to escape or prevail, like the story didn't end there. Maybe I should have let him stay and fight or survive, would have made a cool story. But this by no means will be the last mission, so I invite, any bandit to come and play with us. We'll be around.
  4. With greater than 50% casualties, remaining force was ordered to combat log.
  5. Situation: Server US 1960 Dallas, Player Pop 25+. Mid-morning Server Time 1000hrs. Small Unit Action Weather: Chance of Rain, Moderate Cloudy. Visibility Good 5000meters+. Mission and Intent: Reconnaissance by Fire in Southern Chernarus. Combat Foot Patrol in Area of Operation Electrozavodsk. Locate and Engage hostile bandits for short engagement. Relieve and support, friendly survivors. Extract area of operations with minimal casualties. No Hacked Weapons were used. OPFOR: Unknown number of individuals well equipped with assorted small arms, large anti-material rifles, assault rifles, and automatic weapons. OPFOR Most Likely Course of Action: Engage in small 1-2 man unit action with direct sniper fire, possible retreat combat log when engaged. OPFOR Most Dangerous Course of Action: Large enemy presence, well organized clan with high grade weapons. Extremely motivated to engage BLUFOR and are highly mobile to outmaneuver and overwhelm the fire team. BLUFOR: 5 Man Fireteam+ Combat Effective, fully equipped with NATO small arms automatic rifle and scout/sniper team. {CQF} INDFOR: Unknown number of survivors possibly unarmed or poorly equipped in surrounding area. Rules of Engagement: Hold fire until friend or foe identified. Individuals assumed hostile when observed to engage INDFOR or BLUFOR. For individuals whose intent is unknown will not engage unless fired upon. INDFOR assumed non-hostile and will attempt to avoid contact. INDFOR Close-contacts engaged if individuals within 50 meters and position is compromised will be given verbal warning to flee or be fired upon. Objective: Scout OPFOR with positive identification of hostile intent, engage and destroy. Plan: 1. Establish overwatch position over Electrozavodsk proper and locate hostile targets. 2. Indentify OPFOR. Establish hostile intent, by observation, direct chat, or recon by fire. 3. Establish Base of Fire. Fix OPFOR with effective automatic weapons fire. Flank and destroy OPFOR with direct fire (Counter Sniper) and indirect fire (grenades or M203rds). 4. Re-consolidate position and prepare for next engagement or disengage. 5. Situation dictates extraction, once ammo is depleted or combat ineffective. 6. Exfiltrate Area of Operations, mount in vehicle and RTB. Mission Time, to be completed in 1 hr Summary of Events: Upon reaching dismount point, established 360 degree security upon entering the AO from log in. We then proceeded to hill 175 in a bounding overwatch maneuver from treeline cover to crossing the road. Upon cresting the hill, found several tents located at the top. Sniper team established OP at Hill 175 watching the south west. Some Zed activity was observed, unknown possibly INDFOR contacts around Elektro were sighted. Soon after we took fire from an anti-material rifle from the south or west possibly from Elektro, but could have been from the adjacent hill to the west. Sniper, called possible contact in the Firestation of Elektro. Unable to establish an exact bearing, fireteam egressing to the eastern side of the hill undercover. A manuever plan was made to proceed north, crossing the Alternate Supply Road below Topolka Dam in a flanking maneuver on the adjacent unnamed hill (counter sniper hill) at 098123. Fireteam proceeded to egress from Dobryy Hill north, to the edge of the treeline, and crossed the road and a 150 meter open field 1 member at a time while being overwatched by the rest of the team. Once the team successfully crossed the road to the treeline without taking contact, proceeded to jog column formation to the saddle of unnamed hill at 098123 (Counter Sniper Hill). From there Scout Sniper advanced on the western side of Counter Sniper Hill to gain observation of Elektro while the remaining team was watching the western, eastern, and northern flanks. Scout 1 and Sniper, reported no contacts in the Firehouse, but was unable to observe central Firehouse tower. Fire Team Leader moved to sniper position on the western side of hill amongst the tree cover, and proceeded to order the remaining fire team to advance to same. Spacing was a little tight. Fire team took small arms fire from primarily the west, 200-280 degree bearings, estimated 1 or 2 individuals with assault rifles, unable to pinpoint location but assumed on top of adjacent spur to the west. Scout 1, sighted contacts while Automatic Rifleman engaged suppressing fire on the entire treeline on the eastern face of the hill to our west. Scout 2 was to the left flank got hit, and was KIA. FTL immediately began engaging suppressing fire with M16 while trying to gain a fix on the enemy position, launched 6 M203rds and 5 magazines into the treeline 200-300 degrees west. FTL then ordered the remaining fireteam, to break contact and egress back to last position. We stopped receiving fire momentarily until FTL was the last to move north before taking rifle fire again from the west. Scout 1 and AR advanced down the hill to contact and engaged at close range with MK 48 and L85. Contacts found and destroyed 100 meters west in the lower draw taking cover behind tree trunks. 2 Confirmed enemy kills, one was wearing a bandit hood with a AS 50. The other a hero skin, 50 meters farther up the hill and M4A3 RCO and M203 under barrel Grenade Launcher (hacked weapon). Once kills were confirmed, the bodies were policed for ammo and buried with their equipment. Decision was made to not combat log to re-consolidate, but to continue on mission. Fireteam remained on server to egress back to Dobrry Hill to rearm at the dismount point. We proceeded in fire team column east towards the hill under tree cover until we reached the north road again. Crossed it by bounding overwatch, one at a time again. FTL was the last to cross when hit by automatic weapons fire from unknown direction possibly west or south west, legs broken and bleeding badly. AR was hit as well, and both went prone. Sniper went after the direction of fire, was taken out by AS50. Attempting to egress to the east. Scout 1 had a visual of us prone but unable to locate the attackers, there was at least 3 tangos. 2 autorifleman and sniper possibly coming from top of Dobrry Hill. FTL began to crawl South East towards Scout 1 when hit again, and bled out. At that time fire team was declared combat ineffective and ordered remaining fire team to combat log. Very fun firefight to all. Beans to the bandits on top of counter sniper hill and the ones that ambushed us whoever you are.