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About gta27ita

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  1. gta27ita

    28 DayZ Later

    I was thinking that in an urban setting, there is no need to build shelters, but you could adapt one of the many apartments or homes that are located in a big city. Protecting doors and windows with wooden boards, operate a refrigerator with a power generator and then put some of the food, have some sort of trunk where you can stow drugs, weapons and so on. Furthermore, it would make the game more horror, because even during the day you would need flashlights to explore the dark buildings, which can also be full of zombies (I am reminded of the scene in "I Am Legend" in which the protagonist enters the 'building to search for the dog). In addition, other players may enter our hiding place and steal our reserves while we are in search of food or weapons. Maybe to make life more difficult for bandits could set traps near the refuge. Furthermore, once dead, would lose all that one has in the inventory, but once respawned at any point of the map, players may try to return to their shelter, or may occupy one of another player. Obviously, in case of a city like London, it would take a good orientation, making the game even more immersive. One might also add, maybe later, the subway tunnels to move more safely.
  2. gta27ita

    28 DayZ Later

    I have no idea of how the engine works, but I think it should not be necessary to manage all the zombies at the same time the client side, as they would be scattered in an urban environment of about 40 square kilometers, and most would be inside buildings, for which is not visible from the outside. Probably for the server is not an easy situation to handle, but I do not think it is impossible. After all, there are several mmo with a crowd like that. Obviously if the engine is not designed to handle this type of situation then it should be resized, maybe you could come down to a few thousand of zombies and one or two cities of about 20 square kilometers. However, I think that the most important part is just the design of urban environments, because currently they are too bare in terms of models and rather static, ie there is very little movement on the screen. You should have the feeling of being in a real city, with street furniture, the roads, the dead in the streets etc.. I would say the deserted London of "28 Days Later" makes a very good idea. Good also the idea of ​​using a rope to rappel maybe from a window or a roof, in the absence of another can return extremely useful.
  3. gta27ita

    28 DayZ Later

    Hello guys, I think it would be really nice if the stand-alone version of dayz had the same atmosphere of the movie "28 Days Later". More precisely, imagine a setting more urban, of course not exclude a suburban area with forest vegetation and ideal for makeshift camps away from the zombies. One or two cities large enough to accommodate about 20,000 people ... zombie, with at least 50% of the buildings explorable, where to run into groups of angry zombies. Buildings should be of metropolitan mold, maybe in the style of "The last of us". In addition, the zombies should behave like in the movie above, perhaps making them quite strong and durable. The weapons then, especially rifles and large caliber weapons, should be retrievable only in plausible places, as an armory, a police station, a prison and so on. In homes, you will rarely find pistols. In short, not only the player should be afraid of ambushes by groups of bandits camped in some building and waiting for an unsuspecting survived, but in situations with a dozen or more zombies, the only option when it is alone should be run, and in the case of large buildings with several floors, the flight would be very claustrophobic, sending panicked the player. Here, it must be the feeling of panic to lead players to be afraid, especially when you browse an abandoned building alone, maybe with many apartments. I hope I have given some useful ideas!