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Deltaforce (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Deltaforce (DayZ)

  1. So, this mod is free, and it looks great really, but having to pay for 2 games so I can play a FREE mod is pretty stupid. No way to play without paying for it? Something like instaling Arma2 free and downloading some files or something?. I looked for an answer to my problem before doing this post but it´s look like is imposible.
  2. Deltaforce (DayZ)

    Is there a way to play this game without paying?

    The thing is that I feel that is not "Fair" at all for Rocket. http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120516/09044318944/when-games-allow-mods-beautiful-things-can-happen.shtml Just think about how much money they are getting from Arma 2 thanks to him, if I could I would buy this game from Rocket.
  3. Deltaforce (DayZ)

    Is there a way to play this game without paying?

    yeah, I know, this mod uses the weapoins, the map, the characters and everything from arma, but I'm pretty sure I can download that stuff. After all we are on the Internet. I don't wanna pay 15$ to buy another FPS, and Rocket wont get my money anyway from buying the game so what's the point? Is not about the price, at all. But more like "why should I give my money to a company that has done nothing to me?" Rocket is working for them right now, and what he gets? Nothing, thats really sad. If I could I would just give those 15 to him. Edit: "DayZ depends on the server browsing supplied by Arma2." well, now looks like it's okay to pay for it nvm