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Deltaforce (DayZ)

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About Deltaforce (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Deltaforce (DayZ)

    Is there a way to play this game without paying?

    The thing is that I feel that is not "Fair" at all for Rocket. http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120516/09044318944/when-games-allow-mods-beautiful-things-can-happen.shtml Just think about how much money they are getting from Arma 2 thanks to him, if I could I would buy this game from Rocket.
  2. Deltaforce (DayZ)

    Is there a way to play this game without paying?

    yeah, I know, this mod uses the weapoins, the map, the characters and everything from arma, but I'm pretty sure I can download that stuff. After all we are on the Internet. I don't wanna pay 15$ to buy another FPS, and Rocket wont get my money anyway from buying the game so what's the point? Is not about the price, at all. But more like "why should I give my money to a company that has done nothing to me?" Rocket is working for them right now, and what he gets? Nothing, thats really sad. If I could I would just give those 15 to him. Edit: "DayZ depends on the server browsing supplied by Arma2." well, now looks like it's okay to pay for it nvm
  3. So, this mod is free, and it looks great really, but having to pay for 2 games so I can play a FREE mod is pretty stupid. No way to play without paying for it? Something like instaling Arma2 free and downloading some files or something?. I looked for an answer to my problem before doing this post but it´s look like is imposible.