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Everything posted by Seacher

  1. Seacher

    Coke, Pepsi & Heinz

    Coke and Pepsi do not play well together, there is a reason you can only buy either Coke or Pepsi in certian resturants, movie theaters, and amusement parks; they both spend big money to be the 'Drink" of choice. Personally, I hope they get Pepsi (dispise coke). Plus we can keep the curse of the Mt. Dew going. :D
  2. Seacher

    Mod to standalone over switch

    Considering how much he has done in his spare time with the mod, I am confident enough to purchas the stand alone when it comes out. Since I don't have time to play two games I will go with the stand alone.
  3. Seacher

    Remove NVG and TWS

    I had a pair of NVG ... once for like three hours. Felt like King S*&^, until I did something stupid (which I do a lot) and lost them. Excellent equipment doesn't mean anything if you are stupid. Once the stand alone comes out, hacked items in the stand alone will be rare if non-existent, and NVG and TWS will again be rare items.
  4. Seacher

    What type of player are you?

    !) Nothing, less zombies ofr me to worry about 2) Nothing ... probably lying anyways 3) hid in the woods, try to get away from area without getting shot
  5. I have only found one can of Mt. Dew ... was shot in the head as I try to pick it up.
  6. Seacher


    No. Choppers are streatching it as is, jets are a lot more complicated and to use one you'd have to be at a airfield.
  7. Seacher

    Product placement

    There is a meeting I would love to sit in on ... Pepsi sales rep : "So everyone wil carry a Pepsi around and drink from it?" Hall : "Yep." Pepsi : "But the Mountin Dew will be a rare iteam?" Hall : "Very rare and valueable." Pepsi : "But no one will drink it or trade it because ????" Hall : "All the players say it's cursed! You have Mt. Dew on you, death will follow you, man!" Pepis : "..."
  8. That is the main reason I say stick to military stuff, the local police would have been eaten by then and their stuff lost and the response teams would be pulling in supplies until they all died; hense the crash coppers. Having said that ... making them rare; making ammo had to find.
  9. Seacher

    Dean Hall, you will need massive Balls!

    I know he is in thew wrong section but I have to give him my beans ... it is so rare to hear someone new who gets it!!! :thumbsup: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  10. Stick with miliarty loot, remember when the stand alone comes out everyone will start out fresh new spawns so if the spawn them correctly and remove the hacking those high power weapons will again be rare.
  11. Seacher

    Favorite youtuber for Dayz?

    DanishBuns ... look him up you won't be sorry.
  12. RoosterTeeth/Achievement Hunter ... Burnie was showing it off on a "This is ..." and I was like 'Uh how hard could it be?' Saw some other vids on You Tube, it look cool and really how hard could it be everyone is running straight u and have a gun, when Arma II went on sale I grabbed it. Yea, I joined right after they took away the guns ... it wasn't as easy as everyone made it look either! lol :P
  13. Seacher

    Leveling system?

  14. Seacher

    Standalone: Actual Mtn Dew Curse

    Mt. Dew is cursed, found one the other day, went to go pick it up and got sniped.
  15. Seacher

    Padlock doors

    For the stand alone, it is a great idea ot be used on your own subtarrain bunker. Using in the mod, not so good. It would be just like the bardwire IMHO, some kid running around locking up everything because he can; a hacker locking you in a large building wth 15 zombie and you can't get out ... Of course it would be funny if you broke off someone else lock, replaced it with your own, and he can't get into his own building ... while you lay a few hundred meters away with a sniper rilfe. Just saying ;)
  16. Seacher

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    If they did it right, it would add to the game. If they spawn as rare as Mountin Dew, and in places where you less expect them; then yea it would be good. If they are every third infected then no it wouldn't add anything to the game. Most children younger then teenager probably wouldn't surive long enought to become infected, majority of them would be a snack. So seeing them a lot wouldn't be good. Teenagers on the other hand would still be less then adults but probably higher chance of suriving the intial attack to become infected. Children and teens could have a quieter voices, run better but lose intrested in you quicker, maybe. It would cool, in future updates if we could also play as teenagers, male and females. New skins for females would be nice as well. Yes, we need female zombies.