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About JamaicanCowboy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JamaicanCowboy

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    No, ShadowRun had cross-platform multiplayer. I don't understand why you assume the current dev team doesn't work to fix problems. As a matter of fact, that is why we are waiting on DayZ right now.
  2. JamaicanCowboy

    Auto Run Tutorial (No Items on Keyboard)

    Not at all. It probably varies based on specs though.
  3. JamaicanCowboy

    Auto Run Tutorial (No Items on Keyboard)

    As have I. To OP, thanks for sharing! To anyone who isn't aware, you can also sprint while only making the noise of crouch running. (Visibility is affected also.) To do this, double tap W and then press your crouch button. You will continue to sprint but be less noticeable by infected. This only works with a primary weapon.
  4. JamaicanCowboy

    Multiple players with same profile?

    It is impossible, sorry. 1 player per CD key.
  5. JamaicanCowboy

    Spawn inland!

    I get where you're coming from, but I just don't like the idea of one person spawning at Kamenka and another person spawning near the NW Airfield, etc.
  6. JamaicanCowboy

    Spawn inland!

    I agree, running north after dying multiple times can get old. Solution: learn to be extra careful and stealthy, lower your death rate. No matter what happens, Chernarus is a massive map. Some running is bound to be involved at some point.
  7. JamaicanCowboy

    Spawn inland!

    If the spawn locations were changed, it wouldn't solve spawn griefing. It would simply make spawn griefing occur at the new location.