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About Nasakenai

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Nasakenai

    A list of suggestions I got.

    Great ideas!
  2. Nasakenai

    Compass spawn rates

    I find compasses a lot in residential areas.
  3. Nasakenai

    First Aid Kit

    Here's an idea for a new rare item that can be found in residential areas: First Aid Kit: - Takes up 2 inventory slots - Contains 3 bandages, 1 morphene, 1 epi pen, 1 antibiotic, 1 painkillers. The kit itself could spawn with only a few of those items present (because it is after all the apocalypse and previous survivors may have used some of the items), but it could be reloaded as you find items for it.
  4. Nasakenai

    [IDEA] Flare Gun

    Great Idea! Flare guns oven come up in zombie themed movies and games as well. For added use - zombies will gravitate towards the flare. If somebody is dug in somewhere, shoot a flare and draw zombies to his location, possibly forcing him to relocate!
  5. Nasakenai

    Energy Drinks!

    I'd love to see my favorite form of hydration included in the game: Energy Drink (various brands): - Fills up your water meter (yeah they're carbonated but so are sodas and they fill it) - Run slightly faster for a time. - Swing melee weapon slightly faster for a time. - Climb/go over obstacles slighly faster for a time. They would be fairly rare, but not as rare as a Mountain Dew. In addition, I mentioned this before but I'd like to see a six-pack of coke/pepse (maybe even dew) added as a rare item that takes up two inventory slots but has six uses. For food, there can also be a six-box of granola bars that heal 150 blood, has six uses, and takes up two inventory slots. All of these items would only be findable in residential loot areas.
  6. Nasakenai

    trash trail

    Like the idea and suggested something similar in the past. I don't think it should go in your pack though, it should go on the ground (same thing with empty mags). The careless player who doesn't think to pick up after themselves leaves a trail that can be taken advantage of by others.
  7. Nasakenai

    Reworking Sniping for realism and gameplay

    This is good because it would be more realistic. When is the last time you saw a military infantry squad on patrol with every member using .50's? There's a reason why assault rifles and battle rifles are so popular.
  8. Nasakenai

    Basements and attics

    Along with more enterable buildings, I would love nothing more than to see basements and possibly attics in houses. Maybe not every single house, but at least 25% to a 3rd of them. There could be loot there, but it could also be a great place for people to hide tents and gear – especially in smaller, less traveled villages and such. Along with a mechanic eliminating players ability to tell whether or not other survivors are in a town by whether or not there are zombies there, it would be perfect. This would go great with the caves and whatnot that Rocket has mentioned is being looked in to.
  9. Nasakenai

    Making looting more fun

    One of the mid to later game flaws in DayZ is the predictability of the loot system. Once you are an established player, you have virtually NO need and NO desire to loot smaller towns or non military areas, and as a result most players end up clustered around Cherno/Elektro/Stary/NWAF. Only Large residential or Barns are ever really looted and everything else is ignored. I would like to see the loot mechanics changed in a way that made small remote towns and smaller houses and buildings just as interesting (or almost just as interesting) to loot and explore as larger areas. Here is my idea: Every kind of loot has a chance to drop very good items, however small. If you’re lootng a residential area, you may stumble across a “survivalist” home or a home where the owner had been stockpiling food and ammunition. It would be random of course and a very small chance. You you could also find very rare but useful items in residential areas (currently the best thing you can really find is a wookie outfit) such as perhaps a dog whistle (assuming they add dogs), salt (preserve meat which would otherwise go bad quickly), six-packs of soda or boxes of granola bars (similar to m249 box magazine, takes up only 2 spaces but gives you 6 drinks), etc. Items should have rarity similar to night vision and be useful so that even mid to late game players have a reason to explore areas besides military establishments. For barns the rarer items could be seeds to grow plants, specific tools, perhaps hiking boots that give you the ability to run faster up mountains, hunting clothes (non ghillie suit non military cammo), maybe an orange hunting vest (to show players you're not a bandit), warm clothes, etc. Perhaps some of these items can ONLY be found in small residential areas or small barns, etc. Currently once I spawn I run around for 15-20 minutes, and then go off searching for crashed helicopters or go only to the big areas of the map and ignore all the small towns unless I’m looking for vehicles/jerry cans/car parts. Adding some changes such as these would make smaller towns more fun to explore and loot because you would have a small chance of finding great gear, just like looking for night vision at heli crashes. Just my thoughts – ideas?
  10. Aside from hacking, randomly getting sniped is probably the biggest driver of frustration in DayZ. In a real life zombie apocalypse, ever survivor would not be running around with a .50 caliber or equivalent weapon randomly shooting each other for fun and profit. In my opinion, the reason that this happens is because of flawed game mechanics that do not properly mimic real life – making extremely long range sniper rifles an ideal all-purpose weapon, when in reality they are a specialty weapon. I think these are the root problems: Availabilty – too common, ammo to easy to find Adaptability – too easily usable in any sort of fight making there little advantage for using a more close range oriented gun even if you’re fighting close range. Stealthability – too easy to remain hidden from other players/zombies while sniping. Ease of use – sniping long distances is far easier than it is in real life. The .50 guns are the ones where the problem is the most obvious, but the changes I’m suggesting could be applied to other long range guns to a varying degree as well. AVAILABILTY: Not really going to talk much about this because the problem should be solved for the most part once hacking is eliminated in the SA. Suffice to say that .50 rounds shouldn’t be found all over the map and neither should other sniper rounds. Ammo should be rare to the point where you are thinking about the cost/benefit of every shot – particularly with the higher end military grade sniper rifles. Missing a shot or two should bring a tear to the eye so to speak. Hunting rifles should be easier to find as well as easier to find ammo for, but should be more limited in the way of optics. ADAPTABILITY: This is a major problem with sniper rifles, particularly the one hit one kill .50 stuff. You can run through a town CQB style quickscoping or noscoping people in an entirely unrealistic fashion. This needs to be brought more in line with reality. Here is a US Marine shooting a .50 sniper rifle from a standing position: As you can see, he’s not likely to hit a thing past maybe 100 yards or so (look at the movement of the barrel before he shoots), the recoil is unmanageable, and there is NO WAY he would be able to go in to a house or clear a room with that – it’s too heavy and would be swaying form side to side as turns corners and moves around due to inertia. Shooting while standing with either .50 should be a waste of time. You should have to be kneeling at a minimum to get a sufficient amount of steadiness for use. If standing/running/turning corners the gun should sway back and for the before centering itself and even centered sway similar to when you’ve just finished running. Players with smaller, lighter guns should have a clear advantage if they’re able to get close enough to use them – to the point where it would be straight stupidity trying to use a huge sniper rifle as an all-purpose weapon. Shooting after making quick turns to left or right should also be handicapped. In other words, if you’re a sniper and somebody gets a flank on you or gets close enough you’d better have close range support or a backup gun in your pack. I also think that for the most steady prone shots you should have to deploy the gun do the ground with a bipod similar to setting up and then using a turret. STEALTHABILITY: It is currently far to easy for a sniper to find a good spot (possibly not even that remote) and just go to town on everybody who happens to be passing by. They’re far enough away that the “chief danger” of the game – zombies will never show up. Sometimes the players getting shot at can’t even hear where the shots are coming from because they’re so far away, grass and some shrubs are not visible at that range making it hard to for players to hide and easier for them to be spotted, etc. If shooting a sniper rifle (even rifle in general), depending on the loudness of the gun zombies should spawn a ways off and start heading towards the sound – this would imitate the idea that zombies are in the woods as well and will gravitate towards the loud noises in curiosity. Sniping from the woods shot not render you completely safe from zombies. Extremely loud guns such as .50’s should attract many zombies. Add realistic audible ranges to larger guns in particular and echos. A .50 shot from an elevated position (hill, etc.) can easily be heard 5 miles away. So yesterday when I was getting shot and hearing nothing but ricochets around me you can understand my surprise (my friend between me and the sniper heard feint AS 50 shots). If some noob is camping elektro with a .50 or there is a large caliber gunfight going on at the airfield, you should be able to hear gunshots and echos from that ON YOUR WAY to the airfield (likely from about the distance of stary sobor) well before you are in range so that you can proceed with caution or go somewhere else. Add a smoke plume of dust kicked up when firing large caliber rifles prone on the ground. You can see dust being kicked up here: If you’re shooting from too close, the dust plume should be easy to see after a few seconds, giving away your position. In addition, startled birds should also fly in to the air around the general location. Laying down a shooting mat or dumping water on the ground could prevent or soften the dust plume, which is how real snipers deal with this side effect.EASE OF USE: Some of this was covered in othe sections, but sniping is much easier than it would be in actuality due to flawed game mechanics. Zeroing: Zeroing should either be taken out completely or made more manual (actually turning knobs between shots to zero it). There is no such thing as a gun that can be that quickly zero’d on the fly. Optics have built in smaller reticles below and are zeroed ahead of time. If you want to make longer range shots you should know the gun and the bullet you are firing, not just have to press page up/page down a few times. Quickscoping/eye relief: Currently in most FPS games every single scope is “quick”able because they don’t take eye relief in to account. The reason why HOLO sights and ACOG’s are so popular is because they are easier to “quickscope” with in real life due to a better eye relief. Longer range scopes in particular take a few seconds to get your eyes in the right location and the right distance from the scope to see the reticle and a clear view. Scopes with less eye relief should take longer between when you right click to zoom in and when you are presented with a clear, accurate sight picture. Secondly, the field of view with these longer range scopes is generally much wider than it actually would be in reality, making it much easier to just scan around for targets through your scope. Longer range scopes need to be slower to use and view diameter needs to be altered – both of which will bring time needed to aquire a target closer to realistic levels. Windage: Could possibly be added for longer range shots, but I don't know how feasable that is. In addition, carrying a VERY heavy gun such as the .50's and the m240 your running speed should be reduced as it is in real life. Combine these usability changes with the other changes mentioned above, and I think that long range sniping will be a lot closer to realistically portrayed than it is currently and playstyles other than “sniper bandit” will be much more attractive and feasible in contrast. In addition, instead of being randomly sniped for the vast majority of your deaths, getting taken down by a skilled and crafty sniper will become something that puts you in awe at his abilities, similar to when you get outgunned by a superior player in a close range fight.
  11. Nasakenai

    Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

    I don't deathmatch and have the hero skin and I suicide from time to time. Krutory Cap is the lamest spawn in the game (besides the wilderness to the west of Kimenka). There is nothing there, and you have to run around for 15 minutes before you can even find a single house to loot. Sure running is a major part of the game but it doesn't make it fun to have to run 15 minutes before you even get to an area where you can actually play the game.
  12. This is exactly what I would love to see - only the NPC's need to be made very difficult and hard to exploit - making it a challenge for even a well seasoned team of players. Currently, the end game is either enlessly run around looking for heli crash sites stockpiling gear and/or deathmatch at the airfield/stary or bambi hunting along the coast. This would be a great addition to the game, as well as a great addition to the story and overall feel of the game. I think that not only should it be one of the most difficult things to successfully accomplish, but taking out a death squad of soldiers could aslo be a way to get some of the best loot in the game, maybe even a looted humvee etc. Perhaps they could patrol around with a bradley light armored transport or something that the average player has NO chance to kill without a bazooka/c4/etc. so that you can't do the "spawn -> find pistold >shoot/kill soldier" thing. They should be deadly, tough (body armor, etc), and organzied into a team - just like in real life.
  13. Nasakenai

    A good way to hide a vehicle better

    This is what we need, be able to take parts out of the car and keep them on you (spark plugs!) so that even if somebody finds your vehicle they have to work hard for it.
  14. My game generally runs fine with everything maxed, however sometimes it just randomly starts lagging horribly - like under 10 fps basically unplayable. I don't know why it happens, sometimes alt+tabbing out and back in fixes it or disconnecting and reloading fixes it (until it happens again). Here are my specs: Alienware m18x 3.4 i7 16gb ram 2x 2gb 6990 in crossfire setup I don't see any reason why it should be laggin, I can run Crysis 2 and Bf3 on ultra with 60+fps. I've also had a similar issue on my second machine (desktop) as well. Anybody else seen this? Anybody have an idea what it could be?
  15. Nasakenai

    Cutting fences

    Love the idea - barb wire too!