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About MrN79

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  1. MrN79

    Food "HIDDEN"

    I have some cooked meat that was in my inventory prior to that is labeled "Cooked Meat". After the update when I killed a cow and cooked the meat it doesn't show up as cooked meat in my inventory or anything for that matter, there is no name next to the beef I just cooked. Could that be the "Hidden"?
  2. MrN79

    Epeen Monitor

    I was pressing the G key and hit the H key by mistake, but it brought up the EPeen monitor. It seems to work only after it's been activated once using the Scroll Lock, and it just repeats the information from the last time Scroll Lock was pressed (doesn't display updated info).
  3. You can also try using the on screen keyboard by going into "Start - All Programs - Accessories - Ease Of Access - On-Screen Keyboard"
  4. Yep, sniping new spawns or kidnapping for sport are just as bad.
  5. It all depends on how you want to play, neither one is honorable but shit-stains who go around killing unarmed players or shooting players armed with hatchets from a distance are shitbag cowards. How easy it is to kill? Try surviving without needless killing...I know it's not what most will do. I can honestly say, I've only killed one other player only because he just axed my playing partner and was coming to axe me, so I shot him with an explosive tipped arrow from my high powered crossbow. The funny part was that we were talking to him and we offered him blood because we saw he was getting attacked by Zs. I'll always play to protect myself, but I'll never kill needlessly or kill players just to take something from them. That's probably why I get killed all the time, I won't shoot first.
  6. Most laptops (Mac or Win) have some type of key combination that will enable Scroll Lock, or user definable key combinations that can be set to enable Scroll Lock.
  7. MrN79


    Since the new update (, antibiotics are common. I've found them on Zs, in warehouses, and of course at hospitals. With the chance of infection from eating raw meat, drinking unboiled water, body temperature dropping, etc., antibiotics are found just about everywhere. Shit! I've been using heatpacks wrong this whole time?! :o
  8. MrN79

    Flying forward roll??

    It was added with
  9. MrN79

    Epeen Monitor

    On my Mac Laptop, I press the fn+shift+F12 key to get scroll lock to work. (Running boot camp with Windows 7). EPeen monitor shows up with that key combination.
  10. On my laptop (MAC) I press the fn+shift+F12 keys, and I get the EPeen monitor to show up. Shows Zombie Kills, Headshots, Bandit Kills, Something I can't remember, and Humanity.
  11. So far I've found the little bird, the hind, and one of the green off road vehicles. I've flown both helis and have driven the off road vehicle.
  12. That's great that your server admin was sent an email, but it still doesn't fix the problem for those of us who can't connect to our own servers or other servers. As the server admin, I've sent Vipeax a PM requesting to have my ID reset as the message states..."if you are the server admin, please contact the DayZ staff". Already requested to have my server subscription cancelled, and will wait for the stand alone to see if these problems get fixed. Good luck to those of you still waiting...
  13. I've tried several times here, and i'm also sent Vipeax a PM. I"ve contacted my server provider and was told that the problem lies with my corrupted player and that can only be fixed by the DayZ staff who seem to not want to help out. It happens to affect 1.7.3 servers with the latest ArmA2 98866 patch, and not just servers. Since I haven't been able to log into any server including my own, i've contacted my server provider and cancelled my subscription. If the devs would come out and let us know that they are working the problem then I would be willing to keep my server up and running, but since nothing is being conveyed to let us know what is being done to fix/remedy/patch this problem, I can't keep paying for a service that isn't being utilized.
  14. I've contacted my server provider and they can't seem to help, and asked if i've contacted the devs, which i've been posting here several times. If this is an ongoing issue whenever I patch my server, then all that is left is to cancel my subscribtion. I can't see paying money for a product that I or others can't use. I'll keep asking for a player reset...thanks Player Name: Oscar Mike ID:14461766
  15. Hello Admins, Everything seemed to be working fine, then installed latest patch and now I'm getting the error. I am the server admin for US 7950. Player Name: Oscar Mike ID:14461766 Thanks