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Average Pegasus

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Everything posted by Average Pegasus

  1. Average Pegasus

    Just saw Rocket again.

    You just give me an idea brb gonna do some epic photoshop paint work Edit: DONE
  2. Average Pegasus

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I see what you did there
  3. Average Pegasus

    Just saw Rocket again.

  4. Average Pegasus

    Lee Enfield/Mosin Nagant

    I dont know why they dont add it. They are ready to go. On Balota Origin we have the mosin.. (yes the server have mod adding extra weapon like the cz-75 or a ppsh-43) they could take it and add it beside the lee enfield
  5. Average Pegasus


    new Camping area but new stuff to see
  6. Average Pegasus

    [SA] Gathered map

    Imagine if they do all the country I would love to see Novigrad. How big it could be.. Imagine how easy it would be to hide stuff now. Finaly make plane useful and make running a pain in the ass and force people to get vehicule... Ad more place to go with new stuff to see.
  7. Average Pegasus

    Behold The Day Z Party Bus!

    It the swag bus
  8. Average Pegasus

    tutorial suggestion for STANDALONE

    Or you are in a ship and it sink (explain why you spawn on the beach)
  9. Average Pegasus

    Auto-Walk Key

    I end up in a tree most of the time.... went i auto run
  10. Average Pegasus

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    firecracker, with this you can scare the shit out of people (noob and stressed people)
  11. Average Pegasus

    First try on origins

    People will go on BB UK origin server After fix the loot problem and the huey are NPC
  12. Average Pegasus

    Dayz cars and car parts

  13. Average Pegasus

    Temperature Icon is... broken

    Red = hot Went it gonna be blue your family jewels will be snowballs
  14. Average Pegasus

    Dayz origins bandit/hero L1 questions

    Good video that can really help and by the way, Don't die in the process of building your house (the 24 hours that you have to wait for the foundation) ... or you cant finish it... and you cant build an other one... (happens to me and that suck). It seem they act like Tents in Vanilla dayz, Get all the material for your house (fondation + wall) and build the foundation, Log off (24 hours in game btw) reconnect went the fondation are ready and finnish your house. avoid to all cost dying
  15. Average Pegasus

    Maps or countries you would like to play in

    New zealand... all the country...
  16. Average Pegasus

    More variety in motorbikes.

    old side car? close to WW2 era?
  17. Average Pegasus


    who care that would be fun with friends...
  18. Average Pegasus

    More variety in motorbikes.

    Would love to drive an harley on the coast road, with born to be wild playing in the direct chat.
  19. Average Pegasus

    SA: Flare gun!

    Using a flare gun as a weapon is, at the base, a stupid idea (not deadly, so what the point?)... why not using it like the Flare in the m203 for lighting an area and distract zombies or something like that...
  20. Average Pegasus

    Freshly Spawned Kill Suggestion

    This is DayZ and the dev team want to make it the most realistic possible... Adding this would be like adding a Babysitter saving your ass form trouble soo you get all the good loot at the big city safely....
  21. Average Pegasus

    SA: Flare gun!

    BAMBI USE FLARE GUN ON BANDIT ''it's not very effective...''
  22. Looking good but with everybody On the boat... Im just gonna stay outside of it.... With a sniper... and bean
  23. Average Pegasus

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Love your ninja loljk Every time they give us information... day fell like week... WE WANT MOAR...
  24. Average Pegasus

    DayZ, buying it now?

    Buy it. Standalone might get delayed (again...) and Arma 2 is a good game with many mod. Wasteland, Life, I even found a demolition derby server lol. If you buy arma 2 get yourself dayzcommander, It will help you to keep all your stuff Up-to-date and you can save server and come back later on (witch on arma2 it harder)
  25. Average Pegasus

    NPC Survivors

    Rocket say No to NPC, He dont want any NPC in his game. So the only other survivor you see should be real people with real reaction.