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Skie Colst

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Everything posted by Skie Colst

  1. I was walking from electro to cherno, and i got hit by 1 zombie. i didn't take any damage but it teleported me into the water, dropping my primary, all my ammo and my backpack (full) on the ocean floor. now, tbh i know DayZ is still alpha, and buggs are obviously goin' to happen, but that Zombie was just a troll. R.I.P all my good gear (took my a very long time to get some of that stuff too) now the stuff that went missin' was exactly what others would call top of the line, but it still sucks to lose it in this manner. if some one had have killed me, then good game, i dont mind. but when its in this manner...sorta is off putting. If anyone knows how to stop that from happening, please tell.
  2. Skie Colst

    annoying thing that keeps happening

    i wasn't in the open, i was up in the treeline. the zombie was following me because i shot his buddy when i ducked into a barn. Hackers suck. oh well, back to using an enfield XD