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About Cutter888

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  1. Cutter888

    Coordinates of the Vulture clan camp.

    Some others on reddit have tried to raid the camp, only to receive the same treatment
  2. Cutter888

    Coordinates of the Vulture clan camp.

    It's an annoyance maybe you'll understand one day, after spending an hour or two searching the Northern regions and coming close to their camp they kill 3 guys, who were heavily kitted out, and ban the others before we can retaliate. They could easily have just flown the chopper out of there, but instead chose to cheat. We don't even care that much about losing our loot, but to be cheated out of a chance take their camp is utter bullshit.
  3. We were kicked from the Vulture clan server DE398, before this we had a firefight with them while they flew their chopper around Veresnik, and after we shot one of their guys out of the chopper they retreated, we heard the chopper head north and so the 6 of us decided to scout for the chopper as all the Vulture guys had left the server. We later found the Camp at 004 000, in the top left of the map, they killed 3 of our guys then banned the other 3 guys (including myself) who were heading to the camp, as we had split up to scout. If anyone is close do your best to destroy the camp before they move.
  4. What I'd also like to see is the ability to write into your journal yourself, maybe even allowing you to tear out pages and leave notes. This could lead to people writing stories and leaving them about, maybe just leaving messages to passers by, or numbering pages and letting people collect a story of your travels, page by page. A friend of mine tells me there was a guy in Ultima who did nothing but write Erotic fiction, I imagine we have people screwed up enough to fill that gap too!
  5. the M4's maybe military, but they're still every where. Yes the red dot, scoped and silenced versions are some what rarer, but the standard M4 is almost as common as an AK, and the Stanag ammo litters most military camps.
  6. Used the M4A3 CCO for ages as well, M4's in general are just all round great weapons. The M4A1 SD CCO is my current weapon of choice, having a silenced weapon makes clearing a path through zombies easy, and having the ability to take down other players without anyone else knowing your location is a god send.
  7. Cutter888

    Day Z...WAS.....fun

    The coast is a death zone, you stay there, that's your problem, I don't see why you need to have your cake and eat it, you want to go into Chern and electro wit out being shot? tough shit, they're bandit hotspots. Stay away or get killed.
  8. Cutter888

    Day Z...WAS.....fun

    Yadda Yadda, move away from the coast, problem with people spawn camping solved.
  9. I don't get the problem here, Bandits on the coast killing players for beans? who cares, the coasts loot is nothing compared to what you find inland, and Chern and Electro are pretty much designated war zones. You go into either of those cities, you deserve to die. I've never stayed near the coast, and as such I've never seen a problem of these so called Death match killings. As soon as I spawn I get the hell away from the coast, here I can easily stay alive for days before I slip up and end up dying one way or another, the huge open expanses of the map leave you seeing very few other players. I'll admit I've killed people, but I don't consider myself a bandit. I play with a group of friends (some of whom I've played alongside in various FPS's for a decade now, so we're quite a tight group) and we usually shoot on sight, is this what you consider death match killing? Yes we have a very aggressive stance, we know we usually have the upper hand in numbers and equipment and are usually found in very hostile areas such as Stary and NW airfield, we shoot to stay alive, but we scavenge for loot just like every one else, which is how we gained our equipment advantage to begin with.
  10. Cutter888

    Psychology of the Murderer.

    have to agree with most, playing the likes of ME and other games that force you into moral choices, I hate it when you make the choices as you try to play your character, then you get punished when the game forces you down a route you would have never chosen. for instance in ME1 I was forced to kill Wrex because I was not enough of a rebel/paragon to take the options to save him, and was forced to shoot him, even though I was being good to my crew, and dicks to people I didn't like. That was an option I would never have taken but was forced down that path by the game. This game is very open, moral choices are made by you, not forced upon you.
  11. Cutter888

    Did anyone buy Arma 2 solely for this mod?

    a friend linked me to an article on DayZ, I instantly saw the potential but then realised I had to buy Arma2. I was resistant a first but eventually took the plunge thinking, this had better be the best mod in the world..I guess it got lucky..
  12. I am with these guys, and we plan to do just that, but that doesn't mean they should be allowed to abuse their admin status in a way which breaks the game to their advantage.